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Everything posted by GeorgeT93

  1. Thanks for the quick update! Looking forward to trying the 64-bit version of KSP, but stayed with the 32-bit on 0.24 because of the issues folks were reporting with the decouplers (and I HAVE to have my procedural fairings working, as it's one of very few 'must-have' mods for me!) Thanks again!
  2. Just downloaded and will be using these on my next rocket! Hoping you'll be adding semi-circular ones to wrap around the base of fuel tanks soon. Thanks for the mod!
  3. For beacons and nav lights, there's the aviation lights mod that adds them so you can attach them to any ship. They're also easy to mod, so you can add your own colors. I know I use them on all my ships now.
  4. I have different naming conventions for different mission types. For example, my mapping satellites all get the name "Cartographer #" (where # is the mission number, so my mapping satellite for Kerbin was Cartographer I, and my most recent one to Eve was Cartographer VI. For manned missions, I like to use the names of explorers (as I consider them exploration missions), so I use names like "Columbus", "Vespucci", "Amundsen", and each of those will be designated for a specific system. So Columbus I would be (as an example) a manned mission to Duna, and Columbus II would be to Duna's moon (Ike).
  5. I just had to pop in here and thank the author of this amazing mod! I downloaded it and started using it today, and simply love it!! Now my rockets look like rockets instead of looking like I strapped some bottle rockets onto the bottom of a hot wheels car. Fantastic mod!
  6. 0.19 for me, when it became available on Steam. I hadn't even heard of Kerbal before then, but it has quickly become one of the most-played games that I own (according to Steam, I've logged over 200 hours since my initial purchase.) I paid $23, and honestly feel that it was a steal at that price. My only problem with KSP is that I'm so addicted to it that I don't have any time left to play anything else (and that's NOT a complaint!!)
  7. Your skycrane is less than 25 meters from the surface of Duna to drop off an unmanned rover, and you run out of fuel, land too hard, and pop all the tires on said rover. :\
  8. Ahh! Well that would explain why I hadn't encountered that. According to Steam, I'm at around 187 hours played, but I still haven't even attempted a docking. So far, my focus has been on unmanned rovers after a successful manned trip to the Mun and back. Lately, I've been focusing on mapping out all the planets and their moons, so I've launched a number of satellites. But I haven't built a space station or anything else that I've needed to dock to (yet), so I had no idea that the docking autopilot overrides the RCS toggle. Guess I better plan on taking extra monopropellant with me when I am ready to start making docking maneuvers! LOL! Thanks for the info! -George
  9. I usually just press "R" to turn RCS on when I want MechJeb to use it, and then press it again when I want it to stop using RCS, and that seems to work fine. If I'm turning toward any given point in space, I'll press "R" to turn on RCS. Then MechJeb starts rotating the ship in the direction I want to be pointing. When the ship starts to roll towards that point, I turn RCS off until the point I'm aiming for is almost centered. Then I turn RCS back on so I don't drift past the point. Once Mechjeb fires the engines, I turn RCS back off again. This has been the only way I could figure out to conserve monopropellant.
  10. After you install it, you'll need to add either a MapSat GPS (just for viewing maps) or a MapSat Satellite Dish (for both making and viewing maps) on your ship. When you leave the VAB and go to the Launchpad, there should be a small button on the bottom left side of the screen that looks like a compass (the kind you draw circles with, not a magnetic compass.) When you click on that, it should bring up the MapSat interface. Remember that this mod has to be installed the "new" way (into the GameData folder). When installed the new way, you should wind up with an "Innsewerants Space Agency" folder inside your GameData folder. Good luck! -George
  11. It's available to download through the developer's blog. Here's the posting, the link for the dev version is below the CODE box. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entry.php/414-0-20-Dev-build-of-Mapsat-4-available-and-blog-update
  12. I only started using MapSat since 0.20, so I've only used version X4r1. I've also not run into any of the problems other folks have had, though I have not tried launching anything with more than 1 satellite dish installed. Since I started using MapSat, I've mapped Kerbin, the Mun, Minmus, Ike, Duna, Eve and Gilly without any issues. That said, I hope that the developer is able to fix whatever is causing the issues that some folks are having, so they can enjoy this mod as much as I've been enjoying it. As to Rod4Rodger's suggestions (wish list), I agree with everything on it, and would love to see those features implemented in a future version! On my main pc, I play on 3 screens in nVidia Surround mode, so I keep my mechjeb windows open on the right-hand screen, and my map open on the left-hand screen. I would LOVE to be able to display the map there in a much larger size! The ability to make notes right on the map would be phenomenal! But I would like to see the notes saved on a separate "layer" that's overlaid over the actual map. That way, the text doesn't become part of the image (and could be toggled on and off, and could easily be cleared/changed without affecting the actual map image.) -George
  13. Installed, loaded up the last save where I was able to force the lights to freak out (for me it was right after T+: 400 days). Well the crazy flashing is gone! Thanks for such a quick fix, it's working great now.
