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Everything posted by DMagic

  1. Unless it's hiding somewhere that I'm not seeing the SCANsat module isn't present in the current release files. I'll test it out with the module added when I get a chance.
  2. If this version doesn't have any crippling bugs it will likely become v8 in the main release thread; so test extra hard. We'll wait until KSP stops updating for more than 2 days, and until Kethane updates to ensure better compatibility for resource overlays, but otherwise I think it's mostly ok. I'm thinking that contracts will require lots of testing and iterating, so they'll have to wait for the next dev version.
  3. hmmm... tracking your vessel to see if it approaches the waypoint would be simple, but the contract completes when science data is returned or transmitted (this is another area where variety could be added, asking for transmission or recovery instead of accepting either), not when it is collected. There is actually very little that is externally visible when science data is collected, so watching for that would be a bit more complicated than watching for recovery, which triggers a game event. I suppose you could constantly monitor the vessel to check for added science data, then check to see if the most recently added data matches what you're looking for, but I'm wary of adding that kind of code which has to be running all of the time. So I'm not sure how to measure and track both what science is collected and where. That's something that would be simple with my mod because I have full control over collection, but stock experiments would be trickier.
  4. I think my science experiment contracts are ready for release. There are a few issues that I can think of, but as far as I know they will only occur very late in a career. So I think it's good enough for some initial testing. It generates contracts asking for specific experiments and locations, rather than the very generic stock science contracts. It is configurable through the included config file; all standard stock science experiments are included except for asteroid samples. Grab it on GitHub if you want to test it out: https://github.com/DMagic1/Science-Contracts/releases/tag/v0.1 Arsonide, if you want to combine contract mods that would be fine with me. With a few tweaks it will probably be ready for a more stable release and you can add it to your set.
  5. It looks like contractsInExistance just gives you the total of all types of contracts. Use ContractSystem.Instance.GetCurrentContracts<*YourContractType*>().Count() to find out the number of contracts of a given type. This presumably counts both active and offered contracts. GetCurrentActiveContracts probably returns the number of accepted contracts of a given type.
  6. There is a static int: Contract.contractsInExistance that I think you can use to prevent spamming the list with your contracts. Just put a check for some max value at the top of your Generate() code. Has anyone else been playing with the Contract.MeetRequirements() bool? I've noticed that it sometimes seems to get stuck on repeat, or is just running in Update(). When I put even a simple debug message it sometimes spams the log and sometimes doesn't. I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but maybe it's not a good idea to put much code in here if it's going to run all of the time. Also, has anyone played around with targeting agencies based on their mentalities? Some of the mentalities in the stock agencies have "not implemented" flags in their descriptions, and they have some kind of multiplier associated with them that does something. There's probably a good way of selecting agencies based on their mentalities and reputation, I just haven't looked into it enough.
  7. Science Alert should work fine as it is the only mod to properly handle custom science experiments. When my mod is used with Science Alert there should be no functional difference between how it worked in version 0.8.1 and how it works now. I'm not sure that the behavior you describe has anything to do with how I've setup my mod. Are you talking about stock goo containers or my Universal Storage goo containers? Science Alert doesn't treat the two differently, it just checks if the experiment can be conducted in the current location and how much it is worth. The lower branches of the tech tree are already too packed with science experiments, so I put somewhere else.
  8. That's because it doesn't provide slope data. All of the other information you've asked about can be found in the documentation on the first page of this thread and on the GitHub repository. It works fine for me. Any details?
  9. This happens when there is some conflicting or duplicate science experiment definitions. It has happened before with older versions of the Lionhead landers and probes; the latest version won't have that problem. I don't see anything in your list that would cause this conflict, but maybe there is some stray ScienceDefs.cfg file hiding somewhere in your GameData folder. ------- I don't expect anything to be broken here by 0.24.1, but if anyone notices any problems let me know.
