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Everything posted by RockyTV

  1. Thanks for the help guys! I couldn't understand the Orbital Map, now I can! Thank you very much! Will edit this post with mission details.
  2. I admit it - my orbits are in a random inclination. I'll try doing what you meant georgTF. But anyways, I don't know if this is a bug but, in the 0.20 update, whenever I burn towards the prograde vector, I always end-up orbiting the Sun. I realised that to make a "stable" orbit around Kerbin (only Celestial Body I could test) you need to burn a little, but not too much, far from the Prograde Vector. That way I've got my orbit "working".
  3. I really like KSP a lot. I can setup satellites up onto orbit, as I can setup manned probes onto orbit too. It's been 3 months since I play KSP and I couldn't ever reach the Moon. Can someone help me? Tips and Tricks? P.S: If someone could help me with the ORBITAL MAP it'd help alot, since I don't know how to use it very well...
  4. I need a flag with: Backgroind: Brazilian Flag LOGO: Brazilian Space Agency in futuristic font written: Brazilian Kerbonautic Space Agency
  5. Maybe now I can finally go to the Mün! Never landed on it :c
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