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Everything posted by Pugspaceprogram

  1. False and true! If you say my name, it sounds exactly like the letter J The person below me is a cheaty alpaca Edit: It put 'chesty', damn you autocorrect.
  2. 10/10 Your on my friends list!!!
  3. Granted, but the floor is too, and socks and shoes don't exist. I wish I was as famous as Scott Manley
  4. 12. Forgot the parachute 13. Kraken attack (!)
  5. 0.141592653589793238462643383279/10 Not even once, only here
  6. I found this, i was hoping that i wasnt ninja'd first though!
  7. But that of course depends on how you pronounce 'Monday'
  8. Personally, i pronounce it as 'meun', or 'mhoon'
  9. I wanted to ask this of you guys as it has been debated for such a long time.
  10. Trying to calculate how much delta v it takes to walk round a corner.
  11. Granted, but the power destroys yer computer I wish I was riding an SRB with infinite fuel.
  12. Granted, but Jeb is your driver! I wish i could fly higher than jebs SRB (attached to pslytely psycho's 1955 Covette)
  13. True. The user below me is not in team Pug.
  14. Granted, but the fact that it was granted; was in fact a lie I wish for wishes that can wish so they they can wish for wishes that wish that they could wish (umad kerbals?)
  15. My fastest was too fast, it was going way faster than escape velocity of earth. I was coming in at 16km/s so I had to set my periapsis to <5 km to ensure I was captured. I still go to go to Minmus.
  16. 4/10 Something something DARK SIDE Something something KERBAL
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