Step one: Get into a circular orbit higher/lower than your target. Step two: Right-click your target's orbit from the map. Step three: Make a maneuver node, set it so your orbit's [PE] marker is touching your target's orbit. Step four: Drag around your maneuver node by left-clicking and holding the circle part of it, then dragging it around your orbit. Watch if your two orange markers come very close together. Step five: If your orange markers give you an encounter of less than 5km, go to step six. If not, wait until you go around one more orbit and repeat steps 3, 4, and 5. Step six: Follow your maneuver node, hit f5 on your keyboard. This may be important later on. Double-click the speed indicator on the navball to switch it to "target" mode. Step seven: When you get close enough, point towards the three-pointed green indicator and thrust until the speed hits zero. If you failed, hit f9 and try again. Step eight: Point at the pink, four-cornered indicator, and get closer to your target. Slow down before it's too late. Step nine: Use RCS to maneuver yourself towards the target. Remember to use the IJKL keys to move left, right, up, and down, and the H and N keys to move forwards and backwards. Step ten: Get close enough to the docking port to get pulled in by it. Then, you have docked, and your troubles will mostly be over.