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Everything posted by Pyromaniacal

  1. How did you get that down? There's no debris... ...Never thought I'd say that about a KSP landing.
  2. Well, that's just the giant set. Those tiny ones can go at about 10m/s on the Münar surface, with unparalleled stability, and being able to set the throttle makes those long hauls less tedious.
  3. I got one. Damn it's a good one. I use the fatNose empty tanks mod. You can see where this is going. I took a pair of rovers and strapped them to a rocket, and sent it in the general direction of Mün. I had plenty of fuel to make it to my destination, and deorbited to my desired LZ, and disconnected the transfer stage. I kicked on the descent engines, to find out that I had used 2 of the empty tanks. I watched the craft crash down on it's own, just for ****s and giggles. I still feel stupid.
  4. Half trak made with the Freelancer "Ute", complements of Devogen! (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24677-%280-20-x%29-Wayland-Corp-Development-and-released-download-Thread) I love the grip on these things!
  5. I found the problem. It was starting in General mode as opposed to rover. I was using WSAD instead of the throttle. These things are sick!!
  6. Hokay. This is odd. I cannot get these tracks to work. The staging says to hit G in order to actuate the motors, and I have done so, and nothing. Brakes are not engaged. I have tried with all tracks. None of them move/turn for me. What am I doing wrong/ how can I correct this? EDIT: The Mk. 5s do work, but the drive wheels inside the tracks rotate against the tracks.
  7. Two words: Half Track. Compliments of Mikel Baldok. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/caterpillar-tracks/ Still new, but stable as a mother.
  8. Yes, it was actually Jebediah who manned the capsule, despite dying on the Mün at least two times before. Emboldened by this success, I decided to take the same design, on the same rocket, to another planet. The only world with a reasonable phase angle turned out to be Jool, which only required 4 days of time-acceleration (which accidentally became 5) for the launch window to appear. I got an encounter, performed a few minor tweaks (less than 100m/sec delta-V total) to get close, and set up an aerobraking manoeuvre. Unfortunately, I was a bit too enthusiastic with the periapsis. It slowed me down all right..... straight down into the atmosphere. No amount of burning would raise my apoapsis. So I decided to make the most of it, transfer what fuel was left in the interplanetary section to the lander, ditched it, and got ready to encounter the surface. What can I say, I was curious. I also deployed my landing legs, because why not. I also figured I'd slow my descent with the rockets. For !!SCIENCE!!. I honestly did not expect it to actually work. Note the selected ship. Photographic proof. I did get mach effects applied to the lander when I switched to it for a moment, but then physics loaded properly and it was a-ok. What luck, Kerbol on the horizon right in sight of my lander window makes for a spectacular sight. Yeeeeeaaah..... What...? It boggles the mind.
  9. I sat here for a minute trying to pronounce that.
  10. We can wait, and please don't think we are rushing you. There's a difference between suspenseful watching and nagging. We are not nagging.
  11. In the future, I probably shouldn't let Jeb test fledgeling ships out... I really wish I knew how to make .gifs. The wheels spinning idly were funny. I wish I could have shared them.
  12. This is freaking awesome! I made a minor change, and moved the seat on to the front platform, on the back of that battery It protects the driver better and looks like it fits a bit better. Still, freaking sweet!
  13. Just because Jeb is on a mission to rescue Bill, doesn't mean he can't have fun! Please may I have the craft files?
  14. Here's mine in action. Nevermind the wreckage in the background. Bill isn't as good a pilot as he promised.
  15. Dammit! You beat me to it! I use this! Dammit!!!!1!!11one!! At least we both fly for the New Lunar Republic.
  16. This one was a puzzler. This is my first launch in 0.20, I was optimistic that some mods would be good to go. Here we see 4 pairs of launch clamps from the craft I just finished launching. After reentry, they left atmosphere again, velocity unhindered by the atmosphere. wat I don't even... I think I'll try again, all stock.
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