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Everything posted by erendrake

  1. That is very cool, when you are ready to add it to the project, do you have any reluctance to having the sourcefiles live in the github repo and be licensed as GPL along with the rest of the code? A i have a small feature request. the "new" small kos part has some lights on it that i would like to eventually be script controlled. So if you think you would like to have something cool like some 9 seqment displays or some simple lights on your part i think that could add something pretty cool to the part. - - - Updated - - - New updated thing on the forums is a bother. ^ that thing ^
  2. The KSP 0.90 compatibility release. (The full thematic following of KSP 0.90's new way of thinking will come in a future version. This is just to make sure everything works.) On Github On KerbalStuff On Curseforge [h=3]BREAKING CHANGES[/h] Now respects the limitations of 0.90 career mode upgrades, which may make a few features not work anymore in career mode until you get further progressed along in your building upgrades. [h=3]New Stuff[/h] Thanks to a new dev team contributer Johann Goetz (@theodoregoetz on github), we have a new, much better and cleaner looking documentation site Better flight input handling to detect the pilot controls and keep them isolated. "plays nice" with other autopilots a bit better, using KSP 0.90's new autopiloting hooks. New suffixes to handle directions better as mentioned in Separate Dry Mass, Wet Mass, and Current Mass readings for parts and for the vessel as a whole (TODO: Link here, but the public gh-pages hasn't be regenned yet so I don't know the link yet) Added new WAYPOINT object to help with locations of some contracts. Added new :POSITION and :ALTITUDEPOSITION suffixes to Geocoordinates to obtain 3D vectors of their positions in ship-raw coordinate space. ADDED muliple new ways to deal with resources. STAGE:RESOURCES, SHIP:RESOURCES and TARGET:RESOURCES will let you get a list of the resources for the craft, the difference being that SHIP: and TARGET: includes all resources and STAGE: includes only the resoures that are for "this stage". All three of these will let you get a list of :PARTS that can contain that resource. Part resources now gives you access to the resource's tweakable :ENABLE and :TOGGLEABLE can let you remove add a resource to the normal resource flow. [h=3]Bug Fixes[/h] Better handling of range checking and loading the boot file when remotetech is installed (thanks to hvacengi for this contribution) Boot file overwrite fix (thanks to pakrym) (For developers) fixed compile error on UNIX platforms that was due to filename case-sensitivity differences. LOG command to the Archive now appends to the file properly instead of rewriting the entire contents each time just to tack on one line. It is now possible to read its output from outside KSP using a tool like the UNIX "tail -f" program. Better calculations of stage resource values, using SQUAD'S provided API for it instead of trying to walk the tree ourselves (which broke in 0.90). Fixed lonstanding bug with geocoordinates:TERRAINHEIGHT [h=3]Small maintenence issues[/h] Bundling a newer version of ModuleManager Better use of the "skin" system for the app panel. Should see no obvious effect on the surface.
  3. it is normally better with c# to do a case insensitive match rather than doing two .ToLower() String.Equals(string1, string2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); that prevents c# from adding the two new strings to the immutable store and also works better for localization
  4. It is a very simple process to remove the nyan cat, simply remove module manager from your install
  5. I agree, while it is not a perfect language it could be useful for teaching many programming basics. If teaching proper programming was a goal, ruby wouldn't be so common in education. /flameon
  6. I actually would love to know if this is possible for an upcoming new kOS feature. is this a thing we can do now?
  7. The root issue is that the value that the ModuleEnviroSensor uses is a string. I guess we would have to teach kerboscript how to coerce types - - - Updated - - - I had the idea of a flag you could set on the craft that was "lock controls" to disable direct input from the user. that would be easy enough to build and watch to insure the user had no control?
  8. Have you tried uninstalling remote tech to see if that is the issue?
  9. It depends on how BDArmory is hooked up to that button. Are the actions you want available in the right click menu for the weapons you want to fire? because those buttons are available Im pretty sure its impossible right now but it is on our list of items to add to kOS
  10. No real reason. We have wanted to add more parts but have not made the time. Its just a matter of time
  11. Sounds good, mind adding the issue to github?
  12. Paraphrased your quote to make sure i understood you 1. Yes 2. Yes
  13. All of the contributers would like to see additional languages supported in kOS. Right now we are more focused on getting more features into the mod and I know i do not currently have time to split off and build any other languages. If we were going to do that I would like to see javascript, haskell or lua. you are of course welcome to send us a pull request with this feature
  14. Congratz Paul and Daishi. This is a very cool pack and i am excited to see your new project!
  15. well, because we now let you query any value that is in the right click menu. As soon as FAR adds that debug information you can get it and do whatever you want with it http://ksp-kos.github.io/KOS_DOC/command/shipquery/index.html
  16. you can currently kick FAR into a debug mode that will add the stress data to the right click menu for each part. that way you can monitor the parts that you are overstressing and tell kos to not let you exceed it. a real fly by wire system would be pretty cool
  17. That is the plan we ran into a problem where the autopilot was appearing as well as user controls we have a fix in the works and should be in pretty soon. http://ksp-kos.github.io/KOS_DOC/structure/control/index.html Its the pilot section at the bottom.
  18. 0.90 is a very big patch and most mods will not work until the developers update it. RemoteTech is no exception
  19. New Pre-Release v0.15.4 this is a shoot from the hip update that we put together in a few hours. it has almost no testing so please let us know if you have any trouble with it. Dev Thread
  20. New Pre-Release v0.15.4 this is a shoot from the hip update that we put together in a few hours. it has almost no testing so please let us know if you have any trouble with it. v0.15.4 0.90 took us by surprise so this has had very little testing. if you find an issue please let us know either here in the github issues or on the forums. BREAKING CHANGES Issue #431: SHIP:ANGULARMOMENTUM and SHIP:ANGULARVEL have been changed from directions to vectors to me more consistent with their nature New Stuff: Should now be compatible with KSP 0.90 Bug Fixes: Issue #421: some local files are corrupt Issue #423: its possible to create a file with no extension Issue #424: additional bootfile suffix protection Issue #429: files sent to persistence file no longer get truncated On Github: Download
  21. Have you applied lock steering before or after you separate the subcraft? and to be clear do you mean this only happens when you save the subcraft as a "subassembly" in the SPH and then load it back and attach it to your craft? I know that we have some issues around craft getting loaded/created/destroyed and having script execution continue.
  22. This is getting out of hand. I dont remember seeing a limit anywhere in the code. Do you freeze up at exactly 6410? It might be useful to have a log if you have it.
  23. Laie: do you get a lot of oscillation with the basic steering lock? i would think it would be poorly suited for an ssto. Have you ever used the raw controls? Update: You should build a landing script Update2: good work on this, do you mind if i use it as a test script for kos? we are trying to build a suite of complicated scripts to test for regression.
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