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Everything posted by MarkoeZ

  1. lmao, im sure pretty much all of my craft are super overweight, i never watch efficiency. As long as it gets the job done
  2. Hmm, nice idea Gonna try that. And realized i never posted an image of my design, stock parts + MJ is on there for the test flights . Slightly lighter than the real thing atm, but was planning to refine the design after the test flights.
  3. Welcome to the forum! Indeed a friendly thread to start The challenge has 2 options right now: Option 1: Design a module for the space station with maximum of 5 parts, plus 2 docking ports. Basically you can design anything that would be appropriate on a space station and hook it up. I suggest you start with that, while keeping up to date with this thread. Because we are also building... Option 2: Design part of a Jool ship, in orbit, at the space station. Maximum of 8 parts + 2 docking ports. A bit trickier since you would need to know what has or has not been built yet. If you are really in doubt, bringing up various kinds of fuel is always welcome I suggest starting with reading the first post if you have not yet, and always wise to read some of the history of the thread. Dont have to read everything, but just browse around a bit. When you want to start, download the savefile and do testflights before you "officially" take the save, that keeps the save available longer for other people's missions. And when ready check if nobody is doing the challenge before you download and start your mission, and post something like "Launching my mission!" in this thread if its free. Good luck! And if you have more questions, feel free to ask p.s. @Jetski: Feel free to correct me where necessary
  4. Testing launcher designs and first draft of a lander module at the top (untested as of yet)
  5. As awesome as this challenge is, is it already confirmed that it is POSSIBLE with the physics/rails/gravity/rendering/whatever system of the game to get an approach with real mass? Because after various failed attempts i let MechJeb loose on it in various situations (from letting it make its own transfer to lining it up almost perfectly to Bennu and then engaging it), and even that did not give me a close enough encounter to actually see the rock or give give me a point to navigate to :S
  6. Hi Block3y219, Fuel lines do count towards parts if the base node (the first click) is on the main ship. So you can use extra cans for reserve fuel that feed TO the main module as long as you dont leave them attached to the station once you are done. Same as with struts. And Mechjeb will not destroy the save as long as you (once again) disconnect it from the station and de-orbit it (or delete in tracking station). If autopilot is allowed, not sure, but guess so?
  7. My humble opinion: Challenge... Won... frikkin awesome, also make a nice desktop background
  8. Thanks! In the first tests my insanely large rocket did not behave that well (flopping around n stuff, too big for struts) so planning to buid something in orbit now. But its going to need a dozen launches or more for the idea i have, is it ok to use MJ ascent guidance for the boring repetitive construction launches? IF not im going to keep it slightly smaller
  9. Hi ppl, Been planning to do this challenge for a while and finally have a couple of extra days off now. Starting tests and preparations, For Science! Planned mods: MJ and KER Cheers!
  10. Tried this with real mass. Failed hard.. Spent years in-game and hours RL trying to get an intercept but alas... Might give it a go with Gilly mass
  11. First come, first serve And since nobody claimed yet, feel free to go ahead and do your mission Just mention something like " Launching! " so others know you are doing an attempt.
  12. And done! I diverted sliiiiightly from the rules It is a space station challenge, but since we are going to Jool i added a 5 part scout ship! Probably good to scout ahead before we send our B.A.J.S. (Big Ass Jool Ship, name subject to change) on its mission Could also be tugged along for exploration in Jool system ofc. Very basic craft for now, but looks pretty decent already imo and planning to add to it using the docking ports. Probably stuff like sensors/comm (its a scout ship..), power generation (solar panel), rcs like on the deploy modules, landing capability (parachutes/landing gear), etc. Anyone else free to add to it too ofc, just keep in mind its supposed to be a scout ship so keep it small Fully fueled it can already easily get to Jool, scout Jool system, and wait for the mothership. Or to Jool and back with a proper trajectory, maybe a small gravity assist somewhere along the way. Dropbox Save File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i81mtl7muzxwaaj/KSS.sfs?dl=0 Imgur album:
  13. Nvm, seems i've been screwing up somehow. I deleted everything and started totally fresh, working now Launching!
  14. Hmm, maybe i just messed up myself and played on a save i downloaded about a week back, dunno :S Anyway: Launching now! Hmm, now i get an error on the save file: "Incompatible with this version of KSP". Im running version and took the save from last post Solved!
  15. Hi ppl, The link to the savegame on the first page is 3 days old, and the station in it has less parts than in the picture. Where can i find the most recent savegame? Would like to add something Thanks!
  16. Crap, Plan A not working and dont have time for Plan B this evening So up for grabs for the next person! Last save:
  17. Hi guys and girls, My first real attempt at a live stream, getting a second asteroid to kerbin with a (hopefully) improved craft. Link: http://www.twitch.tv/markoezgaming Expect some incidents Cheers! *** TECH TROUBLE. SORRY. But will work soon!! ***
  18. yup, just what i was thinking. And maybe even to avoid infiniglide abuse, a max control surface usage per tonnage or something for the glider part (thats what im interested in ) Edit: p.s. would like to host the challenge, but my work schedule changes too often to be a good host atm...
  19. This thread is almost a year old. The starter will probably not update the main page with scores anymore, so no use pulling it up again. I do like the challenge though, might be fun with all the new parts since then, maybe with some adjustments to the rules. Anyone up for creating a new thread/challenge?
  20. Wow, thought the one plane was an incident, but i see i have to go much larger to stand a chance at scoring Awesome job guys Might just continue this path for a small station though, still fun
  21. Hard at work on this challenge. Built a stock ssto that can take off horizontally, front load/refuel, and its quite not ordinary It does not look like it, but without load it can do a barrel roll at 150 meter and a loop at 400. Most images are from one of the first trial runs, i got the payload (in this case a lander can with solar panels shown in first image) to orbit, planned a return trajectory, but the craft went into a violent spin on reentry. Tumbled around a bit, and lost 4 engines, 2 nukes and jets. Gotta make a more reliable parachute braking system... Managed to land it on the 2 remaining jets though, thats the photo series. Last image is to show it can also take heavier loads to orbit, planning that to be the first draft of the rcs tug (read that somewhere here, great idea ) So yeah, working on it, and the images:
  22. did a trial run last night, mun flyby, ike flyby and duna crashlanding (cockpit survived!) Had about half my fuel left, so should be able to go way further, especially with some gravity assists So yeah, think i could get just about anywhere with the simple craft i built, just gonna add some chutes for planets with atmosphere Going to do a scoring run soon, with youtube vid, but recently switched to linux and need to get screen recording working properly again. Cheers!
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