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Everything posted by RichieD76

  1. Lincolnshire, England. Used to go to school with Michael Foale which is my little clain to space fame.
  2. maybe having next to sole responsability for supplying the ISS is pushing the limits of what they can make and quality if suffering so its abit worrying. Seams ESA lauches are going ok but then there dont have such a tight deadlines and with it being new for them, there taking there time to get it right. Soyuz can carry like double the payload weight from french guiana to which is cool. Makes you wonder if the Saturn V could have been alot smaller if it was launched form near the equator. Buran will always be a nicer craft for me. maybe because there wasnt so much known about it in comparison to the shuttle....plus it had more boosters! Personly i find the Jaxa, chinese & ISRO rockets the most interesting, although you can tell they have looked at american and european rockets before designing there own. but i dont care, they seam to blow up alot so that keeps me happy
  3. Right..where to start. Nova...personally i think the way in which this craft handles should be the basis of every shuttle/glide entry type craft for when horizontal VAB is released as its perfect! Maybe it could do with a little more mass all over but other than that it handles brill. So far i\'ve managed to get into orbit and adjust orbit hights, detatch and 'dock' with my jetesoned stage (which without RCS i think is an achevement) I\'ve managed to land perfectly just by pulling up in the last 1000mtr to drop the velocity below 50mps and verticle hight to about 5mps. I\'ll admit i overshot the runway first time round but on only my second go i was way off to the right but managed to glide round 90degree\'s and land across the space center, even though i was a really far distance away. Honestly i hated the 'plane' mods on here and tried C7 once then deleted it, but this mod has changed my mind and will be giving C7 another go once i\'ve put this down. Only problem i have with it is the fragile nose cone, but i can live with that.
  4. I\'ll second the Vulcan bomber. Was driving home from work one day and I here it powering up from nearly half a mile away! So pulled up fast as I could, and took a video. Will post it to YouTube and post the link.
  5. Would be even cooler if you could configure landing rockets to reduce thrust per altitude. But then if it\'s tuned right it would allow fully automatic landing which takes a lot of the fun away
  6. Debbie does Dallas Slut!
  7. Yeah F-sim shuttle for iPad/iPhone where you land the......shuttle : is really good. Hasn\'t had an update for a while but other than drag chute animation its done. Real racing HD2, modern warfair but that more of a management game. Metal storms (fighter plane sim) is not bad...bit arcadey though.
  8. Battlefield heroes, for the fun factor,3rd person shooter. Or for a little more hardcore battlefield play4free which is fps. I play both and think there quite good. Hate the buy better weapons type system but who cares when there paying for you to have a free game right? I play a lot of multiplayer games on iOS on good old iPad 2 but none worth mentioning really. Minecraft was good up untill the novelty wore off. I had at 1.01 (I think) night was just being introduced. The game being ported to XBLA killed it for me. That game DESERVED 3D yet they sold out to Xbox. Not starting a console war because I own all consoles but that game needed to be played on a big TV popping out the screen!
  9. You got an iPhone/iPad? Search for orbit creator and check it out for yourself. It\'s WAY to tedious to explain I\'m afraid. Besides it more fun to learn that to be taught
  10. The A10 isn\'t an aircraft..... Nor has it ever been! It shouldn\'t be included I this. It\'s a flying gun! :-) And a lovely one at that. Gutted they never went crazy when the USAF had an upgrade.. A nice set of rockets for STOL would have fitted well. A10 gets my vote although I think the U-2 spy plane & sea harrier has got to get a mention and the lightning. Especially as the lightning was the only plane that could be put into a steep incline and hit the same servise ceiling as the blackbird thanks to those monster engines. Although it couldnt maintain the altitude. Up untill a while ago there was a british company based in south Africa offering rides in the lightning, taking you over 80k feet so theoretically making the passanger an astronaut. Same with the U-2 seeing as Young and Grippen borrowed the U-2 pilots suits for the first Columbia flight.
  11. I wasn\'t being negative. I was just saying at the minute they seam over powered BUT get a satellite/bigger pod/lander and they will be totally different. They might not even need re-ballancing. Hopefully in the full version H might be able to devise a way of setting level. Maybe by reducing power by 5% and tank capacity by the same for hard & increasing them for easy. I mean for now....take them as they are and if you don\'t like them just change there peramiters for yourself in notepad. But myself I\'m holding out for the pack to be complete...as I say...don\'t snag it...untill it\'s finnished. Kept up the good work bad boy!
  12. Think you\'ve the right way about it. Besides the rockets will act Compleatly different with the added mass of the lander inside. Even as they are you could be tight for fuel when the pack includes the lander. Don\'t snag a job before its finnished
  13. Yeah roll between 1000ms and 2500m and it pitches itself over. I fount that if you try pushing it over on its side as is, it gets hard to control. Maybe because one srb is pushing you over and the other is trying to push straight up? So i\'m laying in on its back or front as such. Also found....don\'t know why....it\'s pitches over much easyer to head @ 270* rarther than 90* but I like that because that\'s how I find it best to get to the Mun. It tends to natural pitch towards 270* for me with just a little yaw correction if I\'ve over or under rolled at the start.
  14. I have to admit a mei long type capsule would be great. With integrated RCS? That way it would allow for a smaller orbital upper stage. Or it would be perfect for a lander as you could have a shorter, lower centre of gravity yet still have moneverability on the way back home.
  15. I always do a 90 degree roll at 1000m and after that it guides itself perfectly into orbit with only the slightest of throttle and RCS input. As long as SAS & RCS are active before you leave the pad you shouldn\'t have any problems. Love the pack by the way. Looking forward to the lander.
  16. I\'m sorry....did you just knock up this beautiful looking capsule in under a 6hrs? Legend! Loose the 1.5m idea though. The ones you have already are brilliant...just perfect them (not much to do) only draw back I found was gimbal rock but untill ASAS is fluid and is not full opposite lock there\'s nothing you can do. Can\'t load up the lite due to not having the capsual but when the dragons out, you thinking of re-releasing this pack with it? This is in my top 3 mods that\'s for sure. Great work
  17. Sorry guys no email for me either. 99% sure I still have the donation receipt though.
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