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Everything posted by malkuth

  1. The only time that should happen now is if mission has a docking mission or EVA mission and in that case those objective have to be already done. If they are next in line then no effect since they are not done yet. All other objectives are saved to your .sp with Vessel ID intact. Even the new update .70 the Mission Objective is saved to current playing Mission, even though it skips vessel IDs with landing goals if you have Multi Landing Vessel set to true. You should have 0 issues when doing that during a Obital Research mission objective. It's how I tested the Time Saving feature that was added many versions ago for you could do this very thing. the only exception to this is the BootLeg missions. These are not my missions and I'm removing them from MCE soon. Most the missions I wrote are very Friendly in these terms. Including all contract missions are perfectly safe!
  2. Version .70 Released 1. Changes: Fixed an issue with Multi Vessel landings. In the old way MCE worked you could not really do Apollo style landings very well because MCE tracks mission completed goals with Vessel ID's. If you did Mission objectives with a Command Vessel, then separated a separate landing vessel to do the landing, MCE would not accept goal, because the Landing vessel has a different ID then the Command Vessel. This update fixes the issue, you now have a new option in Settings that allows you to turn Off and On the new Multi Vessel Landings. It comes with a price though and is the reason you can select it in settings. If you have Multi Vessel landings set to TRUE, then while you land its important not to switch to a new vessel that is already landed. If you do, you will get an instant Mission Objective complete. If you don't plan on doing Multi Vessel landings keep setting set to False. 2. Fixed an issue with the Repair Goal not working. Last update I added a EVA check and forgot to include the Check for repair goals. This resulted in not being able to do Repair Missions. 3. Added new descriptions for Settings options. Press the i key to see what that option does. Does not include the cheat menu options... sorry. lol. With this update I will discontinue the download for the Dev Test Version .dll. For those that have the Test Version of .dll the .70 adds the ability to select Multi Vessel Landings in Settings. And some minor other changes. thanks everyone. Keep reporting anything you find, If I can get MCE stable before .24 comes out.. Will help a lot with that update! The reason I want to keep fixing mission problems is that I'm thinking of keeping a Classic MCE missions setting in .24 and beyond. Maybe.. Not sure.
  3. Have you tried the new dev version. I actually did a successful repair mission in that and got paid with the changes I made.
  4. I see, interesting. So, could it be possible that your check is happening before the module is added? Hence why your getting a Blank return? But if your using MM then that should not be the case. MM adds modules and load. Like I said I would eliminate module problems and check to see if the code works with a known working module.. If it does then your looking at the wrong problem
  5. True, if you have a CM and lander and keep lander in orbit. Next launch you just need to launch CM with extra fuel. You would have to be very efficient at docking though.
  6. I like single stage, but you could make some very efficient multi stage landers, might be more important in .24.
  7. Hmmm, so your trying to take away a module that is already loaded on a craft? Pretty sure that any craft launched keeps whatever module it has for it lifetime, and can't be taken away, unless you Delete the module reference from the persistent file, for that ship. One of the big reasons that part makers try hardest to keep all name references the same, to keep Player Save Game files safe from Deleting Ships that don't match any know parts or modules.
  8. Have you tried to replace the module name in your code to see if its actually a code problem or maybe a module problem.. Something simple like ModuleEngineFX or ModuleEngine. Because it seems EvilReaper checked you code and it worked for him.
  9. Nice to have you back UbioZur can't wait to see where you bring us with the future of Welding.
  10. ProtoVessel Returns active information of all unloaded craft. reading your situation again think your looking for current active vessel? In which case flightglobals might be throwing an exception. So I overcame this in an active flight with this. but if its other vessels your searching for then ProtoVessel is what you want to use. Best to foreach each step to get to what you want. Since its a pretty big list. private Vessel activeVessel { get { // We need this try-catch-block, because FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel might throw // an exception try { if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight && FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null) { return FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel; } else { return null; } } catch { return null; } } } Now you can refrence acitvevessel and won't get any exceptions in case the code is null at time of check. Not so important during editor or out of flight, but becomes much more of a problem in flight. Feel free to check out Mission controller code on my github page. It has lots and lots of examples of loading Parts, and Active parts, and even finding modules. Most important parts would be. This. and this. Many more examples spread through the code, to many to find and list though.
