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Posts posted by volkkeslate

  1. On 12/3/2016 at 8:23 AM, MeCripp said:

    Is there a link to all the parts even the ones that don't load ? If not you can PM me a link with the parts that don't load will try and take a look at them


    EDIT- I had some old Download


    Apologies for not seeing this sooner.

    Here's my branch of the mod for download since it's more up to date, i'll try to get the two taper parts functioning sometime this weekend if at all possible. (will also pull this link after main branch is brought up to date)


  2. Hello all, I'm one of the maintainers of the Kosmos parts pack and i've hit a bit of a dead end due to a bit of a lack of knowledge in things pertaining to error message syntax and the like.

    Anyone that can understand this mumbo jumbo and maybe help me get this part fixed so we can get the mod up to date again? (it's the first error on the list for the 2-1.5_Taper part)


  3. On 11/16/2016 at 1:48 PM, ArkaelDren said:

    Holy crap I'm so happy to see this again.  WHERES ALL THE SUPPORT Community???  This is one of the legendary packs from days gone by.  Show some love and hope and maybe Raider will get this up to speed for 1.2.1.

    Thx Raider

    From Oregon, Dren

    We're almost there, my branch currently works with the exception of two of the tapered parts not loading. Still poking at them to try and figure out what's wrong with them.

  4. @Bezzier I haven't gotten to do a ton of testing with all of the parts yet but I did build a small ship with about 890Delta-V, after getting it into a circular orbit with 646Dv left i sent it off to the Mun, circularized and then brought it back to kerbin with about 80-90Dv to spare.

    So these new monoprop capacities feel about right while still leaving some wiggle room, especially compared to the old capacities. (i probably could have gotten to duna on those!)

    I have a few other ideas and suggestions for other things though. Would you prefer that i submit those on the Github?

  5. The null reference exceptions would interesting. The debug output is my fault sorry, I forgot to disable the debug output. In future releases this can be changed using a settings files. Unfortunately I have not created a branch for the 0.5 release and and the current version of the code is quite different. That's why you have to wait for the next release. Sorry.

    Good to know that it's at least meant to be there and isn't some mystery error at least, thanks for the expedient reply and i'll be sending you a PM.

  6. if i were to deorbit any flights with the current parts in place i assume i'd be okay to go ahead and beta test?

    I actually initially came here to try and get help squashing a bug since i keep getting spammed with "[NE] Stop Alarm" in the debug menu and it's really dragging performance to a crawl. Though before that when i was in EVA with my kerbal it was throwing several null reference exceptions along with the stop alarms.

    included a screenshot with the parts i have on the station if that helps


  7. with all this talk of configs i'm curious if anyone has any alternative configs/modulemanager files for the recently re-released bobcat parts? while the preconfigured ECLSS life support resources work, the quantities they have are imbalanced for TAC. (300 days of oxygen and one day of food and water do not work well.)

    Failing an actual file, what's a good rule of thumb for resource amounts so i can tweak the parts myself?

  8. I actually have to admit that this is the reason why i don't leave kerbin SOI very often which has proven rather detrimental to me wanting to keep playing as much as i used to (you get sick of rebuilding all of your basic space stations each time you have to reset your save) so a little love to other planets and moons might make me interested in extraplantetary bases and the like

  9. Can I just repeat the request for doors that open automatically? I use these on probes rather a lot. (Can this be done with a config edit? If so, how?)

    IN the config there is a line in the module area

    availableInVessel = False

    Change the line to read:

    availableInVessel = True

    i've tested this out on my own save file and it opens and closes in eva and in cockpit (also works with probes), just remember to always make backups! :cool:

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