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Everything posted by leax256

  1. I would describe this as doing something wrong, but I see your point.
  2. I've never not had a kerbal grab the ladder when he eva'd. and every video I have seen confirms the same thing. you may be doing something wrong or are experciencing a malfunction.
  3. http://www./view/d1f34yb7c7b227b/persistent.sfs here you go, link to the persistance file.
  4. were you time warping? if you were that could be the root of your problem.
  5. I'm experienceing some delays with the video since physics gave up acted wierd and bugged my .craft file(I have to remake it from scratch) luckily enough while I was recording so expect some bonus fun.
  6. Ruins of an ancient civiliation, sure, living intellignet beings...no. That is best left for mods/DLC. I would however like to see extra terrestrial life like plants, bugs, small animals, bacterial, ect.
  7. The CPU cycles while one thread is waiting for a response from something else, ie. ram, HD, usb stuff. in short Hyperthreading keeps the physical CPU active more. on a side note, I dissallowed WMM access to core 4, least now I can browse the internet without slowdowns.
  8. this is what Happens when I try to do anything while I have WMM rendering a video. I'm saying I need a faster cpu since this takes ~30 min per video and I have to do it twice. I can't use my pc while it runs. also you have 4 cores, the other 4 are extra threads that run on the same core as their pair when the other is idle.
  9. I have recently had an issue that happened while I was recording. give me a day or so and i'll have it up.
  10. Unity does have multicore support but not multithreading support namely for physics. I do remember hearing about a version of unity that was mad after the one the devs are using that can do multithreaded physics. but I don't know for sure.
  11. there was a confirmation box for the end flight button, people sill complained. that was fixed sorta when the revert flight buttons were added.
  12. duely noted, would like to say from what I know, the 81XX chips are pathetic peices of junk. more cores though are better if the program can use all of them so perhaps at some point AMD 8 core CPUs will have the edge vs simular priced intel parts. lets end this discussion here before it heats someone up.
  13. it would be nice however I can see it now, "please remove the quit to os button from the pause menu, I keep accidently clicking it and have to reload my game all the time." these would pop up all the time even if there was 30 confirmation boxes that popped up, kinda like the end flight button.
  14. You sound like you have something to gain by talking trash about AMD. That or you have been given faulty information. Yes the i3 could out do alot of AMD stuff but once you start recording the extra cores will come in handy. to the OP, If you want to record I would go for either a i5 or Phenom II, both have 4 cores and will run the game about the same(especially if you OC the AMD one even just .4ghz). The i5 will be slightly better since intel keeps updating the i series(as I call them) alot and the phenom is showing its age. However intel cpus are quite a bit more expensive than AMD so you will have to make the choice. as far as the gpu goes, I would suggest something around the 77XX for amd or 650(ti) for Nvidia.
  15. I think I need a faster CPU Phenom II 965 @ 3.8ghz
  16. the large rover wheels act like tank tracks, so the potiential is there for all them to do that, just needs to be implimented.
  17. well then looks like I'm up. as for you canadian try installing the demo version of fraps on the new computer then copy the .exe of fraps on the old computer to the new one, run it. There is a chance fraps will run on the new computer as the full version.
  18. just cause ea practices this doesn't mean everyone does.
  19. argueable I do think maybe the transfer rate should scale the way it does but there should be some kind of minimun transfer rate so that it doesn't take so long to refill stuff.
  20. not first person to suggest this, Kerbal attachment system mod is your only real option. this really needs to be implimented.
  21. the biggest problem is all these companys saying how awesomely powerful their stuff is, I look at it and it's a 1.3ghz dualcore.
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