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Everything posted by OrbitusII

  1. Bro, spamming refresh to claim page 1000 is cheating. Totally uncool.
  2. Probably mid to late. It's simple stuff but real life comes first.
  3. To go where no man has gone before. These are the adventures of the Starship- huh? Wrong script? Ah, right... gotcha. Ok, here we go... [dramatic voice]The meaning of life on Mars boils down to two things: life... and Mars. What exactly that means is anyone's guess...[/dramatic voice] How was that take? Good? Awesome. Are you wearing your brown pants?
  4. Year 202: Jeb's ancestor invents sunglasses to stop the big white disc from hurting his eyes. Kerbal civilization begins moving out of caves.
  5. I would say 42, but that would make too much sense. Instead, I'll say nothing. NOTHING. Do it be like they say it is, or do it not be like they say it is?
  6. Don't worry, that's perfectly normal. Waiter, there's an armed grenade in my soup. Shall we run for our lives?
  7. Updated the download for General Rarity's configs in the OP. I'm gonna leave this alone for the rest of this weekend so that I can relax and get psyched up for the move to college on Friday... Solar panels will probably be out next week along with updated configs.
  8. While I'm glad that Hugo was able to learn some useful modeling skills, I'm not a fan of him being in charge of the aerospace parts. Granted, what he's done looks significantly better than the originals, but they still lack any real aerodynamics and, from my lessons in modeling with helldiver, I can tell that he didn't do all of his topology right. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that they look so much better, but I would have had him learn more about modeling smooth surfaces first.
  9. Older version on different OS I think, but I can try to bring it back to life
  10. I'm not surprised, what with Google taking over everything. Thanks for checking it out!
  11. Advertising open positions in your company through your signature AND asking for rep? HAAAAAAAAAAX
  12. 1/10 Might have seen you before, and I love pi
  13. Of course! You ordered the Kerbal Special! Waiter, I am noticing a distinct lack of assorted meats and vegetables in my soup. Where are the assorted meats and vegetables I ordered?
  14. Great job, Chadny! You've managed to make an epic mess on the launchpad! Look at those broken solar panels! Shortly afterwards, Chadny, Rouki, and Thomdrin went to Mun to become the first colonists (Chadny was not being punished, actually) Chadny (left) is the Base Technician, Rouki (middle) is Base Commander, and Thomdrin is the Base's Scientist and Resident Derp, in charge of all things stupid as well as managing the Hydroponics and food supply. Also, a moment of silence for Bartemone, who was killed in a terrible accident on his way to join the Mun colony's crew with a new rover. He was dependable, intelligent, and a wonderful friend. As a result of the accident, my space agency will be upping the safety of all rockets and designing a new launcher to replace the old but reliable Maiden series. All of This and More on my Livestreams at twitch.tv!
  15. Sorry, I was trying to focus on chat and landing on Mun so I wasn't paying attention to much else. Off to dinner and some homework for the rest of the night but I'll update the configs in the OP, General.
  16. Streaming in a bit, going to actually build a Mun base today and I've already got one module up there! http://www.twitch.tv/orbitusii
  17. Added the TAC LS and Alternate Textures to the OP. I'm going to take a break from this for today, I'm a little exhausted from all the work I've been doing and I need to work on homework before my Aerospace education begins next week! Edit: I will be streaming in a bit, building a Mun Base for teh lols and all that. http://www.twitch.tv/orbitusii Just need to get some stuff set up and I'll begin. First module is already up there and it uses the Orange Cargo (of course!) with an improved KAS cargo capacity.
  18. I posted a couple of pages back saying that I will not, unfortunately, continue my work to completion. Since lo-fi's plugin is actually working and achieves roughly the same functionality, another plugin that tries to do what his does but is completely broken would seem a bit silly.
  19. For topology the game reads data from an internally-stored texture (height map) and then the PQS (Planetary Quad System) generates the terrain. Re texturing could potentially be done with Texture Replacer but not modifying the topology. There is a mod somewhere that does allow for changing heightmaps, however (I think it's Kittopia's Terraforming). Without mods there is no known way to add static meshes like the Mun arches or monoliths to planets. The one mod that adds that functionality, Kerbtown, received its most recent unofficial hotfix a few weeks after 0.23.0 was released, so it's basically running on code from the days of 0.22.x and is severely outdated. It works, but only if it's one of the only plugins installed.
  20. Sure, send me the configs whenever and I'll put them up! As for KAS functionality, I'll probably up the storage capacity (since the biggest KAS containers have 80 and they're substantially smaller than this) and make it a ModuleManager config rather than integrated with the mod itself. As for other colors, I'm trying to stick with the original concepts that Sauron came up with, but I can look into adding some more when I improve the textures. I'll release those in a texture pack of sorts when they're done. I'm planning on finishing the first set of parts (Orange and some fairings for the series) and then doing an art pass, which should improve performance and RAM use a bit.
  21. I design my rockets so that earlier stages reenter the atmosphere no matter what and booster/orbital insertion stages can deorbit themselves. There are a few missions I've ran in recent months that leave some debris but there's usually and consistently nothing in orbit that isn't supposed to be there.
  22. The aerospace parts were designed ages ago as a mod for KSP, and have never received an update. Supposedly at least some of them are getting remade for 0.25 but KSP could definitely use a dedicated stockalike aerospace part pack (I don't like B9 because it's too big and depends on too many other mods).
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