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Everything posted by Lortto

  1. I should really be designing a rover but I have a horrible designers block. I just can't seem to be able to design anything I'm happy with or design a usable landing system for one. Hence my kerbals have to walk all the time. I have no problem designing craft though as my usual craft + lander combo seems capable of going just about anywhere with only minor support. I use pretty much only a regular asparagus staged launcher and I only vary the number of SRB's I put in it. It's got too much fuel for most of my payloads.
  2. Heh very possible. Nice design by the way. I'm going to have to make an adaptation of that as my rover transporting designs have all been pretty much dismal failures. The only thing I've done so far today was dock with my unmanned supply station in Munar orbit and drop off some fuel and Kirk & Bartbald Kerman for a long stay. Next step is landing the thing and launching a few more. Hopefully to Duna and the inner planets.
  3. I've been launched unmanned supply & refuel stations to Mun and Minmus and I decided that I could have a mission to top off their tanks. I also left 2 kerbonauts on both stations and I expect them to be there for a few years before getting them back. Here's my Kerbion craft docking with the Minmus station.
  4. Oh my god. Now you just gave me nightmares. Hopefully Slender Man can't reach orbit as I have stations orbiting both Mun & Minmus.
  5. That must've taken quite a bit of design work. That lander with rover seats is just hilarious.
  6. I like your transfer station design a lot. Gave me a few ideas.
  7. All I have is the Chatterer plugin. It's just too hilarious and doesn't really effect gameplay at all.
  8. I know what you mean. I've been waiting for a good launch window to Jool & Duna but didn't just want to timewarp for a long time so I've been just designing all sorts of junk meanwhile and noticed I suck a lot at rover design. Making a station on a kerbosynchronous orbit was a good way to pass the time.
  9. Excellent story. I have to see if I can subscribe to this.
  10. I managed to take this picture from my first trip to Duna.
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