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  • About me
    Spacecraft Engineer
  1. All my designs are made using FAR. This thing was inspired by and built around the solid booster, because bored. Reentry is shallow, less than 10deg. Long mach 3+ glide above 20k.
  2. Quick to orbit crew shuttle. 20deg climb profile from runway to orbit. Face armor was required to keep cockpit from melting on the way down.
  3. I stack wings on my designs all the time and overlap them and they work as desired in FAR. Example
  4. This gives me motivation to finish flight testing one of my recent designs. I've never test flown it without FAR.
  5. Thanks! It is around 410tons takeoff weight, it needs flaps to takeoff. Surprisingly it will carry any load with minor adjustments, two big oranges didn't require any balancing I just filled up all the tanks and made orbit first test flight. The center section is all fuel so I just move that around to get a good balance, the only time it is unstable is when it is completely dry on re-entry, so I just keep about 300fuel in the front most tank and it glides like a paper plane.
  6. The design started conventional but it kept burning up during re-entry. ( I use FAR) So I slapped a heat shield on the back in the middle and now it will happily plunge into the atmosphere at 2300ms. Also removing the wings made it so I don't have to worry about CoM balance issues on the return. Lazy for the win!
  7. The tiny engines and the service bay make perfect VTOL engine housings.
  8. The engine placement and angle, along with the wing twist and tail probably helped.
  9. Built this the other day. Can pull like 27+ G and the turn radius is insanely tight.
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