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Everything posted by LameLefty

  1. And that's why you haven't already seen this answer a few times ... That's because an SAS module only provides torque for control, it won't provide the control you need for stability. A Stayputnik probe core alone won't do it either - you need a higher-tier probe core.
  2. I thought I had - I was doing a "landed" part test on the launch pad with Bill and decided, after completing the test, to get him out of the capsule and wander around, maybe get an EVA report from over on the runway or something ... as soon as he spawned on the capsule ladder, the game glitched. The screen went black except for the GUI elements. I could go to the space center screen but trying to go back to "fly" the landed craft gave me the same black screen. I had to quit KSP and reload it entirely, then reload my save, to get my game playable again. When I did, Bill was listed as "Missing" in the Astronaut Complex, though my craft was still sitting on the pad. A couple game-days later, he reappeared for duty. I'm glad I wasn't playing with perma-death enabled!
  3. Maybe a bit TOO ambitious for the venerable 2600 VCS. But we can pretend. And hey, who knows what a dedicated homebrew coder might come up with.
  4. You lost me at HP50g ... in my days as an aerospace engineering undergrad we iterated this stuff in BASIC or some other language on personal computers using the Runge-Kutte method. The first HP48 models didn't arrive in our college bookstore until the fall of 1989 (before they hit widespread retail channels, interestingly). I still have one today. (Seriously, good work posting this stuff. I'm betting not many folks on these forums will have an HP though, sad to say).
  5. Query - since this tool works with FAR, does it also work with NEAR? I've used FAR in the past (and I'm an aerospace engineer by education) but I never liked fiddling with all of FAR's GUI elements; NEAR is thus perfect for me - as if ferram read my mind when he created it. So I'm using NEAR in my current build and loving it. I really hope this new mod works with NEAR the same way it does with FAR.
  6. That rendezvous was successful, but I'd say any extended PROXOPS (proximity operations) weren't very satisfactory.
  7. Hauling raw Kethane up a steep gravity well isn't very efficient. If you do a search of the many hundreds of pages of this thread alone, you'll find links to detailed analyses. What you'll probably find in practice, however, is that there is plenty of Kethane on Ike and other low-g moons around the system. It's much easier in practice to use stations around them or landed refinery bases on those low-g bodies to convert your Kethane to usable fuels, without "eating up your profits" hauling the equipment up and down from a planetary surface.
  8. I've said it before and I'll say it again - the current FTmN-280 is the best interplanetary engine (stock or any mod) I've ever run across in KSP - IMHO, it's about the perfect combination of mass, ISP and thrust. Good thrust but not super-high, great ISP, but heavy enough that you really need to think about whether you need it. In fact, these are basically my thoughts regarding the entire family. Of course, if the specs change in future versions, ModuleManager or a direct tweak to a .cfg file can "fix" whatever someone doesn't like about new versions.
  9. It's only been a couple weeks. By the time 0.25 rolls around, I would bet you lots of money that the list is much longer.
  10. You quoted me out of context. I was referring to mods: If a mod worked on Windows, it also worked on OS X and Linux. That was the beauty of a platform-agnostic game. Now mods are being compiled specifically against particular versions (64-bit or 32-bit) and aren't going to work across platforms.
  11. Not yet. Currently playing a very minimal-mod version of .24.2. That said, there are already modders out there releasing separate 64-bit and 32-bit versions. And that bothers me because the game is no longer platform-agnostic. Read what I wrote, not what you think I wrote. I hate that it has divided the game's customers into haves and have-nots. That didn't use to be the case. I'm fully capable of installing Windows on my MBP (In fact I have a Win7 installation right now in VirtualBox that I use for other things). I just don't like the divisive nature of the release and the fact that modders are starting to take that into account. Let's face it, all of the amazing stuff they do is an incredible part of the entire "KSP experience." And the 64-bit decision is going to limit the scope of that experience for a sizable fraction of the customer base going forward. I think that's a sad thing.
  12. Except it doesn't, not in the same ways. Not since they intentionally split the user-base this way. That is the point.
  13. Well no, no I don't. I play on a Mac and KSP has never been the most stable game, especially when memory gets above 3.2 gigabyte and mods are taken into account. But really, any perceived benefits of 64-bit aren't really the point. The point is, it's causing mod makers like Mihara to ignore 32-bit versions and is thus splitting the game's core fanbase in a way that is potentially very destructive. Certainly it's his choice. But Squad's decision to release a Win-only version of the game allowed him to make that choice in the first place. That's my biggest beef. (Love your Toolbar, by the way. I couldn't imagine playing without it).
  14. This. This right here. By going Win-only with this 64-bit release, Squad has instantly bifurcated the fan-base and cut Mac users out of a lot of the fun. Part of what attracted me to this game back when I started playing (0.19) was that the releases were platform-agnostic and basically if it worked for Windows, it also worked for Macs and on Linux boxes. Sadly, this is no longer the case and it both saddens and angers me. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57603-0-24-2-RasterPropMonitor-putting-the-A-in-your-IVA-%28v0-18-1%29-27-Jul?p=1322065&viewfull=1#post1322065
  15. Thanks for deprecating all the KSP players who use Macs. This is exactly the **** I expected when Squad announced 64-bit was Win-only. Sadly, I didn't expect it from such an otherwise-excellent mod.
  16. That's so preposterous, it's genius! I so wish it were possible to actually do this. Like the one I got to test landing gear while on an escape trajectory out of the Kerbin system. That was so pointless that it was actually fun to do.
  17. Wow, excellent ferram! Thank you. Although I am an aerospace engineer by education, that degree is nearly a quarter century in the past and fading more each year. This looks like an excellent "FAR-lite".
  18. Alright, I've got Steam open and ready to update. My hypetrain derailed two days ago, so I'm gonna go mow the yard while I wait ...
  19. Harvester's last comments mentioned this, I think. But yeah, more nodes (and paths!) through the tech tree and tweaking the science cost per node could make it essentially impossible to grind through the Tech Tree in a few days (or less!) like a lot of folks do now.
  20. I agree with this with regard to Duna, more or less. But at least ONE of the easter eggs there remains above ground, so that's something. Now that said, I think part of the holdup in adding more biomes is simply figuring out the long-game balance. I mean, lots of experienced players rush through the Tech Tree as fast as possible and quickly reach the "now what?" phase of game play. As many people have figured out by now, it takes a grind, but you can complete the entire Tech Tree without leaving the Kerbin SOI. I think Squad has been thinking about this kind of thing quite a bit, and now that the game-mechanisms for contracts, funds and rep are built, they will continue on towards their next internal milestone and see how the community reacts and how modders build onto their system. I predict that sometime around .26 or 0.27, we'll see a "stretching out" of the tech tree - more and smaller nodes, requiring more Science!â„¢ to unlock, giving people a disincentive to grind out missions in the Kerbin SOI. I think more of the science parts will be moved lower in the tree but will produce a lot less Scienceâ„¢ on or near Kerbin, but will be correspondingly more beneficial the further away you are. That will give people incentive to launch earlier flyby missions to Duna and Eve (like the early U.S. Mariner missions in real life), and so on. But whatever happens, it will be interesting to see how it all plays out.
  21. I wonder why they named it the "vernor" engine rathe than the proper "vernier".
  22. Apollo 11 launched on July 16, 1969. At this point, I'm going for tomorrow.
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