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Everything posted by malkuth

  1. All your Null Refrences are from KerbTown. Now if that mean Kerbtown and MCE don't get along, I can't tell. Can't find anything bad about MCE in log file. NullReferenceException at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Renderer:set_enabled (bool) at PQSCity+LODRange.SetActive (Boolean active) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Kerbtown.KerbTown.DestroySoInstance (Kerbtown.StaticObject staticObject) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.Debug:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) Kerbtown.KerbTown:DestroySoInstance(StaticObject) Kerbtown.KerbTown:DestroyInstances(Dictionary`2) Kerbtown.KerbTown:OnDestroy()
  2. I don't know why texture replacer would mess that up. I will load up texture replacer and see whats up.
  3. Need to see your output_logfile in your Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64_Data Without that can't tell you whats wrong. All I can tell you is that I developed MCE in the new 64 Bit KSP envioroment, and use 64 bit myself without to many issues. Until I install other mods that don't work so well with 64bit ksp. Don't give me the one from the 32 bit data folder. Won't have the info I need.
  4. I had a huge issue with this. Use to use OnSceneChange for MCE code to do certain things like Charge for certain items. This does not work for .24 with funds, because you can't change anything like funds during a scenechange. The scene has to be established for things to stick. Was very annoying.
  5. patch 2D is out. This is what changes. 1. This new version includes all fixes in Hotfix 2b and 2C 2. Fixed the Mass wall of NRE During startup. Was caused by way I was loading the Default ToolBar. 3. Added option in config file to get rid of Rescue Kerbals from space contract. THIS IS OFF BY DEFAULT. If you want it on change it in Config file. I highly suggest you make sure no other mod does the same thing. If thats the case Keep the MCE version off! 4. Added a little Helper for you if you need it in the Orbital Period contracts. This is another thing you have to TURN ON in config file. I plan on expanding this later on to use something other then the ScreenMessage system of KSP. It works though for now. 5. Both Orbital Research and Lander Research Contracts will only be available on Planets you have found. to find a planet you just have to fly by it. .
  6. I fixed the problem with the NRE spam at startup. Was because of the way I was loading the Default ToolBar for KSP. Was still using the old hack to make them stay and for some reason started acting up. It fixed. I just have to do some more testing because the version I fixed is my Version and was working on some other stuff, that not done yet so have to hide it from loading.
  7. No, he has his own contracts for his parts, they should work together fine I would think. Seems to be a bug in MCE I missed thats causing a lot of strange NRE spam at startup, trying to track it down and get a quick fix up.
  8. No I was talking about a ComSat Delivery of 4 satellites into orbit at the same time. All in one contract.
  9. Need to see outputlog file to see whats going on. Might be having a bad reaction with another mod.
  10. I hoping there is an option for distance from Target A to Target B, make making these types of contracts much more easy. If not then take a little code to make it work, and not be cheated by player. For instance the way things work now. Even if I have 4 separate Orbit at this height objectives. Once the player brings the first satellite into space and reaches the objective all objectives will be complete. Trying to figure out a way for only 1 vessel can do each objective, or each objective must be Certain distance from the other to complete. The last part would be the easiest I think.
  11. So I took some advice from a few people, and decided to limit the Orbital Research and Orbital Landing Planet goals to planets you visited. After you visit these you can can an unlimited number of these contracts. Its working in the current build I'm playing. Whats everyones thought on this feature. Also I have a Config File option to turn off Rescue kerbals. But its defaulted to Off. And it works. Again its an option and not hardcoded you have to turn it on in config file to make it work. Just want some thoughts.
  12. They are kerbals.. Who knows. Anyway that system is random, sometimes you don't even get Inclination change. I could change it to a lower % for Orbital Period Contract. But some people like a challenge. If your looking for comsat (IE RemoteTech 2) type satellite I will be making some new contracts for that soon, that might even be User Adjustable.
  13. Ya, the way the Contract works gives you a margin or error of about 2 seconds either way, so you can still complete contract at 5:59.
