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Everything posted by Pugspaceprogram

  1. Sure you can use it, and you don't get points for landing. Good luck - Pug
  2. Very good. Im quite surprised you didnt use ion. its like the nuclear engine of probes. Anyway, your score is being math'd and you will appear on the leaderboard.
  3. Thanks for your opinions, i will alter the post to make corrections.
  4. Thanks. I didnt think it was 0.25, i was just making a rough estimate.
  5. Does exactly as it says on the tin. Guidelines: You have to see the edge of the atmosphere using only stock, 0.625 meter parts. The less it weighs, the more points you get. You DO NOT have to orbit. just see space. you will get more points if you do orbit. Point System: 10 points - See space, experience weightlessness. 20 points - Orbit kerbin 50 points - Enter mun SoI +55 points - Mun land 100 points - Land at a munar anomaly 150 points - Survive mun landing, and return to kerbin. 200 points - Return to KSC from orbit. 300 points - Meet minmus. You will get the same amount of points for landing on it. 500 points - Leave kerbin SoI 1500 points - Meet an inner planet (Kerbin ((kerbin not included!)) inwards) 2500 points - Meet an outer planet (Duna and outwards) +3000 points - 'Goodbye, kerbol!' 50000 points (yes, an extra 0!) - Any interplanetary mission with a return to kerbin. 500 points - Mini space station (awwww yeah!) +20 points - <15 tonnes +10 points - <20 tonnes +50 points - 3.14 tonnes. +100 points - Break-dance +30 points - re-entry / mach effects during launch phase. +45 points - Survive re-entry (Requires deadly re-entry) +30 points - Take up some (micro) cargo +87 points - Make a shuttle design +30 points - Refuel in space +40 points - Large, 3 man capsule +42 points - Secret achievement. (Hint: Requires 2500> points) +40 points - Aerobrake +60 points - Aero capture To be updated. Rules: The only things that are allowed to be larger than 0.625 meters are engines, parachutes and command pods. You must have an apoapsis of at least 70,000 meters The ship does not have to be manned. It does not (kinda) effect points Video evidence is preferred compared to images. If you have only taken images, just put them in a video. It makes it easier to judge. (Whether the evidence is video or image, it will not effect your score.) You must have proof you attempted the challenge. It could lead to a disqualification if you don't. Heres the only cheats or mods you can have: Mechjeb, KSPX, Part clipping in editors Good luck, and as always, have fun Leaderboard: 5. Tachy0n - 60 points 4. Atanar - 2500 points 3. Kelmoir - 50000 points 2.Jason patterson - 50000 points 1. Orz - 50050 points The following non-micro parts are allowed: Ballz o' RCS RCS itself Donut fuel tanks Any micro stuff from KSPX Avionics package SMALL VTOL propellers from Firespitter mod 1 meter engines Parachutes <1 meter wingz Solar panels science equipment Sepratrons! decouplers, both radial and stage Couplers (Bi and tri) Nuc. engine (NERVA) Thanks for making this thread 'hot' and helping us get 90 replies and 8000 views! - Team Pug
  6. I did once, and the worst part was that it was in a heliocentric orbit (well, i hope thats the term for it, im pretty sure it is)
  7. I rarely say this, but sadly... This post gave me cancer
  8. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/File:Atmosphere_kerbin_eve.png Just so you know how high the atmosphere is, this is almost, if not higher than the atmosphere of Jool.
  9. Aint it great to be back, to be able to communicate with the other kerbonauts? Anyways, welcome back all. I may not be a moderator, but I thank everyone for their patience and respect over this past few weeks. I also thank all the forum staff, who got the server back up Once again, welcome back!
  10. Im doubting if OP actually tried the challenge.
  11. 'You may say you are a loser when you don't win, but I think you're a lose because you don't try.' -Pug
  12. My account was partially deleted. I would not access it using my normal password etc. so I had to get it authenticated.
  13. I added something extra on the list, about the jump being fun. There is also a hint there. Good luck!
  14. I assume many of you kerbonauts saw the space jump right? Well i want you to recreate it in kerbal space program! The challenge has no specific guidelines as to who the winner may be. The images / videos will likely be judged by 5 people and put on a leaderboard. It is suggested that you get the Hooligan Labs airships mod, so you can use balloons to get to the right height. It is also suggested that you get the Vanguard Technologies parachute. Both of these can be found in the spaceport. If the jump if fun, you will get higher mark, even if it is unrealistic. (Hint: For maximum fun, jump into Jool on X4 timewarp!) Heres the rules: You CAN have mods that allow you to change the game physics. For maximum realism, only one man pods are allowed. If a Soyuz rocket flys past or a space station passes overhead in the background, you will almost instantly by put on the leaderboard. If you are at an incorrect height (any more than 35km and any less than 29km) you will be disqualified, no matter how awesome your jump is. There may be more added to this but i just want to see how it goes at the moment. Good luck! Leaderboard 1.CalculusWarrior 2.PugSpaceProgram 3.(This could be you!) 4.(This could be you!) 5.(This could be you!) Current video attempts: PugSpaceProgram- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtxSmoi1IY4 CalculusWarrior - http://youtu.be/wuOJA0paQl4
  15. Wasnt this renderd impossible in 0.18+? I mean, you can send refueling tanks to the ship, but this means that you have to spend a lot of time in x1 time warp. I'm not willing to believe you tried it until i see photos.
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