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Everything posted by leax256

  1. first post should be updated to tell what we are currently doing and maybe add a history of the stuff that was built with info on who built it/what modules they added. also tell me when I can go.
  2. it's not too often I get to use this one. not quite first
  3. what's nice is an eclipse while on the mun by kerbin
  4. it seems to be a hit and miss kind of thing. I noticed this also when it first came out, sometimes it will heat up but sometimes it won't. seems to be some sort of bug.
  5. a 7200 rm hd is considered a gaming quality hd. look at the cache the drive, 16,32,64 are common sizes, the bigger the better the drives will perform, I have a 7200rpm, WD blue with 64mb of cache, I can say it's a decent drive but is by no means superfast, takes about 45 sec to fully load everything stock...it scores 5.9 on WEI, everything else scores 7.4+. it is the slowest thing on my computer.
  6. it is possible through the magic of photoshop, that is only a fake.
  7. gravitational constant, it's a number used to determine the gravitational attraction between two objects. the ksp universe just has a larger one.
  8. I like the idea of putting the points into a pool that you could use to upgrade that particular engine. that way you can choose where your space program goes.
  9. I beat one of my fears and asked a girl out for the first time, she said "Sorry, I'm not interested" least it's better to ask and get turn down than not ask at all. Wanting to know what part she isn't interested in, me or dating, she's a bit shy herself
  10. doesn't help me any, but thanks anyway. better to ask and get rejected than not ask and live in "what if"
  11. well congradulations on getting married. I beat my fear and asked out a girl today...She said she wasn't interested.
  12. nice video, you could add a module that has a command part. can't really cheer me up though.
  13. I have an h80i, got it to 3.8 without touching the voltage, 3.9 becomes unstable after a few hours, and 4.0 only lasts about 5 min. I know i could get it higher by uping the voltage, I just don't wanna push it too far unless I had the money to replace the cpu. I also heard these cpu's can be more stable at higher speeds with faster ram. I currently have 8 gb of 1333mh ram dual channel
  14. I use the same cpu, I'm also gonna upgrade soon
  15. would like to point out the complexity of a Internal combustion engine compared to electric engine, there's just so much that can go wrong, the electric engines have just a few parts, power source, battery, magnet, wires. much easier to fix if broken especially since most astronaughts have worked with electric engines alot.
  16. since new stuff was added to the career game mode most current stock saves will be safe.
  17. not quite 2 warshps but it gets the point across
  18. simplist(for the player) solution would be a gui with buttons/sliders that change values and a proper totorial about how it works. everyone loves a gui.
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