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Everything posted by enneract

  1. Yea. I thought I had cleaned the old craft files out. My mistake :\
  2. I am unspeakably dumb. I've been looking at the KSO-002 craft.
  3. Directly after that is the point at which I first posted. Doing it again, though, in case you've uploaded some changed file in the interim.
  4. So, reduced to Squad + KSO in /GameData/, the craft file is invalid. Manually building the orbiter reveals that the engines do not have any gimbaling tweakables, if that is informative... ^ Ignore that, I'm stupid. More testing.
  5. Yep. Invalid. It cannot be 'some other bug', honestly. I tested it by resetting my steam install, removing all non-squad mods, and installing KSO. That being said, I went through the .craft file manually, and didn't find any parts which I don't have... so it can't *not* be another bug, either.
  6. Are there any other mods required for this? After reinstall, I can't spawn the example craft, says parts are missing or locked.
  7. How do you place a payload into the cargo bay? There are stack nodes, but everything wants to radially attach.
  8. Oh, THAT is the problem? I thought I had checked that, I figured it was a problem with RPM. I'll check it next time I reload the game.
  9. Is there a way to restore the RPM monitors to the default style? Those of us on linux cannot use alternate RPM skins.
  10. Your commitment to releasing a 'perfect' mod is both gratifying and intensely frustrating.
  11. Oh, to the people who want a patch for HotRockets, the newest version of HR is build with MM, instead of overwriting Squad files.
  12. Sad. Unfortunately, I can't see actually using this mod until that works :\ I would want to use it to allow for food production on off-planet colonies (can crack o2 from water with KESA & KSPInterstellar), and that isn't viable unless this produces food (and o2\water I guess) very quickly.
  13. Is there any particular reason? The Squad dual engine module seems to work just fine.
  14. Does this still not work when the vessel does not have focus?
  15. So, for the moment this is simply a selection of custom ModuleManager patches that I use in my own game. I thought some other people might find them useful. If anyone has a particular patch they would like to see, please post and I'll see about making it happen. I'm mostly interested in inter-mod compatibility patches. ModuleManager Patches All of the mods in this category require the ModuleManager plugin. I'm not testing against any specific version, except the latest one. Reaction Wheel Nerf This patch will remove the built-in reaction wheels from all command pods, decrease the strength of any remaining wheels to 10%, while increasing their power usage by 500%. [download] MechJeb for all Command Pods This patch will place MechJeb on all command pods. Unlike the other patches from earlier versions of the game which are floating around, this will also enforce career mode unlocks, but grant basic MechJeb functionality (dV calculation, mostly) right from the start. No particular version of MJ is required, but I recommend you grab the latest development version. [download] RemoteTech for all Antennas and Unmanned Pods This patch adds a RemoteTech2 SPU module to all unmanned pods, enabling the features of that mod. Additionally, this patch will add RT2 functionality to all antennas that function more or less like squad antennas. This part of the patch is imperfect, as there is no way to differentiate between an antenna and a dish, or to configure ranges appropriate to the flavor of that particular part. This is intended to be a 'fall back' compatibility patch, and I will be making more specific patches on a per-mod basis below. Again, no particular version of that mod is required, though at the time I write this, the 'community hotfix' is highly recommended. [download] AIES Antennas for RemoteTech2 This is for adding RT functionality to AIES Aerospace antennas. Note that this actually disables two AIES parts, as they are included in RT by default. Your craft should still load with these parts, but they will be unavailable to add to new craft. [download] Deadly Reentry Shields for AIES pods This patch places an ablative heatshield from Deadly Reentry onto the orbital pod from AIES Aerospace. It is exactly the same as the heatshield for the Mk1 Pod. No other pods get heat shields, as none seemed suitable for re-entry. [download] While I'm not going to have the arrogance to suggest that anyone would find these useful enough to want to donate a beer, if you do find them useful, you could consider signing up at copy.com using that link to give me a referral bonus. (Though it doesn't count unless you also sign in to their software once )
  16. The RPM version does not seem to work at all. No controls do anything, just get a screen with 'M <' Using linux x64 version.
  17. The aerodynamics of this pod with FAR is kinda screwy. It tends to orient the pod's primary axis perpendicular to the prograde vector once you hit the atmosphere in earnest... though fortunately, it is after the majority of shock heating.
  18. You know... if we could reconfigure action groups using this display... *whistle*
  19. This really looks like the best implementation of a 'prebuilt' orbiter yet. Seriously impressed. If you want to make another part for it... some reusable way of attaching it to an IP drive, and some air intakes would be seriously useful. I'd love to be able to design a mission around sending this to another atmosphere'd planet using an IP drive, leave it in orbit, land, take off again using dual-mode engines, dock with the IP drive (or not, depending on DV requirements), and go back to kerbin.
  20. Really needs modulemanager patches, not config overwrites...
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