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Everything posted by LameLefty

  1. Has anyone else had difficulty with MJ's buttons since 0.23.5 and the new Toolbar 1.7.1 version? I get the main "MJ" button my toolbar as before, but even though I have my usual set of MJ modules set to display their buttons, they don't show. They were working in 0.23 with the earlier builds of MJ and Toolbar. I still have the MJ Toolbar .DLL installed but it doesn't appear to work. What have I missed in the upgrade process? EDITED TO ADD: Disregard. Others are now posting about this and solutions in the MJ thread. I thought it was a Toolbar problem but it's apparently a MJ issue. Thanks for your continued work on this, Blizzy.
  2. Some folks reported problems with EVA sounds in Chatterer. The code was recompiled against 0.23.5 and there is a fix here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25367-0-23-Chatterer-v-0-5-9-2?p=1068099&viewfull=1#post1068099
  3. Game limitation. This gets asked at least every two or three pages; it would be nice if people would at least read the last couple pages of a long thread and maybe even the documentation for complicated mods like this.
  4. I noticed this Monday night. They're also on command pods.
  5. Good to know! I started a new save and haven't played much since the update. As a result, I haven't had the chance to actually dock with anything yet. Good to know Navyfish's hard work remains viable.
  6. Search in the Request a Flag thread. It's been posted there before a few months ago.
  7. The reduced/eliminated terrain and water lag was the very first thing I noticed last night on my first "mission" - put a capsule on the pad, do a crew report, EVA report, take Pad surface sample = Science!â„¢ and then go build a real rocket. I could easily pan around the launch pad, zoom in and out, and there was zero lag. When I actually launched a rocket a few minutes later, it stayed that smooth pretty much all the way into LKO. Kudos to the dev team!
  8. I'm starting over again, just like I did when I jumped from 0.19 to 0.22 and then again to 0.23. This time I'm leaving a colony on Laythe, an operational Kethane mining infrastructure and refinery/refueling station around Minmus, and probes, flags and and an, um, "long duration solar orbit exploration mission" (*) in limbo, by far my most-played save. (*) That's what I retroactively called my first crewed Moho mission when it turned out I had nowhere near enough dV to actually brake into Moho orbit. Oops.
  9. I had just joined a couple weeks before when 0.19 came out. I didn't lose my account but I did lose a few dozen posts. No great loss in the grand scheme of things.
  10. I did structural design, propulsion performance estimates, aerodynamics and orbital mechanics with a mechanical pencil, engineering quad-ruled paper and my trusty HP calculator back in college in the 80's because that was the only option. None of that counts as "fun" for me anymore, sorry.
  11. This is just so full of Wrongâ„¢ I don't even know where to begin ... Now excuse me while I go compile a few thousand open-source Unix apps on my "closed system disease"-ridden Mac.
  12. Thank you for the little update and the denser particle effects! My 3 year old MacBook Pro appreciates it very much.
  13. In case anyone was still panicking, the download link in the first post is working again.
  14. Why would you think a short-term service issue means an entire plug-in is "dead." If the links remain down for more than a few days, then it's time to get worried. In the meantime, a polite PM to Majiir might help, or posting a specific issue about the download on at the Github bug tracker might be more productive.
  15. You don't need to have Steam running to play KSP, even if you buy through Steam. Just create a shortcut to the KSP executable wherever you like and run it directly. That's how I do it. I only load up Steam to play games that require it, or to update (which is usually a LOT faster than people who update KSP through the KSP servers; Valve has a much bigger server infrastructure to handle the load!).
  16. The Fatman FTmN rockets are AWESOME. Kommitz's work is absolutely stellar.
  17. Right after it came out as part of Steam's Early Access program last March, 0.19.
  18. I missed the Squadcast last night so thank you for the summary!
  19. Yeah, the ZX-81 had character-based graphics made up of an alternate character-set. Each letter had a pixel-pattern shape as its alternate - you drew "images" by writing out lines of characters using the alternate character set. I was able to avoid building one from a kit by saving up months' worth of lawn mowing money, my birthday money and my allowance. The Sinclair Spectrum version was a lot nicer but I don't know anyone in the U.S. who ever actually owned a Spectrum. Both versions are shown here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flight_Simulation_(Psion_software)
  20. No, but the first flight sim I ever played was on a Sinclair ZX-81; it loaded from cassette (the only "mass storage" available of course) and absolutely required the 16KB memory expansion module.
  21. This is GENIUS. Time to break out DOSBox or something and go play Zork.
  22. I'm pretty sure Whackjob has stated that his PC isn't anything special. He's just a got a lot more patience and maybe stubbornness than most of us.
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