Place the craft on the launchpad and quicksave. In your save map there is a file named quicksave.sfs open it with notepad. you'll see a section named VESSEL { pid = 26a25144169045eca26f366b15dfb396 name = Untitled Space Craft type = Probe sit = PRELAUNCH landed = True landedAt = LaunchPad splashed = False met = 0 lct = 64189449.7542519 root = 0 lat = -0.102673142543697 lon = -74.5753855236413 alt = 68.6770413772902 hgt = 0.2177495 nrm = 7.235773E-07,1,-5.018139E-08 rot = -0.7009887,-0.09221876,-0.09726401,0.7004643 CoM = -1.227846E-07,0.01574069,-0.008193517 stg = 1 prst = False eva = False ref = 1113390502 cPch = 0 cHdg = 0 cMod = 1 ORBIT { SMA = NaN ECC = 1 INC = NaN LPE = 178.925311711527 LAN = 0 MNA = 0 EPH = 72762295.4263465 REF = 1 OBJ = 0 } This line tells you the right VESSEL section : name = Untitled Space Craft This part tells you the orbit information : ORBIT { SMA = NaN ECC = 1 INC = NaN LPE = 178.925311711527 LAN = 0 MNA = 0 EPH = 72762295.4263465 REF = 1 OBJ = 0 } SMA = Semi mayor axis ECC = Eccentricity INC = Inclination REF = reference object, which planet or moon you are orbiting.