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Everything posted by lobsterbark

  1. You do realise that the Hyper Ring is Leonovs idea, and you never gave him credit.
  2. False. The user below me is running on a laptop.
  3. Either you are exaggerating, or your on a laptop. But I do agree, ksp really needs some optimization.
  4. The site is very inaccurate, how come there is fire everywhere when stages are shaped? And why is there no braking burn, once in the mu-I mean, moons gravity well?
  5. I'm now reluctant to play ksp until my computer parts are all delivered and assembled. Of the 14 Steam games I have, I can only run 3. Thats how bad my current computer is.
  6. But.....IT USES IOS! RAGE! RAGE! RAGE! No, but seriously, would all the buttons be assignable in ksp?
  7. Banned for not seeing the "trying" part.
  8. You should be able to warp on the pad, or when you are still.
  9. Chobits old mega thread got murderlized in the Great Forum Murderlyzation of April 2013, so yeah. Tanks. I currently am in tier III and IV, and have joined a small clan. I'm going for medium tanks, and tds.
  10. My rules are just: 1.Kill no Kerbles. 2.Avoid producing any debris. 3.Avoid use of NERVAs on non-interplanetary missions(outside of orbital tugs), and on probes, if reasonable.
  11. In what way is this an Orion drive, and why should he re-name the thread.
  12. Banned for complaining about a shoddy animation.
  13. It has to do with a certain part of our dna. I don't know the specifics, but it has something to do with a part that has to do with the way cells use chemicals for energy. If you want the purely scientific definition.
  14. Time warp would be impossible, and so would patched conics. Imagine trying to do calculations that nasa takes days to do on supercomputers, on a desktop pc, in less than a second.
  15. Times laughed at the number 69 because you're really immature.
  16. Didn't even realise that this was possible. How structurally stable are these?
  17. Well, I started it up, realised that I had the money to buy a better computer, quit game, and then bought the parts. They should come in a week.
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