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Korb Biakustra

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Everything posted by Korb Biakustra

  1. My version was downloaded less than 15 days ago so I thought it was up to date, sorry. Now with the new version, the toolbar icon works. But the update totally broke my space station. :< Going to improvize an emergency replacement of the whole energy supply part before Jeb runs out of coffee and realize the coffee machine doesn't work anymore! [Edit] Oh, why removing the max/min angles? That was absolutely perfect for me. One could simply ignore it, but if accurate angles were necessary, we could set limits and just activate the robotics till their limits. The removal of this parameter in the VAB feels like a regression for me. [Edit 2] Oh, seems it's now in the tweakables, sorry for reading the first post too quickly.
  2. My Ship Manifest toolbar icon has disappeared since a few days. I have all dependencies up to date, and just redownloaded SM (after deleting it). Any ideas? :< (And I second the idea to add possibility to dump ressources, at least waste and liquids, and perhaps gaz if associated with a slight thrust (RCS-like) effect?)
  3. Is it normal that the IR window in flight will never save its position? Everytime I reload the game, it comes back in the middle of the screen. The IR button in the toolbar doesn't do anything either, it would be nice to be able to hide/show the window on demand.
  4. Thanks for your help Prowler_x1! The issue was apparently coming from CoolRockets.cfg! Consider it fixed now. For reference, I tried all three texture packs, and it was a new install of SpaceX pack so there could be no tracks of any older textures. Perhaps the conflict with CoolRockets should be mentioned in first post, it's a quite simple fix!
  5. Well, I did read the first post. It was updated recently and may have mentiond this issue, but I have not found anything. Then I read the last page and still found nothing, so I figured I'd better ask rather than pick pages randomly not even knowing whether the issue had been discussed (search yields a lot of unrelated results). I'm sincerely sorry if I just missed it by two or three pages. I've got like 50 mods, some of them have threads about 500 pages long, I'm glad it is not mandatory to read everything. Thanks for your answer anyway, sorry for asking if it was discussed just before! [Edit] The issue persists after deleting the textures. I was thinking it was odd if ATM loaded old mod textures, as it was the first time I loaded up the game with LazTek SpaceX pack. I'm reinstalling the mod using the LR pack, seeing if it changes anything.
  6. I have just installed this awesome pack, without the expansion, and here's what happens with Dragon 2: Any ideas of what is causing these missing textures? I have not Load on Demand running, but have Texture Replacer and ATM.
  7. Can you point me to the exact error in the log file? Perhaps I could see the name of the messed up texture and try to track down which mod may be involved. I'll need that to get a working LOD. TR's mipmap is now disabled.
  8. Thanks a lot! By the way, I think I don't understand the "THIS VERSION BREAKES SAVEFILE" warning, as previous updates with this warning didn't break my mod list, and only once asked me to set the KSP folder again (but only once, despite the warning being shown on subsequent updates too).
  9. I have no idea sorry, mine only carries monopropellant and three small AIES RCS thrusters (can take a while to move around a big module :<). Would you have a picture of your tug? In PM maybe if Sumghai doesn't want us to continue off-topic.
  10. Thanks for the reply! Alright for the standard lights, that's your mod and I can understand why you don't want them, no worries! I hope you'll find a way for the automatic internal lights, I'm glad you like the idea. By the way, I really like the Airlock status idea too, and in fact I had it in mind too in my previous post but did not want to ask too much at once. That seems to me like a good and reasonable workaround, the best of both worlds, and still choice to the user.
  11. Any news on it Space_Kraken? Please tell me you've taken over the project.
  12. Also, it would be nice if internal lights were switched on/off depending on "inhabited" status: if a Kerbal is in a module, the light is on, otherwise it's off. It would help figuring out where actually are the Kerbals when looking at a populated station.
  13. Absolutely, but as I said, this info box did load all textures and did report loading was successful (34/34), and then it disappeared! So I guess it got its job done here. Thanks, I'll try that. [Edit] Same behaviour. What happens is that LOAD prepares 344 on 344 total textures on the main menu, then the count drops to 0/0. Then I load my save game, wait a bit at the Space Center but nothing happens, so enter the VAB, and there "p" will stay at 0/0 while "l" will load textures, as reported by the central infobox below the ship name. It will successfully load 34/34 textures (I'm still on the "Pods" page at this pint), then drop to 0/0 too. I don't see any change in the "Pods" page textures during the process. Then when I change pages, LOD will not do anything anymore; no loaded or prepared textures, no central infobox.
  14. The update fails here, LLM suggest downloading manually. Not a big deal I guess, but you might want to check what is wrong with the autoupdate.
  15. Thanks for your answers. However I don't understand why I get these textures errors, because I did wait for the textures to be loaded. When reaching the main menu, I wait for LOD to load 342/342, then load my save, wait a bit at the Space center, enter the VAB, wait for the central window to state that all textures have been loaded (34/34), and then I still get parts like this: [Edit] Tried to launch that "ship" in the screenshot, but it crashed the game before I reached the launchpad.
