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Everything posted by enneract

  1. RS seems to breaking when loading RoverDude's DERP engine (which contains a parachute). Loading hang at UmbraSpaceIndustries/Lifeboat/PodEngine/USI_PodEngine *Update* Nope, he included his own RS patch, which is breaking.
  2. KAS dependency doesnt appear to be 'hard'. Seems to work fine in .24. That being said, TAC is broken for .24, so...
  3. I'm also having this issue, and I your 'big red text' is in no way applicable?
  4. Using .24 x64, no FAR. The parachute does not seem to have enough braking force to slow the DERP farther than about 120m/s before impacting terrain.
  5. Yep, 0.9 Pre2 does not work in .24. It doesn't complain, but only lack of power can kill crew, LS doesn't drain power, and resources being added to pods is spotty at best.
  6. Uhm. Yea. There is something wrong with your computer with 24GB of RAM, then. That isn't really how it works.
  7. Nah, it was a fresh one. Deleting Squad directory and verifying worked, though.
  8. Neg. x64 + KSO, stock GameData crashes. Same with admin launch works.
  9. After loading the KSPI tree, installing 'updates', and reloading KSP, the tech tree is completely empty.
  10. That is interesting, because I'm using the 64-bit version. *Update* 64-bit + Admin works.
  11. There is no point in a x86 release. You can only run like 2 mods with x86 due to the memory management bugs.
  12. After installing ATM, crashing on the same load point. Definitely something is up.
  13. I'm getting a crash while loading KSO/Spaces/ksotug/internal
  14. Yep. The 'mess with two toolbars' is exactly my fears. I haven't used the stock one enough to claim that it is 'superior' in any way, but it has the advantage of not requiring yet another (somewhat awkward) UI element. Hopefully some sort of convergence can be worked out.
  15. Bug report for .24 - an additional stock toolbar button is added after each flight ends.
  16. Nope, mine was being throwing 'malicious'. No option to bypass in the menu.
  17. Chrome is blocking the download as 'malicious', incidentally.
  18. I'm intensely curious about this, and I really hope you don't take this the wrong way, Blizzy - this isn't intended as a criticism of this mod or your work on it... ... but why is using your toolbar better than the built-in one? (as a mod author or a user)
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