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Everything posted by hoojiwana

  1. It also happens the other way as well. Both people who use and do not use Mechjeb are capable of acting elitist.
  2. Good point, I've adjusted my post to reflect that. I do suggest looking at the config for that battery part in stock to see if that's what you're after.
  3. As Khaos said, you could use an emissive texture. The little green "light" on one of the radial batteries in the stock game uses an emissive rather than being a proper light, if you wanted an example. There's a good tutorial on setting up an emissive here. You don't need to use the engine emissive module in the config, you can do it without anything in the config at all. To get it to stay on constantly, just don't do the animation section, if I remember correctly.
  4. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Part_Modelling_Guidelines That page it pretty old now, but it says 18 faces for 1.25m parts, and 24 for 2.5m parts, if I'm reading it right. You can always check by counting the sides yourself though!
  5. Buzz and Neil, though satcharna's second suggestion would've been nice.
  6. Well this could be interesting. How much like High Frontier are you going to make it, or are you just using it as inspiration?
  7. Nice core Jm, using cupolas as they should be used! Yeah I figured the propellent depot will need a fair bit of topping off after people are done with it, depending on how many Rockomax 64's people stick on it for their modules! I've made a little docking test rig to help me work out the kinks in the tanker. Tried with and without the lever-arm on the RCS translation with finetuning on, and it works amazingly well.
  8. For why not to get Mechjeb: Whenever you pull off something for the first time, the feeling of accomplishment will likely be very much diminished once you realise that MechJeb did it, not you. If you want the information readouts that it has, I recommend getting Kerbal Engineer. It's not been updating to 0.21 so the rendezvous information breaks the window, but everything else works fine.
  9. When my video is done then you'll see the finalised launcher. It's nothing special, just the same booster segment on the previous screenshot in dual layer six-fold symmetry. Not super efficient since it ends up carrying dead tank mass on the top of the booster stacks, and the LV-N's are never used. Docking it is a bit wonky though, need to sort out that. And I don't know what docking ports the final depot will have available, or how much propellent I'll have to fill it with, so might have to change it further from that.
  10. Since I'm going last on the propellent depot, I made a propellent lifter to top off the entire station after I attach my module. The goal was to launch up two Rockomax 64's, I think I might've gone overboard with my asparagus since I ended up with double that.
  11. End flight won't be available in 0.21 remember.
  12. Last on the propellent depot huh? Sounds good, guess I'll have the job of refueling it then. Luckily I already have a good design for lifting huge amounts of propellent to orbit.
  13. The tag manager is a bit unintuitive. After you've selected add new tag, click over on the side, not on the name of the item you want. I had the exact same issue for when I wanted to fix some fairings until I accidentally clicked where I was supposed to.
  14. Thanks for the support guys, I really appreciate it! If you've ever created something and seen or heard peoples comments about it, you'll know what I mean. On the matter of particle FX, what the Ions and similar engines will have will be as close to the real thing as I can get. The image that is in the first post and page or two back were just some ideas I had while I was learning (playing) the Unity particle set up. Each one is two or three emitters and each emitter has a very low number of active particles at a time as I could get away with, since I had no idea how they impact performance. If I add a significantly higher number of active particles per emitter I can definitely get the right effect, as long as it doesn't end up looking too bright! If anyone has any suggestions for things I can add to Stockalike I'll be glad to try implementing them. I'm also going to cross post a Spaceport comment on the Electric Engines over here since it was an interesting post. And my reply: Am I wrong in my balancing? I've always wondered if things work out as I believe them to, and seeing posts like Desperado's always brings back my fears that I've buggered it up somewhere and it's all horribly under/overpowered.
  15. With 0.21 it'll be easy to add reaction wheels to any part, or making specific reaction wheel parts. That will mean being able to turn things much much easier at the cost of using electricity, something most Orion rockets right now probably don't use at all. Orion already breaks KSP pretty well. Throw in the 400MN bombs and it really breaks the game. A big part of balance for parts later on will be cost and tech-level, but those will apply to career mode, something we don't have yet.
  16. So with 0.21 confirmed for breaking saves, and it likely coming out in a matter of weeks, I suggest we hold off on starting this until it is out. That way nothing will be lost, and we shouldn't have to worry about multiple ASAS wobbling things to pieces. That also gives us time to properly organise the order of people and to get everyone on the same page with regards to how we will do this. Better to not have to rush.
  17. If you are having trouble installing the 0.20 part tools, clear absolutely everything you can find inside your Unity install that has anything to do with plugins or part tools. Then re-open Unity and go Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package... and then select the 0.20 Part tools from wherever you downloaded them to. That is what worked for me. No, you don't need to add an invisible mesh inside the model anymore. You can simply choose to set a physics mesh to the object like the tutorial states. Use box colliders whenever possible, though with many things in KSP being cylindrical, you may have to use a mesh collider instead. You can simply tick "Convex" which will give you one based on your model (like this), but simpler colliders are always better. You can select whatever mesh you like in the Inspector window for the mesh collider. You can make a custom collider mesh in Blender and export that over into Unity to use. Bear in mind that mesh does not have to be anywhere in your parts hierarchy, simply select it in the mesh collider options. Remember to make sure it is convex though! What I do is create an empty GameObject that is the parent of everything else in my part, then I add the part tools to that. I've yet to run into a problem with doing this.
  18. There is very little difference between how you set up a part with the 0.18 part tools and the 0.20 part tools. The 0.20 part tools mainly removed options that weren't used or weren't necessary, and removing the texture renaming section to go with the new MODEL{} tags that 0.20 brought to configs. You might be running into issues with upgrading from the 0.18 part tools to the 0.20 ones, I found the easiest way to do it was to delete anything plugin related in the Unity install and just install the 0.20 part tools from scratch. To do this, re-open Unity and go Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package... and then select the 0.20 Part tools from wherever you downloaded them to. That cleared up problems I had with them not working, even after I followed the readme included with the 0.20 part tools.
  19. Ooh that looks nice. Did you change the pusher plate animation at all? It looks faster and less smooth than I remember it being.
  20. Two updates tonight, the first was to the MMRTG to update its texture, and to bring its folder structure inline since it is also included in the new Power Generation pack that you can go download right now! There's not much in it besides the SRGs that you've already seen since I'm working on getting solar panels to function, and there wasn't a point having them just sat on my hard drive doing nothing. What engine would that be for? I can't get the FX in game just yet since I need a small plugin to make the Kethane particle system function with engine throttle on non-Kethane parts. It's not a huge problem though, Majiir will either add that himself at some point, or stock KSP will have custom FX added. That's exactly what the coming updates to the Power Generation pack will include, and possibly even some HiPEP-like designs for Electric Engines. If you want to test anything I tend to put up stable updates on Spaceport, so go download it, break it, and report back!
  21. My mistake then. The problem is probably still the same though, since the 5 way RCS had some major changes to its config.
  22. You might be using a different version to the one that Mechapants used since I updated them the other day. I'll PM you with a download of the previous version you can try out.
  23. powerCurve { key = 206000000000 0 0 0 key = 13599840256 1 0 0 key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0 key = 0 10 0 0 } The numbers in the key mean altitude from the sun, chargerate multiplier, unknown and unknown. So the first number is the altitude panels produce no power, the second number is Kerbins altitude, the third is Jools, and the first is the surface of the Sun.
  24. Added. Hopefully more information on solar panels will come out of that thread.
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