  11. You should be using ProtoVessel and ProtoPartSnapshot.
  12. It's ok, I think when .23 came out I started experimenting with the times, and then forgot about it. The countdown time is realtime though and will make it more clear in future.
  13. Pretty sure the actual countdown that is on the mission is realtime. I will see what I can do though.
  14. Dev Update # 2 (for Testing a Pre Release) For all interested I updated the Dev Version that I released a a few days ago with the Fix to repairMissions mentioned above, this is a direct fix to the mission and does not require you to edit any mission files. Any current mission files edited will not be effected by this change, so its safe to keep them this way. This also includes the Apollo style mission addition released in Dev Update #1. Download .Dll to replace Old MCE .dll
  15. With research there is an a description built in to research tree. If yoy look all way to end you should see an "i" press that and you get description. Mission are pre defined set objectives. Contracts are completely random generated missions more in line of what we are going to get in ksp .24. Also with missions you can select what you want when you want. Contracts are only available when a company offers you one. Again random.
  16. Oh in such a goofball I think I know why the repair mission broke. When your on Eva do you get the Eva warning about not able to finish mission? The last update I added the double payment for Eva fix, and did not write an exception for repair goal. For a quick fix you can add this to the contract.cfg file that stores all base missions for contracts. evaNotAllowed = false You add this right to the repair goal brackets inside. Not home right now to fix this so not much I can do. And it's a pain to type on phone.
  17. Developer Test Version Apollo Style Mission Fix For all interested I have come out with a New Developer Test Version for everyone to try that wishes. What's it do? Well I'm trying to come up with a way to better fix the Apollo Mission Type Landings Issue. Read my Blog for more information. With Download This is a prelude to possible last version of MCE as we know it before .24. Final .70 version of MCE. Sad Face. Edit: Not saying LAST version, just the version that has missions. The next version of MCE you can read about in this blog, if it happens.
  18. Check out known issues QF5650, if the vessel you tried to land is like an apollo lander then it will have issues. IE you have a vessel that is launched with a main body and a separate lander. And also it gives you a work around.
  19. All I can say is that if its broke Ill fix it. But I have done dozens of repair missions, and even a few Asteroid captures and they always go off without a hitch. Which is why I figured best just to take a look at the save file and see whats up.
  20. Interesting, are you docked with the right ship? I guess the best I could do right now is to ask for your whole saved game, and the .sp file to for MCE and I will see whats up. As long as the mission is still qued? Is this a contract mission?
  21. I wanted to get the Missions that required technology be playable via whats available for player, but for some reason I can't get the simple method that the developers of KSP installed to work the way they intended. Did some research on the subject and seems its a common problem, found some work around but the time constraints right now to insert this new system is beyond what I have available right now. The comsat V mission is actually part of the stock set. This mission set was made by the original author of MC way back when it first came out I have done some editing of the missions, but since MCE is also works in sandbox mode I need to keep some of the mission packs available for sandbox players. And of course sandbox has everything available to them at that start. Thanks for the info though. Also I pretty much have given up on adding any new features to Missions. When .24 comes out MCE will most likely not have its own missions anymore and will be completely striped from MCE. Which in turn will help me develop more of an Economic Simulator instead of trying to deal with Missions, and Saved mission progress. All this stuff is going to be included in KSP .24. The only exception is that I might keep custom contract in game and maybe write some KSP Contracts since some of the developer notes suggest that making contract Base Missions can be done. Kinda like people make science stuff now. Once .24 comes out MCE is going to lose a whole lot of weight. Think of mods like deadly reentry and FAR. Both only work on a certain subject in KSP. Thats the plan for Future MCE only working on adding more economic options to Vanilla KSP system. For instance bringing the Kerbal Hire cost into a more complex system of Hire, train etc. Having other cost like facility cost, upgrades. Etc. Fleshing out the Recycling more (pretty sure the devs are not including recycling yet)
  22. Not sure which missions your playing but My missions the random mission do get re-rolled. The pre-set missions are just that, set in stone you get what you get. Lets not forget that a lot of the missions were made well before career mode, I have moved MCE beyond pre-Set missions by introducing Contracts, contracts sound like they are more to your style. And if not then their is the Custom Contract where you can make your own. If none of the numbers work for you then you can edit them all (seriously everything in MCE is editable) in the MCSettings.cfg file, and set them to your own desire.
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