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Everything posted by Vonar

  1. The F-35 is by itself a great fighter when dealing with second, third, and fourth generation fighters. The only problem is it is a massive handout cough cough B.j to the military industrial complex that has been compleatly hacked by both Russia and China so its overall effectiveness against their 5'th generation fighters & modern air defense systems (AKA S-400, and S-500's) will be questionable at best.
  2. With no acceptable budget being passed by the Republican-dominated house pretty much every aspect of the federal government will close down as of October 1'st. That includes NASA sadly.
  3. Actually when you read it it is pretty vauge and open ended •New parts** I would presume that the request for structural fuselage sizes falls under the catagory of a part or parts. However if your interested in additional parts there are mods out there that provide plenty of parts for KSP.
  4. Stations can be very unstable, I assemble most of my stations in orbit of the planet or moon that they will be located at. So for example a Munar station would have everything launched from Kerban and built in Munar orbit.
  5. Duna is easy to establish a base on thanks to the planet's atmosphere. I've got the building blocks of a larger base all ready on Duna at this moment. The automated living modules arrived together on the same craft, and were undocked then allowed to slowly float down to the surface of Duna from a altitude of more then 5 km. The Home module was delivered to Duna separately, and acts as the command center for Duna Operation's. Haven't made the journey to Eeloo or Dres yet using stock spacecraft. But I do intend to take advantage of the next transfer window for both of them.
  6. xd. Sorry buddy but the republican's all ready have a brainwashing machine for their base, and that's Fox News. On the subject of the game being addicting I agree it is. I'm currently waiting for a Moho window to come available in 3 and a half days...... Of course I only have ship's around Kerban and some other planet's atm so I can't do anything above 50x time acceleration or something annoying like that..... Gurr.
  7. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/36863-What-not-to-suggest This is generally assumed to include colonization as any form of colonization beyond sending a bunch of Hitchhiker Storage Container's with automated controls and parachutes to another planet would require construction on other celestials. With that being said it is possible to create a crude colony using the Hitchhiker Storage Container, lander legs, solar power, batteries and parachutes. Other members have also used the VAB to build structures and launched them to other planets of varying degrees of complexity
  8. My main program has 50 to 60 spacecraft, and a lot of debris in the 80 km parking orbit that I generally use. I've never had a collision between debris, and a active spaceship but with that being said I've had some close encounters of up to 20 meters. One of the things that I do to limit debris is if I find a standardized ship's second stage booster has plenty of fuel left in it I will quite often automate the booster, and leave it in orbit as a fuel tanker for future missions. One of my standard multi purpose landers actually was sent to Duna using just such a spare booster. Additionally station boosters stay attached to the station until their fuel is almost drained, and I design them with deorbiting in mind.
  9. Russia's considering a orbital assembly complex using some of the Russian orbital segments, there has also been some talk about a space station on the far side of the Moon however budget problems will plague both of those projects. China is planning their own space station since they've got the cold shoulder one too many times from America when it comes to space cooperation. There is a commercial station planed by Bigalow airspace using TransHab technologies. No news yet on a post-ISS American station however I am hoping that NASA will consider now that they finally have access to a heavy lift rocket building a orbital drydock for a Mars ship. Looking forward to the post-2020 era the SLS and the Long March 10 will be two heavy lift rockets that are entering service around the 2020 timeframe owned by America, and China respectively. The Long March 10 will actually be more powerful then the first generation SLS system, and on par with the Saturn V. There is talk of a Energia II in Russia, but once again that depends on a larger budget for Russia's space program. A revived Energia program also depends on Ukraine for the zenit booster and Ukrainian-Russian relations are rocky at best these days. NASA has on the drawing board plans to return to the Moon, but those are questionable at best with NASA's budget. I am betting that chances are NASA will rely on commercial clients to deliver cheap, affordable access to local space and use the Orion for deep space operations.
  10. refueling, as well as crew storage and transfer point for now. I generally prefer automated space tugs myself, but I've got one under construction in a 500 km by 500 km orbit that will be able to support 22 Kerbals when it is done as well as provide refueling services to any ships traveling to the Mun or Minmus.
  11. I don't really use fueling stations unless if they are simple, and placed in a low Kerban orbit. I generally prefer to use automated space tugs that can haul stuff around from a low orbit to a higher orbit, or to the Mun / Minmus and then can be disposed of or refueled when their tanks run low.
  12. it is also on the http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Planned_features list that the developers are planning on introducing at a later point in the game's development xd
  13. nvm, it works. If your using mechjeb make sure to turn off the minimum acceleration on the launch pad
  14. Space is another button you don't want to hit accidently while transferring fuel.
  15. With some creative thinking you can do the Constellation style mission with mostly stock parts, Mechjeb, Kethane and some orbital assembly. I've got a program underway right now that consists of a custom built Orion, a hab module, and a propulsion module. Make sure you quick-save in Duna's orbit, I ended up getting everything there, and started to land it, messed up the landing only to find out that the save had been much earlier then I anticipated.
  16. Orion is completely viable as a interstellar propulsion system, Orion was tested in real life on a smaller 1-meter scale mockup back in 1958, and wouldn't be any more costly to mankind then the 2000 plus nuclear tests that were conducted back during the Cold War. The only thing preventing us from building a Orion-type starship and launching it into orbit as is the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Everything else you proposed requires years if not decades of research and development before it even get's off the ground. Orion is something that can be done with today's technologies, and would be a great way to facilitate denuclearization.
  17. KSP performs just fine if you have a decent computer. Resources, improved IVA's, telescopes, and More celestial bodies - in particular the other two rumored gas giants, and asteroids are all things that I would like to see implemented before the dev's introduce career mode.
  18. A nice feature would be to have the chalkboard / computer version of it do the Delta-V requirements for a mission proposal as part of the mission planning phase.
  19. I love 0.21 so far. Based on what I have noticed Kerban seems to have had some kind of moderate retexturing done to it. Aside from the area right around the KSP center, some of the mountains now are snow covered peaks and there's a river that I have never noticed before on the other continent. I've only been to the Mun, and orbited Kerban so far so I don't know about anywhere else yet. Looking at sending a probe to Minmus next to check it out, and then perhaps Duna.
  20. It has to be MechJeb. When Mechjeb is removed the probe's heading is fine, this is a clean install of 0.21, and the only two mods I have installed are Mechjeb 2.0 and Kethane.
  21. This is a idle rocket sitting perfectly still on the Launchpad. The heading thing should be pointing straight up with the rocket sitting on the pad, and ready for launch. Instead it is leaning far over to the North heading. Please tell me how this is not a glitch with Mechjeb...
  22. With all previous versions of Mechjeb 90 degrees was a equatorial orbit, and 0/360 was north / polar.
  23. Yeah, it is unmanned. Same probe without mechjeb. Note, the navball is centered correctly now. Seems to be a glitch with Mechjeb.
  24. Yeah, the rocket starts on a northern (polar) launch trajectory with Mechjeb 2.0 and does not want to move over to the 90 degree angle what so ever.
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