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Everything posted by hoojiwana

  1. Wow this is great, I've been trying to figure out solar panels myself but wasn't having much luck. Have you tied creating all of that with a deploy and retract animation as well? I got stuck trying to figure that out as my test panel wouldn't trigger as being open after animating.
  2. You can already do that by editing the save file, it's not too hard.
  3. I did one to Eve, that was fun. Got a few screenshots of that lying about somewhere. EDIT:
  4. I've been looking into this myself and I'll post what I manage to dig up.
  5. If you've moved the end caps in object mode rather than edit mode in Blender that can happen. If you return the caps to 0, 0, 0 in object mode, and then move them to where you want whilst in edit mode. See if that fixes it for you.
  6. Well, guess it looks like I have to finally learn how to program plugins for KSP then. Thanks for clarifying that for me Majiir.
  7. I can see how the emission rate would enable throttle, but how exactly can I tie the particle system from the two particle part modules to the engine? I've tried putting them in a config of a part that is just an engine, not related to Kethane, and it doesn't work. I assume this is because the engine isn't looking for the particle systems like the Kethane parts probably do.
  8. I don't think that's nessecary. As long as the core module has plenty of ports to attach to, and people take a look at the station as it stands before adding their component, things should be okay. As long as people are responsible for not filling up every docking port, and add any extra if the need arises. What exactly do you mean by modules having a use?
  9. Sounds good to me. At a rough guess I would say 0.21 is going to be a couple of weeks, maybe more. I don't mind going later on in the order, my PC can handle high part counts fairly well. And I don't mind recording with lowered delta physics either.
  10. I've been looking at the particle system that the recent 0.6 Kethane update include, and asked Majiir about how well it would work with engines, so this little picture here might have some future relevance to the Electric Engines pack! Good idea with the cubic. I've gone with CSRG; Cubic Sterling Radioisotope Generator. And here it is! Indeed, real life RTG's create less electrical power as the nuclear fuel source radiates less alpha particles. I think this would require a plugin of some sort to work correctly. It seems simple enough that I could probably do it, though my coding experience is minimal at best and I wouldn't know where to start. If anyone made a plugin that could do that, along with perhaps an ISP/thrust gear changer and something that allowed fuel mixtures for RCS thrusters, then I would happily give it a go and include it.
  11. Looking forward to the 0.7 update. How well does the Kethane Particle system work for custom engine fx? I guess it would be easy to get it to turn on and off, but what about throttle response?
  12. Finished the little update to Stockalike. Not much to see there, just some folder and texture updates. I have also added a little explanation of why using 45 degree RCS can be helpful to the imgur album as well. It wouldn't make much sense from an internal point of view based on the real ASRG, but why not? It would be a pretty easy thing to do considering that the part is just 3 cubes stacked on top of each other, and I could use the same texture as well. Balance would be easy, just have it be equivalent to two RTGs. What would I call it though?
  13. Hey Wolf, loving the logo. Been using your Perfectrons since you first released them, looking forward to whatever other small stage-assist engines you come up with.
  14. I don't think the coordinates in the fx actually do anything. If you're trying to create an engine with multiple nozzles you have to define multiple thrustTransforms. Each transform will then inherit the same fx, and that will be centered on the thrustTransform itself.
  15. After a short break after EE 0.6, I'm back to making parts again, and this time it's the start of a brand new pack that was hinted at further up the page. Here's a look at the work-in-progress ASRG: Now my version is a quite a lot bigger than NASA's, and it's not really going to be more efficient. RLA scientists may have secretly just stuffed the box full of MMRTG's and claim it has better efficiency, so it is currently rated at the same mass and output as six stock RTG's. The overall plan for the Power Generation pack is to provide more power generation options for whatever purpose you need boatloads of power for. Since the current stock game doesn't have much that requires significant amounts of power, you may be stuck with using up all that juice with mods like Kethane, or my own Electric Engines. So what will the pack contain? The MMRTG will be moved across into it, the ASRG posted above, some stackable nuclear generators, medium sized solar panels, some really quite big solar panels, and possibly some ridiculously huge solar panels. To store all of that there will also be high-density batteries, essentially twice the mass and storage of the stock ones in roughly the same size part. Now, to balance the Nuclear Generators, and to perhaps make the RTG's more interesting, I'm planning to have them all run on a new resource called Blutonium Oxide, and maybe have the RTG's provide (effective) power for something like fifteen years, and the bigger generators would last five or less. I'm also considering making them refuelable with the Kethane plugin by adding an ore version of the resource which can be refined and enriched with oxidiser to enable long term power. It wouldn't be terribly realistic, but it's better than creating a whole line of parts and resources to get to the fuel for the generators. That means I might be making a drill, converter and possibly a scanner as well. Plenty to do! I'm also doing a little update to Stockalike to take advantage of the 0.20 texture sharing now that I have it figured out, and to redo the folders. I'm considering removing the Inline Avionics from any future versions since 0.21 seems to be making it obsolete. I may wait until 0.21 actually comes out to do that though, I'm not sure. Thoughts?
  16. I say a Kerbin station around 100km altitude will be just fine. If we want to do something else, then we could always do another series afterwards. A part limit per person of 30/40/50 to stop total part count getting out of control would be good as well, and possibly requiring all ASAS on added modules to be detachable so as to not cause multiple ASAS to fight each other with wobble. So the ASAS on your module would actually be attached to the tug that docks it to the station, and then the tug leaves and deorbits itself.
  17. Playing around with BOSS to get some silly screenshot sizes. Larger version Largest version
  18. If you want to take it really far, figure out the flight plan and rocket design using pen and paper, and then fly the mission in EVA view. That should feel pretty authentic.
  19. Something else that could be added is nyrath's Kerbal Nomogram. Using that you can help find a rough guide on how much propellent you need to get to somewhere.
  20. That's a great combined resource for people to use inigma. Perhaps a small, simple applet or something that people could quickly tap in their own numbers might be helpful, since I'm sure there are those amongst the KSP playerbase who might not correctly be able to follow the equations. Of course there are other options such as using Kerbal Engineer ingame, but there are plenty of people who wish to play the game without the use of mods, and the ability to see just how things are worked out in KSP might be of benefit to some. KSP is after all often used as an educational aid, and being able to combine the "practical" side of mathematics with the equations side can only be a good thing.
  21. At a guess I would say releasing atmospheric analysis probes.
  22. You should use the new imgur tags Canopus. Click here for how.
  23. This sounds like it might be interesting. I only have one subscriber and he doesn't even play KSP, but I get a small handful of views on my videos, of which there aren't very many. Making little videos of KSP is pretty fun though, and I'm looking to make a few more. Might I suggest going stock only, just like the media group IYSS and IYMSS? As for things to do, going with a pass-the-save-file space station or surface-base would be the best option. Here's a little video I made earlier after trying out Kerbcam.
  24. That is the stock engine overheat warning popping up. If you had enough bombs firing for long enough you could probably overheat it completely. The explosion sound was mixing with the air-going-very-fast sound and so KSP didn't agree with it.
  25. At lower altitudes you lose an awful lot of velocity very quickly to drag.
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