  14. Awesome news!! Great job Deadweasel and BigNose! I was just returning here to deliver results of further testing, but I guess that shouldn't be needed now that you guys already figured it out! Downloading and updating now!
  15. Well I just finished testing, and unfortunately can add nothing further beyond what Deadweasel has already stated. I started a clean install with only the lights added, and regardless of configuration, they worked fine. I then added ISA MapSat and MechJeb (one at a time), and retried all the tests. No matter what I did, the lights worked correctly. Finally, I loaded up my original save game (in my original install, and again in the new "fresh" install), and the flashing for a while very quickly, then no flashing for a bit, then a return to the fast flashing was back. I then moved the .craft file with the lights that were bugging out into the fresh install, then loaded it up in the VAB and launched. The lights worked perfectly. So like Deadweasel has stated, with my original save file (I started over completely when 0.20 released), the lights don't work properly. In the new save, loading the exact same .craft, the lights worked perfectly. So I'm really at a loss as to the cause. Sorry I couldn't provide more information. Tests were done using individual placement, symmetrical placement, and symmetrical placement with Action Group toggles. Tests were then repeated with ISA MapSat installed, with the dish added to each craft before launch. I then completed the tests a third time, this time with ISA and MechJeb both installed, and with the dish and control box added to each craft prior to launch. Results were the same across the board, all light modes seem to work fine in the new savegame that I started today for testing, but they don't work using my old savegame that has an unmanned rover on the Mun, a mapping satellite that has been landed on Minmus, a mapping satellite that has landed on Eve (thanks to parachutes), and random debris from each of those missions, plus debris from a number of missions that were not successful at all lol.
  16. The ONLY thing I can think of, though it doesn't make sense to me, is maybe it's related to either symmetry or action groups. I know the first ship I built using the new aviation lights (after 0.20), the lights worked perfectly. On that ship, I placed each light individually, and didn't bother to set up action groups for the lights. Even now, if I switch back to that particular satellite, the lights seem to stay flashing normally. All the other craft I have launched since (about 4-5 launches), have had the lights put on using symmetry mode, and had their "flash" turned on via action group. I doubt this has anything to do with the issue at all, but thought I'd mention it just in case. When I get a chance, I'll throw together a quick rocket, and launch 1 with lights individually placed (versus using symmetry mode), and I won't assign any action groups. Then I'll launch the same rocket a second time, but this time I'll use symmetry mode and still won't use action groups. Then for the third launch, I'll try with symmetry and action groups assigned, and then I'll see if there's any correlation between any of the combinations of symmetry and action groups, and the odd flashing behavior. I'll post back my findings later on after I've had a chance to test. Off-topic: Do you have any plans to release any other lighting packs? I'd personally love to see some neon lights that we could stick on our ships (obviously, just for "cool factor" lol.) I'm thinking they would be like the same length as say the 1x1 steel sheet, and in two widths, really thin, and moderately thick. So the thin one would be like: |L| |I| |G| |H| |T| and the thick one would be something like | L | | I | | G | | H | | T | and the could be available in, well pretty much any color. Anyhow, just a thought. Back on topic: Thanks again for this light pack, and again, I'll report anything odd after I test my ships to see if symmetry and/or action groups have anything (or nothing) to do with the odd flashing intervals. -George
  17. I'm experiencing the same thing. My first flight, everything worked great, and every subsequent flight I've had issues with the flashing mode where it will flash very rapidly for a few seconds, then it stops flashing for a couple of seconds, then the cycle repeats. I'm experiencing this behavior on both my laptop and my main pc. For the time being, I've stopped using the flashing modes and just turn the lights on or off. Installed Mods: MechJeb 2.0.8 Aviation Lights some FusTek Parts (Karmony, MUNOX, Common Berthing set) ISA MapSat x4r1 Anyhow, I just wanted to post as I'm also having the same issue as Deadweasel, and wanted to confirm that he's not the only one experiencing this odd behavior. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that if it's happening to more folks, that they'll post too, so we can try and find out if it's a problem with the lights themselves, or just a conflict with another mod. I'll be honest though, even without the flashing capability working right for me, I still have to use these lights (just in solid "on" or "off" mode) because, well because they're so darn cool! Thanks! -George
  18. I just wanted to pop in and say thank you for this fantastic mod! I just installed it for the first time last night, and it has completely changed my approach to my space program! Thank you for your time, effort, and an amazing contribution to the community. Keep up the great work! Thanks again, -George
  19. Poor Jeb and his crew! Luckily, with the advanced Kerbalnaut Cloning Program, I'm sure he and his pals will show back up for you again soon. * *Kerbalnaut Cloning Program does not really exist, characters do respawn eventually though.
