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Everything posted by hugix

  1. To be fair, this is only for the client computers (the laptops you see in the videos made onboard). The ISS itself (and all of her subsystems) probably use a system written by NASa / ESA / RC / JAXA programmers.
  2. What you guys are forgetting is that these spacey warships are not moving trough the universe, but rather move the universe around the ship. Also the speed of light got increased in the year 2208
  3. I made a mapping satellite for the entire Jool system based on the Cassini Huygens design. It consisted of two parts. the main probe. With ISA mapsat and some other gizmo's. And a lander probe consisting of some battery's a chute and some science gizmo's doomed to make a soft landing on Laythe. the huygens probe. After a perfect watery landing I went further to explore the system with Cassini. It was a blast. Except for the smallest moon I got all mapping info with ISA. (Except for some polar regions due to inclination changes for the next moon). I even got to crash the Cassini probe on Tylo. Which was very cool! The probe entering the Joolian system The huygens probe making it's way down to the Laythean surface (or Laythean waters) Water it is First encounter with Tylo six probes is a cool idea but there is a lot that can go (will go) wrong! I learned a lot from my mission, I would suggest you do the same. The Joolian system is very crowded and complex. Be sure you know how to handle yourself.
  4. My moonbase in preps for resources. Modular tanks that can be linked together Exactly my smile after the most work on my base was finished One crewmember left behind to take care of the base. And the other one is going home. Evryday I'm tumbling!
  5. Mars one is a big scam. I highly doubt that M1 is capable of acquiring the funding needed for the mission.
  6. I wish I could say CHuck Yeager, but because the Mercury program required pilots with an education Chuck could not join. I am really fond of the Mercury 7 astronauts, especially during that period.
  7. the program no, the orbiters.. Yes They where absolutely brilliant and photogenic
  8. Ooooh and of course, one of hte best series ever!
  9. IF B.S. is in the list Firefly definitely needs to be on the list. (oh god I love Summer glau!)
  10. I made a fueldepot design that is very versatile in it's placement, it has docking ports on all 4 sides one docking port on top for the tanker craft (read below) Normal lights to aid in docking multiple tanks together (or to connect to the mining apparatus) Bright lights to aid in night time landings Legs to stabilize the tanks docked. I'm in the process of building a spacecraft that can land on the top docking port, fill up with fuel and take it to a interplanetary ship in orbit to refuel.
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_the_Earth_to_the_Moon_%28TV_miniseries%29 Great series about the spacerace.
  12. Place the craft on the launchpad and quicksave. In your save map there is a file named quicksave.sfs open it with notepad. you'll see a section named VESSEL { pid = 26a25144169045eca26f366b15dfb396 name = Untitled Space Craft type = Probe sit = PRELAUNCH landed = True landedAt = LaunchPad splashed = False met = 0 lct = 64189449.7542519 root = 0 lat = -0.102673142543697 lon = -74.5753855236413 alt = 68.6770413772902 hgt = 0.2177495 nrm = 7.235773E-07,1,-5.018139E-08 rot = -0.7009887,-0.09221876,-0.09726401,0.7004643 CoM = -1.227846E-07,0.01574069,-0.008193517 stg = 1 prst = False eva = False ref = 1113390502 cPch = 0 cHdg = 0 cMod = 1 ORBIT { SMA = NaN ECC = 1 INC = NaN LPE = 178.925311711527 LAN = 0 MNA = 0 EPH = 72762295.4263465 REF = 1 OBJ = 0 } This line tells you the right VESSEL section : name = Untitled Space Craft This part tells you the orbit information : ORBIT { SMA = NaN ECC = 1 INC = NaN LPE = 178.925311711527 LAN = 0 MNA = 0 EPH = 72762295.4263465 REF = 1 OBJ = 0 } SMA = Semi mayor axis ECC = Eccentricity INC = Inclination REF = reference object, which planet or moon you are orbiting.
  13. Ultimate-guitar.com Had no idea what a Kerbal was but the words "space program" where interesting enough to click the thread.
  14. hugix

    ISS watching.

    NASA has a SpotTheStation service that E-mails you visible passes according to your location. Very handy in this Smartphone world. http://spotthestation.nasa.gov/ Last Sunday we had the first warm day this year so all the locals went for a drink / chill at the park. Including me. We sat on the grass drinking some beer and having some fun. Till I remembered that the ISS would make 2 flyovers that evening. One that lasted 6 minutes and one that lasted 4 minutes. I got really happy that for the first night since December or something the sky wasn't filled with clouds. I could finally see my beloved stars and satellites! And the ISS! I told some friends what was about to happen and that I'd like to see it. Figured I go for a little walk to the water for a clear view of the Western horizon, to my surprise about 10 guys followed me. And some followed them. We ended up with about 25 people scouting the heavens for her. and about an hour and a half later we did the same thing. It was so cool. People where genuinely interested in the ISS and space and everything else. My hobby-knowledge of space finally payed of. I got a few beers from people who where interested in my stories about space travel. I told almost everything I knew, from the tense Apollo 11 landing to Allan Sheppard pissing in his space suit. Even had a great talk with a lovely lady who wants to watch the stars with me more often. Thank you NASA, ESA,ROSCOSMOS & JAXA!
  15. I really loved Frozen planet, but then again, everything by Attenborough is great. Since a few months I got interested in (global) politics and the black project scheme's behind it. I really "enjoyed" the documentary the spy who fooled the world about a spy that told a few lies that became the premise for the Iraq war.
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