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Everything posted by enneract

  1. Dev version of MJ? Nope. Dev version of RPM? Don't see one, so also nope.
  2. I think you are probably the most interesting new face on the mod scene since I started looking at KSP again. Well done all around.
  3. Someone asked how to fix an error related to KSO, I was providing information that an OS upgrade would do the trick. Someone started spewing misinformation about the information I provided. I simply offered correct information to counter the incoherent misinformation. Not offtopic, not talking about 'what makes you happy', simple discussion of facts related to high memory use mods.
  4. Nice gish gallop, if a bit half-hearted. KSP currently has a bug where textures are mirrored in system ram, instead of being loaded exclusively into VRAM. As a result of this poor memory management, it attempts to access illegal memory locations if you use more than a small handful of mods on the 32-bit versions. Linux is currently the only functioning 64-bit client, which is able to address a much larger memory space, allowing you to use more than 1 or 2 large mods. Additionally, WINE Is Not an Emulator, it is an abstraction layer which translates various OS and driver-level function calls to their linux equivalents, and with modern versions has performance parity (hell, a select few programs\games actually perform BETTER with WINE) with Windows. I've only run into a handful of games which do not work properly using WINE, with most of such incompatibility stemming from DRM - use a 'crack' and it magically works fine.
  5. You have not demonstrated that my comment was factually inaccurate. KSP definitely runs better on Linux than Windows or crApple.
  6. You are RAM bursting. Upgrade your OS to Linux and use the 64-bit KSP, or remove some mods.
  7. I'm really excited about this. One thing you might want to think about (and I apologize if this has been brought up earlier), is that you might want to consider all habitable areas on the vessel, and the ratio of inhabited to empty 'slots', rather than just which specific capsule a kerbal is in. As an example, an interplanetary ship with a crew of 5, but 'space' for 15, including a porkworks centrifigum, should not impose undue penalties on the crew who happen to be in the command cabin. It could be assumed that they are moving around within the ship during the voyage, even if they are (in game-mechanics terms alone) staying seated in the command cabin.
  8. A method to dock the KSO to an orbitally-constructed craft for interplanetary missions. Deployable rear centerline docking ring, perhaps?
  9. It isn't difficult. Just install a better operating system.
  10. Is there any chance of getting a wider variety of attachment nodes for infrared telescope? Ideally the ability to mount it like one of the RT2 dishes, parallel to the mounting point, rather than perpendicular? Something that isn't so gross to try to fit inside a fairing?
  11. Is there a part one has to use for impactor experiments other than the sensor?
  12. KSP presently has a bug where certain elements are loaded properly into VRAM on your graphics card, and then improperly duplicated into system RAM. If you load mods, this will eventually cause the game to attempt to allocate too much system RAM, crashing the game. The fix is to either reduce the number of mods you are using, or to switch to the 64-bit linux client (for now, the only working 64-bit version of the game) which does not have this limitation.
  13. With the latest toolbar update, the main MJ button fails to appear (or be an option to select on the filter window)
  14. Another member of the linux master race reporting in. KSP on linux runs *much better* than on windows or crapple is.anti-aliasing doesn't seem to work quite right, but other than that no issues. Though, you will need to read the linux compatibility thread and apply the segfault patch to tale advantage of the removed ram ceiling.
  15. I suggested this in the ship manifest thread, but it might be relevant here too - some option not to have the first available kerbals selected, but a random selection (or, to tie it in better with this mod, maybe a mixture of decorated and undecorated kerbals?)
  16. Perfect name patch. I was planning on doing this once I had unlocked it in my career save!
  17. This guy uses the firespitter plugin to animate a compartment, and shield them in FAR. Might be worth looking at for example.
  18. If I could suggest a feature\option - randomize crew loadout on launch, instead of stocking the ship with the first available crew?
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQPToBNI8kU That didn't take long.
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