  20. Congrats! Have you got enough fuel to get him home, or is time to start designing a rescue mission?
  21. Hi J0hnsmine! I've already been welcomed, so I think it's ok for me to say "Welcome to the forums" to you. -George
  22. By the definitions set in the original post, I'd fall under the "Builder" category. Though honestly, I feel more like I play like a "Project Manager". I set a goal for my "space agency", then try to build something that will achieve that goal. I do use Mechjeb for most of the actual flying, as piloting a rocket is a lot more challenging than a plane, and frankly some of the concepts and even terminology used, are admittedly over my head. My current goal is to get an unmanned rover onto the surface of Duna, but alas, it seems my project management skills are as poor as my rocket piloting skills, as each rover has overshot Duna and drifted off into deep space. But each time, I seem to get a little closer! But then, that's part of what's so great about KSP. It's easy to play it whatever way you want. If you want to do the piloting yourself, you can. If you want to just build and use a mod like Mechjeb to do the flying for you, well we've got that option too. Ultimately, however any of us chooses to play, as long as we're all having fun with our chosen playstyles, then the devs have done an amazing job (imho) by making it the "space game for everyone and anyone". Of course, that's just my opinion. -George
  23. Thanks for the welcomes! I did notice on facebook that the new update will be out soon, and while I'm definitely looking forward to it, I'm still having a great time with the game in its current state. So if it takes the devs more time to get the next update out, I'm ok with that. I knew when purchasing it, that I was getting an alpha product, and so I already came in knowing that updates don't always get released at their expected time, due to things like last-minute bugs and such that are found and need to be fixed before releasing. I'm of the "better late and stable" mindset rather than the "give it to me now and let me complain about what doesn't work right" mindset. lol! Thanks again for the welcomes, and I look forward to getting to know my fellow KSP'ers better, and hope that as I learn more, that I'm able to contribute to the community in the way so many of you KSP veterans already do! Great game and a great community! -George
  24. Hi everyone! I just thought I'd take a minute to say hello to my fellow KSP'ers. I've been lurking here in the forums for the last couple of weeks, since I first purchased the game on Steam. I haven't really felt like I've had much, if anything to contribute to all the posts I've read, but they've certainly helped me along in learning some of the more advanced features of the game (I'm still trying to figure out the node system to make it beyond the Mun. Thus far, I've only managed a successful round-trip to the Mun, but have sent many, many missions off to Duna that have wound up drifting off into the deep reaches of space with no remaining fuel LOL!) In any case, I've already logged 106 hours playtime (according to Steam), and while I've had a lot more failure than success, I have to say that I've NEVER had so much FUN at failing at a game!! In fact, I even managed to get one of my brothers to try the demo, and he got hooked on that, and also bought the game. Kudos to the developers, as I've wanted a game like this for as long as I can remember. I'm absolutely amazed at how stable and fun the alpha is, and am looking forward to years of fun with KSP through the alphas, betas, and releases! Anyhow, I just wanted to take a minute to say "hi" and introduce myself to the community. -George
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