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Everything posted by enneract

  1. New release posted. Crew rotation is now implemented!
  2. Beta2 is not the latest release. To prevent confusion, I'm pulling that download. Please try this one instead.
  3. That is not the latest release. And... that version should work with blizzys toolbar. Either way, check the download page again. There is a 'prerelease' with no reported bugs (other than crew rotation mode not working) that you should try out.
  4. Fair enough, though I suppose the difference is that I see the game version which the mod is designed for as the 'major' version. As for GameData being the root... uh, yea - I actually kinda hate it when mod authors do that. Personal preference, I suppose.
  5. Hi, The as the mod is released under the MIT license, here is a recompile of DebRefund for KSP .25, from the latest version of Vendan's repo. It seems to work fine, but I cannot and will not offer any support. Don't try to get any from Vendan unless he releases his own .25 version, either.
  6. So, I basically ended up rewriting a good portion of the mod from scratch. Woo. I'd like to share with those interested in testing it a pre-release beta version. The overall configuration of the mod has been simplified, all options in regard to automatic crewing and randomization have been removed in favor of a system of 'Crew Selection Modes'. 'Default Crew' does initial crew selection exactly the same as vanilla, except that it respects the blacklist of crew who should not be automatically assigned. 'No Crew' does exactly what it sounds like. 'Random Crew' does exactly what it sounds like (and respects the blacklist. 'Rotate Crew' is still in the process of being implemented, but (when finished) will assign the crew who have not been on a mission for the longest period of time. Furthermore, options are now per-save, instead of being configured via ini. Additionally, automatic crewing options are now applied when launching directly from the launchpad or runway, not just through the editor. Full crew assignment persistence is maintained.
  7. I just figured out how to change crew assigned from the launchpad
  8. Yea. Rev2 was a quick fix, and I lost the changes which displayed the toolbar in editor. Rev3 will be today or tomorrow, and should fix those outstanding issues. That being said, the errors in rev2 *should* be harmless.
  9. rev2 was released about 5 minutes ago. It contains some updates that have been pending, as well as a fix for the issue you reported. I didn't do the soft dependency on toolbar correctly, that has been resolved. I also think that I've figured out a way to apply custom crewing on loading a saved ship, but that is going to take longer to integrate, as I want to do a general code cleanup also.
  10. 10 bucks says this is the next mod to 'go stock' (other than those announced already).
  11. Yea, I'm using that event. It doesn't actually fire on load, iirc.
  12. that is freaking weird. The roster isn't cached. I never figured out a great way to detect .craft file loads. All I can think of is replacing use of the GameEvent with polling the size of the vessel each (or some interval of) frame, but even then how do you tell a craft file from a subassembly? If you have any ideas, I'm all ears.
  13. You'll need to explain this more clearly, I'm confused.
  14. Actually, on second thought, here is another testing release. This one should fix visibility of the toolbar button, also.
  15. Want to test this for me? 100% completely untested, but should fix that bug.
  16. Yes. Almost certainly. I didn't even know that was new functionality (See above post!). I'll correct it in the next release.
  17. Oh, I agree that it should be available in the editor at the very least. I didn't add the code for toolbar integration (thanks ebs!), and haven't actually played ksp for several months now, so hadn't noticed that it wasn't.
  18. I would need to consult the source to be sure, but I think that is the expected behavior. The button should only be visible in the main KSC screen. I can totally change that behavior next release tho.
  19. If I had a mod that used CC, my response to this malware would be to disable all functionality of my plugins if they were out of date compared to the current version of KSP and this was installed. Why would expect that, lol? Mods don't break on updates just because the mod authors want them to, or because Squad wants them to. There are technical reasons why updates break mods, and those won't change just because KSP is 'released'. If KSP gets updated, some or all mods will break, period.
  20. Ah, I see. Well, I'd like to implement a few different crew selection modes, and the way to make that homogeneous is to let the 'main' part of the plugin handle interaction with the game, and have the class which implements the mode leave that interaction up to the plugin. OH! I also figured out the GetNewKerbal() vs HireApplicant() thing. It doesn't matter what is in my code, because it should never fire. KSP does the hiring of new Kerbals (or at least did) if insufficient to provide default crewing before my code ever has a chance to. That was included as a fall-back just in case something weird happened. Uses Blizzy's Toolbar mod, not the stock one. I'm also not distributing the toolbar mod, so grab the latest one from that thread if you want to use toolbar integration. Do note that the mod functions just fine without the Toolbar, as that functionality is optional.
  21. I don't care about your implementation, as long as it complies with the interface In fact, go ahead and don't even check the blacklist. I'll worry about that.
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