  16. I like request 1, just the standard lights part. The texture of FusTek modules is indeed not very reflective, and I always add some lights to the modules but it hurts my heart each time I do that because I keep telling myself "watch the part number!" I don't like idea 2. RCS placement is a design task and I want to be able to place them where I want while scratching my head to reduce the total number. If I have a long block of two modules, I'd rather try to place just a set in the middle instead of one on each part, or one set on each part rather than two sets on each part's ends. Additionally, I don't think every module should be RCS-capable on its own. Finally, you would need a unmanned command module each time you want to control a FusTek module. I prefer keeping thrust, flight control and miscellaneous facilities well separated. If I build a symetric station with no RCS on the modules, and later want to add some, then it's time to rethink the design and either upgrade (replace) the modules were RCS would be optimal, or expand the station by adding small RCS engines and command modules in strategic locations. To build stations without RCS thrusters on the modules, in order to keep the part count as low as possible, I've used a reusable RCS robot, with adjustable RCS position to match the center of mass of the object to move (see below), and I'd be frustrated if such strategies would become useless/counterintuitive if all FusTek parts were autonomous.
  17. That's right, I forgot about that! What do "Ref all" and "GC" stand for, in the interface? The GUI is not very clear to me to be honest, it would perhaps deserve a little legend in the first post! [Edit] Just tried to go in the VAB, several parts were showing these purple buggy textures, and others were missing details even after waiting a few seconds. I tried "ref all", assuming it would perhaps try to refresh all textures, but it crashed the game. output_log.txt file is here. It is really huge; I'm using a lot of mods so I guess it's related.
  18. I edited my post the minute you replied. I've installed ATM back, up to date. The game is still loading. It's not frozen, but the loading is VERY long now. I think I launched it like 25 min ago (usually it takes about 2 min to load).
  19. You GATU folks should take a look at this: http://www.firstmenonthemoon.com/ Sorry if it's a repost, I just discovered it earlier today, and I'm still stunned. And this is what GATU is all about.
  20. Thanks for the quick answers! I've removed ATM and installed LOD. After a very long "frozen" state of the loading screen while processing MM patches (which usually occurs, but is shorter), I got something like "Load on demand encountered a problem and was disabled. The requested feature is not implemented." No log file in GameData\Loadondemand, but this in KSP.log: [Edit] OK, seems I had only vcredist_x64 installed, installing x86 seems to have fixed that issue.
  21. Thanks a lot for this great initiative, this mod would definitely be a huge improvement for many KSP players. I hope it will progress nicely to a stable state! I am not sure I understood this part correctly. OK with disabling texture compression, but how exactly is TR used to replace part textures? For instance, I have installed the Squad Retextured HD project, which improves part textures, but I think it does not use TR. So why would any mod use TR to do the same? I actually think I missed something (and I am sincere here, it's not a critic), because I thought TR was made to replace textures for everything but parts. I use TR to replace planet textures, suits, heads, and skybox. Am I good to go for a trial with LOD if I disable TR compression?
  22. These would be shielded if I understand correctly. And overall, non-procedural fairings are a very good/interesting practice for optimizing size and compactness of payloads, and hence can sometimes discourage from making very large payloads with very large rockets as we would perhaps do easily with procedural fairings that will fit even the most bizarre designs. I do use Procedural fairings quuite extensively, but I've had a lot of fun with fixed-size AIES fairings. Last time, my challenge was to launch solar panels for my space station into Kerbin orbit, in one launch, and with a regular-sized-realistic-ish rocket (see below in tiny size due to off-topic, sorry; I'll remove it if you prefer Sumghai). I finally used procedural fairings for the final rocket so this is kind a of very bad example. However, I first made sure the 12 solar panels fitted in the AIES fairings, and then took the Procedural fairings only because I have "KW Rocketry black and white" HD texture for them, and I usually dedicate this texture to unmanned payloads. Inside AIES fairings. Closer look, inside Procedural fairings: Deployment of the panels (that was just a trial, actual solar panels were sent to 600 Km orbit): I would probably never have optimized the payload volume like that if I had only procedural fairings in the VAB. Procedural fairings are awesome; non-procedural fairings are cool too, especially if shielded.
  23. Thanks, great reactivity as usual! Is it possible to show folder size for each mod? This would allow prioritizing temporary uninstallations when running out of RAM and getting a lot of crashes (yes, OK, I crashed 10 times tonight so it may have facilitated this idea ). An "Open folder" option in the right-click menu would be good too to check custom-edited files, check which parts are installed before updating a mod (all parts will be installed by default), and so on!
  24. Thanks for your support, I did not do much though! Finally sorted it out with the help of Codepoet (CLS mod creator). The cause of the issue is described here, as well as the fix: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68617-WIP-Connected-Living-Space-API-for-connected-habs-%28new-download-16-2-14%29?p=1174079&viewfull=1#post1174079
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