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Everything posted by DerekL1963

  1. Google "parachute reefing" and be enlightened. It's a standard technique, dating back to the 1950's (at least), for limiting the rate at which parachutes open and thus controlling the forces involved.
  2. The ESA isn't a model I'd want to base my space program on - theoretically an independent NGO, in actuality it's heavily burdened by a complex mess of national and international politics The ESA predates the EU by several decades and is completely separate from and independent of the EU. That's fine for some abstract 'satellite program' or equally abstract 'infrastructure', it doesn't work so well in the real world where different nations have different needs and priorities.
  3. And what do you provide that's not on the other Facebook groups?
  4. Hands down, late binding. But for my money, I'm not fond of mods that require other mods.
  5. OK, upgraded to the 123 build this AM and found a minor oddity in Smart A.S.S.. When I select ORBT/Normal +, it orients the vehicle to the proper attitude, but unlike 102 (which I was upgrading from) it leaves the vehicle with a roll rate. (And thanks for warp-to-time!)
  6. A minor gripe... When I silence an alarm because I'm busy, and I have future alarms and the KAC display in 'one-line' - it jumps to showing the next future alarm in the 'one-line' rather than the bypassed alarm. It seems to me the 'one-line' should show the top alarm in the list until deleted, even if it's passed.
  7. You had me until you added "suggested mods". Hard Mode life support should stand independent of any other part or plug-in, let the user choose how hard his own Hard Mode is. (Which also allows for incrementally increasing how hard the game is.)
  8. Just 'walk' the bird back into position. Lower your peri to go faster and move to the east (relative to the other birds) or raise your apo to go slower and move to the west. Circularize when you're in the right spot.
  9. Challenge is one thing. Making things hard because the mod can't do things that are trivial in the real world is different. Yes. relay stations are real and represent realism. Yes, they were sparse and there were dead zones - in the early days. But both the Americans and Soviets did every thing they could to extend the reach of their terrestrial relays as fast as possible. That's the fun for some over at one end of the bell curve. Others find their fun in something that is realistic and difficult rather than simply difficult because of the things we can't do that are in fact a reasonable way to simulate reality.
  10. If updating to the latest dev build doesn't fix the problem, try going into into Remote_Tech_Settings.cfg (KSP Root Directory/GameData/RemoTech2/) and set 'EnableSignalDelay = False' (with no quotes).
  11. OK, my math is wobbly and conversion skills off... but am I correct in thinking that the 'Duna Dish' will reach both Moho and Dres?
  12. That would be new - but difficult because the mod would have to be aware of all the different possible consumables. There was a guy trying to make a mod which accounted for all your electricity generation and consumption onboard in the VAB (so you could ensure you had enough), he had horrific problems because of all the possible modded sources and sinks. Consumables is a lesser problem at the moment, but still a steep order. Indeed!
  13. Just tossing something out here... do you have sufficient solar cells to recharge the batteries entirely during 'daylight' hours?
  14. In addition to the infinite fuel cheat, HyperEdit also has a function that replenishes all (stock) consumables. Keep trying, keep thinking! We can always use mods!
  15. Nope. It's the technical, technological, and operational challenges and the high costs they bring with them. That's true of your house. It's not true of a space station, not one with any useful capacity and worth the cost however.
  16. An empty shell filled with air, insulation, cabling, structure, equipment, storage, etc... etc... How much of your house is just an inert empty shell filled with air? That's the theory anyways. In reality, it simply doesn't work that way. Why? Because your theory completely fails to account for the costs of all the weight that needs to be sent up to be installed, and for the costs of all the man-hours, mass, and support needed while converting the empty shell into something useful. Time and mass on-orbit is expensive, very expensive, and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Conversions of this nature tend to increase the time and mass required anywhere from three to five times that of simply launching the module directly. As with Der Kosmos above... your theory fails to take into account anything even remotely resembling engineering reality. Anything installed in the tank before hand needs to be able to survive whatever the tank is filled with (cryogenics, kerosene, or worse yet some of the hypergolics). They need to be engineered so that none of it comes loose and interferes with the flow of the contents of the tank (and since it's immersed in liquid, the loads are higher than if it were simply in air). They need to be designed so that they don't trap (and subsequently outgas) any of the tanks contents (a serious problem with H2, kerosene, or worse yet some of the hypergolics, a potential fire hazard in the case of LOX). They need to not interfere with any of the slosh modes inside the tank in such a way as to cause destructive vibrations... etc... etc...
  17. Ok, now I'm confused by how this mod behaves... (again). I have an array of satellites each equipped with four KR-14 dishes, one of which (on each satellite) is targeted at "Active Vessel". The array is in constant contact with Mission Control, and each bird has sufficient power. I send a probe equipped with two KR-14's and fully powered on a Kerbin escape trajectory.... and I lose contact just past the Mun's orbit at a miniscule fraction of the KR-14's rated range. (Even with one of the two KR-14's set to target Kerbin.) Send a similar probe out past Minmus yields the same result and an interesting observation - it regains communication just before it crosses the Mun's orbit inbound. WTF is going on here?
  18. Throttle jitters appears with MJ, vanishes when "EnableSignalDelay = False".
  19. No, I don't drop out of the sky, *because I never reach the sky*. The jitter is bad enough that the average thrust is a fraction of full throttle, on launch the clamps release and the vehicle simply drops to the pad and explodes. Orbital maneuvers are all-but-impossible as a few hundred meters per second burn can take five to ten minutes rather than a few tens of seconds. Headed out to a party in a few, will test the emergency solution later tonight or first thing tomorrow. Thanks! It was not present in the previous version, it appeared with yesterday's release. And it's not a conflict with MJ, I get it in manual mode (no MJ installed on the vehicle) as well.
  20. Seriously, we have no way of knowing what is configuration error, an incompatibility error, or an actual bug. That what these threads are *for*, discussing the problems we're having and seeking solutions. Not everything is a bug, and users have no way of determining what is and isn't a bug. It's happening on the launch pad too, and it's *far* from harmless, there or on orbit. On the launch pad, it causes your vehicle to drop to the pad and explode. On orbit, it makes it nearly impossible to fly a precision maneuver. Please and thank you! The game is currently unplayable.
  21. Re: Throttle jitter That works when you're trying to set up for launch... not so much when you're trying to fly a maneuver, manually or with MJ.
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