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Everything posted by MmPMSFmM

  1. Oh no. The holy lord of Chobit will probably not punish you that much. She'll probably just turn you into a cat and then lock you up in her house on Laythe.
  2. Yes indeed. Once entered, You will never be able to return. And those who try to escape are captured by Chobit and locked up, murdered or worse...
  3. ... I don't want to die... Stand perfectly still, her vision is based on movement. Actually, If you look at those eyes, nothing indicates it's going to kill you. It probably is. But there's no proof. The thing which probably frightens you is the way she's bent forward to, what appears to be, you. And it looks more like she's kind of sad... I mean, look at the eyebrows. Edit: I have too much free time... Apparently, I've written a story based on PfL which is about 7.5 pages long...
  4. Why killing him? Why not torture him and then kill? That way he'll die slowly and painfully. I mean like, he touched the chocolate. That's a crime thus he must pay!
  5. Sorry, I'm broke. And while she can do that, it doesn't cause it to make more sense.
  6. Uhm... Just noticed, in the main poster Freyja has red eyes, while on all the other images they're grey. Any explanation, except for medical fakeness.
  7. *cries* This story is so sad... I know just the way to solve this problem... =D Nobody touches the chicken!
  8. What does VSA stand for? Valhalla Space Agency? Also, what is the space center called? Valhalla Space Center?
  9. nice! I'd like to see the final result.
  10. In Kerbal Space Program, Solar Eclipses are the ninth most common things you can see on Kerbin. first eight being KSC, Grass, Atmosphere, Ocean, Sand, Mountains, the Mün and Minmus (not necessarily in that order). Solar Eclipses caused by Minmus... Well that's something else.
  11. Later this year SpaceX will make the first test flight with Falcon Heavy, capable of lifting 2x the amount of payload which the Space Shuttle was capable of and only the Saturn V could lift more payload to orbit than the falcon heavy.
  12. If we all are this pessimistic about it, this won't succeed for sure. You have to keep in mind; It's another giant leap for mankind. By the Humans with a conscience, Humans that know what they are doing... The television show is just to get money, our major problem is the rich people being miserly. If they weren't that miserly, and they would sponsor Mars-One the TV show wasn't required. However if they succeed they will open a whole new era.
  13. As far as I know: ESA is preparing a manned mission to mars and NASA is going to search for artificial life around the hydro-thermal vents in the liquid oceans beneath the surface of Europa , same for Ganymede (Moons of Jupiter) This is just for the upcoming years, probably before 2025. So by 2070 we'll have a colony on the Moon, on Mars, on Europa, on Ganymede and probably more. The history books say that this is the age of space travel and television... Both so true...
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