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Everything posted by DerekL1963

  1. So... my RT2 installation seems to be half broken.... I encountered a glitch and had to wipe and re-install KSP and start a new game, only now RT2 (1.3.3, the version from Spaceport) is only half working. In sandbox and career modes, I get the correct RT2 display on the map and flight screens, but no 'tech bonus' (the 3.5km built in antenna) on any pods. In sandbox mode the antennas show up in the VAB, but there's no range or power consumption information. In career mode, the antenna's are not showing up in the tech tree. Any ideas on where/how to fix this?
  2. It's good to know that you and Codepoet are working on the landing... thanks!
  3. OK, using build 148, I'm getting two problems; First problem, MJ not calculating the delta-V for the upper stage; Second problem, when I separate the stages in orbit (both stages have probe cores as can be seen in the picture) I can manually control the upper stage but MJ cannot perform any control functions. There are two error messages in the log;
  4. Thank you! Is this mode permanently active or does it have to be selected/set in the config. The Mission Control antenna and the built in probe antenna are both omni's - they use different range determination rules.
  5. What I wouldn't do is make it too complicated... it's easy to design complicated algorithms that only a mathematician could understand. But most players aren't mathematicians. Or Comp Sci majors. Simple, reasonably represents the situation, reasonably easy to grasp, and results in reasonable ship designs and/or mission durations.
  6. MOAR CHUTES! (Seriously, radials are your friends-for-life when landing on Duna.)
  7. And harder to control them if you set speed-of-light delay to on.
  8. My breakfast hasn't been the same since they discontinued Ascendant-O's. /em salute from Doc_Scorpion, Freedom server.
  9. *sigh* I get that it changes the method used to determine range. I said that right in the message you replied to. So, I'll try again. What does this mean? How does it effect the game? Why should I choose or not choose to use this method? Why is it so hard to get an answer to such a simple question?
  10. Scansat is a 'mapping' program (of sorts), it is not a replacement for this mod.
  11. Well, no, it's not. Else I would not have asked. I grasp that it's a formula for determining range, I know what Min and Max mean, sadly you've completely failed to explain what the equations means and how it affects the game.
  12. What's a spent mothership? My system is built around re-useable tugs.
  13. Just tossing this out here, is there any way MJ can detect that an engine has been thrust limited and adjust it's throttle settings appropriately?
  14. Actually, there is. I use RemoTech2, and thus have an orbital communications constellation, and the birds in the constellation need their orbits fine tuned now-and-again. Before tweakables, you either needed a very fine hand on the throttle, or RCS, or ion engines. RCS means hauling an additional tank along, and it's harder to make gross corrections. Ion engines appear late in the tech tree, they mean hauling an additional tank along, and it's also much harder to make gross corrections. My current design uses a LV-909 and two LV-1R's. The -909 is used to boost into orbit, and for gross corrections (lowering the peri or raising the apo to 'walk' the bird a large distance to the east or west), and is disabled via right click when not needed. The -1R's are thrust limited to 10%, and are used for fine tuning the orbits (in the sub meter per second range or correcting their orbital period to the exact second). Both draw from the same pool of fuel, simplifying the vehicle's design, and both are available fairly low in the tech tree. So, a special purpose need, but a need none-the-less.
  15. So far, it's two placed close and vanished, three placed far and still intact... I'm gonna call this one answered.
  16. It's a feature because that's the whole point of Remotech - you need a communications link.
  17. You're over thinking this. With the simple setup of allowing the user to retarget (but not reactivate), the user chooses how much realism he wants. Those that want to roleplay a few lines of code can do so, those who play hard mode can simply not use the option, and everywhere in between.
  18. That goes for me too... As someone who was a submariner and worked with nuclear weapons - my first impulse is to reach for, and diligently study, the documentation. That's why I've been following this thread, but haven't installed the mod.
  19. It's looking like it was a PEBKAC for me... based on the screenshots I'd posted in a Facebook group (celebrating my first landing) someone thought I was putting the flags too close to my lander and knocking them over on ascent. Placed the next one further away, and it's still there.
  20. Is anyone else having problems with their flags vanishing... not just from the map screen or the control center screen, but physically vanishing from the game.
  21. Nice! But for the next release cycle could you include a text file with the lift capabilities?
  22. Off topic nit: a wiki. Wiki is a type of software, the one behind Wikipedia and metric ton of other sites.
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