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Everything posted by enneract

  1. It is a valid warning, actually. If you use anything in .NET 4.5 which isn't in .NET 3.5, it will cause undefined behavior when your plugin is loaded.
  2. SCANSat will probably have to support you, not the other way around. I think he takes PRs, though.
  3. No worries. Post in that thread if you run into any problems or have feedback
  4. *Looks at my signature* Doesn't do *exactly* the same thing that Regex's plugin does, but it might suit you. IMO, though I am biased, it is an improvement.
  5. Uh... no. I wanted to reply line-by line to this, but there is so much misinformation and uninformed tripe here that my mind is absolutely boggled. There is no practical way to 'define contracts in a text file', and any such implementation would be woefully inferior to the way Squad has implemented contracts. The old MCE contract system was decent, but again, inferior to this system. A text-file system would need a predefined set of objectives and rewards, and any contract defined thusly could only choose between those objectives. Squad implemented an API for programmatically defining these objectives and rewards. The downside to this is that you need to define them programmatically, but the increase in flexibility is well worth this trade. Adding new objectives to MCE would require more code, just like adding new 'objectives' to Squad contracts requires more code. Furthermore, the two approaches are not mutually exclusive. Case in point - I'm currently working on a 'contract type' which CAN be defined in a text file, that comes packaged with a small list of possible objectives as a proof of concept implementation of legacy MCE-style contracts. I'm hoping to simply turn this into an API for others to use (or maybe donate it to MCE if Malkuth wants it, and it is up to snuff). The point here is that MCE-style contracts can be defined in the Squad system, but Squad-style contract flexibility would have been at least as difficult to implement inside MCE. Next - C# is basically the easiest 'real' language for the neophyte programmer to start with, full stop. It is an oversimplification to call it 'microsoft java', but you don't have to worry about memory management, pointers, blah blah blah blah. Calling for people complaining about not being able to define contracts in a text file to learn a little C# isn't arrogance, it is common sense. It is PERFECTLY reasonable for a 'neophyte' to 'slap together' a C# KSP plugin over the course of a weekend - MANY have done it. All you need is a little initiative and the willingness to learn things. The 'arrogant a$$' I see in this situation are the people who think that the contract system should be dumbed-down to the level where text-based configurations are the go-to standard, and that they should be able to implement relatively complex mods without actually learning something. (Also, WTF mate? Bringing up C++ is a non sequitur, as C++ has nothing to do with KSP plugin development unless you want to write some native libraries for some reason (I'm reasonably sure that the only mods that actually do this are the programmable CPU emulators and that N-body physics integrator WIP)) Lastly - You DO NOT need to buy Visual Studio to make KSP Plugins. The relevant varient of VS 'Visual Studio 2013 for Windows Desktop' is completely free (as in beer) for non-commercial use. Furthermore, Monodevelop is a free (as in speech) cross-platform IDE which is fully capable of building KSP plugins.
  6. That is what dual-boot is for. But yes, the linux client is definitely the 'correct' KSP version.
  7. The linux incompatibility is... unfortunate.
  8. You need a scansat sensor configured for ORS\Karbonite. The tooltip will say 'start resource scan'. Check the MM patch in the SCANSat thread. On that note... Does anyone know how to allow fuel flow through the landing frame? I figured justr adding fuelCrossFeed = True would work, but it does not seem to.
  9. I have almost exclusively aerial survey missions offered. No part tests, no rescues, no flags or exploration... just aerial surveys.
  10. Nope, it isn't KW or NEAR. It is RSS. Just delete RSS for now. New RSS doesn't work with the BA config at the moment.
  11. Don't take this the wrong way, I mean this with every fluffy thought you can imagine, I really do. But don't you dare take this procedure, update a mod to a new version of KSP without making actual compatibility changes, and then complain to the mod author that it doesn't work. This will work *in this specific case* because the code is already updated to take into account the changes introduced by the new game version, Majiir just hasn't had the opportunity to package up an official build. You'll probably even get some more mileage out of this in the future, when new changes don't introduce big problems (or similar instances of git updated but no build), especially if you want to use it to learn some programming. But please, please, please remember that if you do this and it doesn't work, it is not the mod author's problem.
  12. I think everything you said here is a great idea. Aerial surveys definitely should have some significant distance between them, but not 2+ hours RL flight time with a hypersonic jet.
  13. Any thoughts on clustering aerial survey missions a bit more?
  14. Maybe the way points for Aerial surveys should not be so spread out? Flying hundreds of km on kerbin or eve is nontrivial.
  15. Install this. Find the 'download ZIP' link on the right side of this page. Unzip that archive somewhere. Open up VS2013, File -> Open project. Navigate to where you extracted the archive you downloaded, and open the .sln file. Project -> Add Reference. Go to Browse, navigate to where you have KSP installed, go to KSP_Data (or KSP_x64_Data), and add UnityEngine.dll and Assembly-CSharp.dll as references (may need to hit 'browse' twice to accomplish this). Hit Ok. Right click 'Kethane' (probably the second item) on the right side of the screen under 'solution explorer', and select Build. After a few seconds, you should find a Kethane.dll at <path to extracted archive>/bin/debug/. If you want to get fancy, go into CompatibilityChecker.cs, and change line 57 to look like this const int compatibleRevision = 2; Save, then build it again. That will stop the warning on startup. *EDIT* Added needed info. Don't take this the wrong way guys, I mean this with every fluffy thought you can imagine, I really do. But don't you dare take this procedure, update a mod to a new version of KSP without making actual compatibility changes, and then complain to the mod author that it doesn't work. This will work *in this specific case* because the code is already updated to take into account the changes introduced by the new game version, Majiir just hasn't had the opportunity to package up an official build. You'll probably even get some more mileage out of this in the future, when new changes don't introduce big problems (or similar instances of git updated but no build), especially if you want to use it to learn some programming. But please, please, please remember that if you do this and it doesn't work, it is not the mod author's problem.
  16. This. Anyone complaining about the lack of an update, but can't be bothered to build it themself (takes about 5 seconds if you have VS installed, and about 10 minutes if you need to grab VS2013 Express) needs to be quiet.
  17. The other thing to note is that Karbonite does not run out like Kethane does. There isnt x amount of Karbonite at a location, the concentration reflects how quickly it can be mined is all. Furthermore, you really should look at the SCANSat integration. It isn't a dependency, but it proves a much more (imo) useful tool for mapping any ORS (or even Kethane) resource than the Kethane overlay.
  18. Frankly, I think that EPL without MKS doesn't make much sense.
  19. I'm reasonably certain that EPL adds ORS deposits also. Or maybe that is MKS. Not sure. Either way, ATM I have EPL + MKS + Karbonite, and I have ORS Ore + Minerals
  20. Unfortunately, this is against the best practices indicated by MM's developer. MM should always be in the root of GameData.
  21. Why not use MM to switch the existing EPL parts to do the conversions that already exist in EPL. No need to go and do weird things like convert Karbonite to rocket parts. Ore exists as a resource already.
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