  14. Off to bed but another hotfix for ya. HotFix 2C 1. Fixed issue with Research Landing Contract Getting stuck on Planet, also disallowed Jool As landing Target. 2. Added new Revert Red Button Icon to replace the old button. 3. Added Malkuth Industries to Agents List. 4. Changed the Contracts that Require Parts to read title and not name of part. 5. Fixed part Titles of all parts to be correct names.
  15. Dam the textures are 38 Megs? Not sure what to do about it, not a parts person, and didn't make the parts. Ill see if I can figure out how to make the .cfg file look at one spot. The textures use all the same files.
  16. LOL land on jool. Forgot about that one. Ill fix it. And Ill look at the part name. Textures though? Don't have custom textures they are default. Oh and the zero is a hack to get around the Non Repeating Nature of Contracts. If you have a title with same name it will not repeat in contract system. So you can only do them once. The number is actually the number of times the mission has been done. When its 0 that means not been done yet. And so on. And the point of Research Platfoms is to discover new bodies. At least thats my idea, lots of people don't like to play sending kerbals everywhere. For those of us that use life support, deadly reentry, and FAR. Its hard to send kerbals off at the start of game, so we rely on automated vehicles. hence the need for research platforms. Fixing the Jool thing. Was it stuck on jool? Fixed the jool bug and the stuck bug. you should be able to cancel the contract and a new random planet will show up. But it gets stuck. But its fixed will release a patch soon.
  17. Hmmm, unless Im reading this wrong I think your misunderstanding the Objective of mission. You need to get into an orbital Period of 6 hours for Kerbin. The orbital period is the time taken for a given object to make one complete orbit around another object. Meaning you will be at Kerbin GyoSync Orbit. GyoSync orbit is when your at the altitude where kerbin and your vessel rotate at the same time. Meaning your vessel is always point at the same spot on kerbin and will never leave it, unless you change you orbital period. Now without Kerbal Engineer or MechJeb (they give you the reading to tell you what Orbital Period your at) you have to do some math. Link. I would go with Engineer. I will see if I can add a helper in another update later though.
  18. Small Hotfix Released: Sorry missed this most might not noticed but me starting my game from scratch did. Anyway this is the fix. Fixed! Fix the problem of getting a Satellite Contract that requires a repair part when repair part comes later in the tech tree. You still get early Satellite contracts, only they don't have repair part requirement. Which means they will never get repair missions later in game. But think of it as realistic old junk from the old days. .
  19. Yes anything that the repair module is attached to will generate a satellite contract mission for it. Will look strange because it will call it a satellite. Will even work on planets far away. And the Contract code should adjust price for other planets.. Little unknown feature for ya.
  20. Should work fine. Both mods only add to contracts. Contracts work like parts, or Resources. Im using them together in my main game (when not coding for MCE). More contracts the better.
  21. Oh and last thing. About the Research parts. They only right now pay out research in contracts. I plan on actually adding the research points to parts themselves for biomes in a later update.
  22. At this stage of game guys I need feedback on the contract payouts. I know the difficulty levels can hamper this. But base it off Medium mode if you play that. Its hard for me to test late into the game because I spend most my time programming. So any helpful info is needed info. And bugs too.
  23. Oh by the way. I will start working on a contract I really wanted up on this release. Deliver ComSat Network To space. The premis of this is for you Remote Tech guys, and not remote tech guys. The contract will require a delivery of 4 Satellites to a specific orbit to set up a ComSat Network. Each satellite will be checked via Vessel ID to make sure you don't cheat it with 1 vessel. But should work if you have 4 satellites on 1 launcher and seperate them all (all 4 should get a new ID). thats next.. Want it gotta have it. - - - Updated - - - Just wonder how they get up into space. Magic?
  24. I'm not a big fan of the rescue kerbal mission. I don't even do them when they come up. Oh by the way, If you do rescue a kerbal.. You will be charged.. MOhaaaaa... (was not on purppose, MCE just looks for new kerbals added to your Roster) Ill think about it though, if I added it would be able to turn it off and on for those of us that don't like magic.
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