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Everything posted by Pugspaceprogram

  1. This is just a bug. A common one too, in fact; its more of a glitch if you ask me. This happens if you collide with the ground in a certain way (the wrong way) or if you hit the ground on 4x physwarp. Also, with this amount of physwarp, it occurs with a kerbal on EVA on Jool too; so if you mush land on jool with a kerbal on 4x physwarp, just dont try to get him to stand up, or this glitch happens.
  2. According to the wiki, they are not meant to be closed. Besides, why do you need to close it so much anyways?
  3. If you really want to know, take a look behind the VAB. there is one there. If not, fly for nearly an hour to the area of KSC2. Long time, but worth it
  4. It depends on your velocity, if you are stupid and think its funny to crash into jool and then visit other planets at 8.27x lightspeed, i think that 7 km is good for you
  5. False. I must not be ragin'. (for a better experience, read in a pirate accent) The user below be thinks kerbals should be in other gamez.
  6. Banned for not dying in the April Massacre.
  7. Negative. The person below me is a Cyborg Post Sniper, lives in a pool of molten metal and is the GIF master.
  8. False, i Do question that. The user below be lives on the fourth mun of jool.
  9. Thats what inspired this. Also. The rails DO NOT have to extend all the way track, it only has to extend the first few meters (roughly distance of SPH) and still be able to drive freely. I humbly suggest Docking ports.
  10. Looks like the only stock parts on that image are the container and solar arrays.
  11. Banned for the user above you not being banned.
  12. This challenge is considered simple and complex in many ways. Can you built a train in KSP? Scoring will be based on distance etc. Guidelines: Using STOCK parts, you must design a choo choo train. It must be on rails, and move freely. It has to carry 5 or more kerbals. The more kerbals it is capable of carrying the more points it will get. See the scoring system. Can be any size Rules: Stock parts only Must carry over 5 kerbals. Has to travel AT LEAST 3600 meters (distance of runway from start to end to start. Scoring system: Accepting challenge - 10 point Engines are overrated - 20 points Steam train - 30 points + 1 kerbal = +1 point (7 kerbals = 2 points, 8 kerbals = 3 points etc.) Working (safe) tracks - 50 points Secret - [variable] To be updated. Leaderboardz: 5.(THIS COULD BE YE) 4.(THIS COULD BE YE) 3.(THIS COULD BE YE) 2.(THIS COULD BE YE) 1.(THIS COULD BE YE) Allowed Non-Stock parts: To be updated. Simple map (if you don't understand) You must go from A, to B to A A====================B <--1800 meters (runway)-->
  13. Kedwin 'Buzz' Aldkerb Favorite book?
  14. Welcome to the community! I hope to see you more often around the forums spreading and gaining knowledge!
  15. Why not just launch up the crew to jool, drop them in on 4x phys warp. It will totally work out. But no, this was added in .20 but im not entirely sure why.
  16. Koka Kola Favourite real spacecraft?
  17. It looks like nothing will 'revive' this thread. Thanks for all the posts, attempts and all clever requests. I thank you once more for getting this thread over 80 replies, 8000 views and making it hot! I leave you with all of life's answers in one image.
  18. Thanks for your submissions. Surprisingly, this was a test! I already knew but i wanted to test your knowledge. You were all correct! I congratulate you all. Why don't you try to simulate this in KSP. Do it. DO IT NOW!
  19. If you drop it off, then head somewhere else/de-orbit, sure!
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