  10. SCANsat has been updated with Karbonite support for ORS overlays: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80661?p=1301456&viewfull=1#post1301456 Attach this module to whatever part you want to act as the scanner, or change the bitmask to the proper value to combine it with other resource types. @PART[*your_part_name*]:FOR[Karbonite]:NEEDS[SCANsat] { MODULE { name = SCANsat sensorType = 262144 fov = 4 min_alt = 5000 max_alt = 750000 best_alt = 100000 scanName = Karbonite Scan power = 0.5 } }
  11. New update released on GitHub - The MapTraq be-gone edition - Update for KSP 0.24.1 - Fix RPM issues when SCANsat module is not properly attached to IVA part - MapTraq now deprecated - The part still exists but cannot be accessed from the editor - Background scanning active during Space Center and Tracking Station scenes - Background scanning no longer requires active SCANsat part during Flight scene - Added Karbonite support - Science can be gathered from planets with no surface - Reduced science return for planets with no terrain or no biomes The MapTraq will remain on any currently active vessels, you just can't access it in the R&D center or the VAB/SPH. All of it's functionality has been replaced. The toolbar icons will remain visible during the flight scene, even with no SCANsat parts on your vessel. Background scanning will function in any scene where time passes: flight, map, space center, tracking station. If you are using RPM the IVA maps should continue to function even if Module Manager errors, or other issues, prevent loading of the SCANsat module on the IVA part. dlrk: if you can try to re-break your ORS maps I would like to know if this update fixes or changes anything. There is a small change in the ORS overlays that might prevent breakage when ORS can't access the map textures, but I couldn't replicate your error. Karbonite can now be scanned and displayed on ORS overlays using SCANsat scanners. Use this SCANsat module config to scan for only Karbonite, or ask about combination scanner types. Substitute in whatever parameters you want for altitude and FOV settings. @PART[*your_part_name*]:FOR[Karbonite]:NEEDS[SCANsat] { MODULE { name = SCANsat sensorType = 262144 fov = 4 min_alt = 5000 max_alt = 750000 best_alt = 100000 scanName = Karbonite Scan power = 0.5 } }
  12. That report shows up there because the science archive is not setup so great. It just checks for any existing science subjects stored in your persistent file and displays them. When Science Alert checks to see if a location has any science worth collecting it has to generate that science subject (I think?), and once it's been generated, regardless of whether or not you've actually collected any data, it will always show up. Even if a particular result isn't possible, say you created some code that generated a "FlyingHigh" science report for the Mun, it would still show up in the archives. Definitely won't work with older versions of SCANsat.
  13. Pestering is fine. Pestering without log files or any other pertinent information is not so helpful.
  14. Can you run stuff in Update() in the contract parameter code? You might have to end up using some kind of custom event management to trigger the base.setComplete() method that completes the contract.
  15. Yeah, the big agency logo is the same size as the flag. So I guess KSP just assumes that it is one regardless of where the file is actually stored. I have seen a few regular contracts pop up using my company logo, but it seems fairly uncommon, I guess because there's so many. It's easy to specify an agency when you're creating custom contracts though, so anyone making new ones can force it use their own, or to just prefer their own if you want.
  16. Blame Squad for this. They have terribly inconsistent colliders for their parts, which causes things to either float above the surface or sink in. The magnetometer does seem to float a bit, and it doesn't much matter if it's sunk in a little, so I'll see about fixing that, but most of the others will continue to have this problem. Well, I said there would be interesting new bugs right... I'll get to this soon, it's an easy fix, thanks. For storing science data? That's not a bad idea. I could probably use the US KAS box and just use a config file to create another versions that can store science. Thanks.
  17. Following the instructions on the first page? Have the right scanners? Have them enabled?
  18. It's not so much the amount or type of data getting recorded that's complex, it's the mechanism for recording and storing such data while the vessel in question isn't loaded. That requires a fairly complex framework with a lot of components. There are probably lots of situations where this would be useful, but it's a question of how much effort you want to put into it, and whether the end result is worth it.
  19. The non-reusable science experiments should behave like normal when you take data out of them. You're using IScienceDataContainer.DumpData(), so it should handle stock and non-stock experiments fine (as long as the mod parts are setup correctly) as far as lab resetting goes.
  20. There are two ways of doing this, both can be used together. You can use my Celestial Body science editor to reduce the multipliers for each celestial body; this is particularly useful for lowering the science values from the Mun and Minmus: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80220 You can also use 5thHorseman's Module Manager config for reducing the base value of each science experiment: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77359
  21. I tend to rely on others to create my Module Manager configs, but I think the format should be somewhat similar to what I'm using for additional stock science reports. I think something like this might work @STORY_DEF[*] { %ContractBackstory { generic = more story defs } }
  22. They worked, in that, if you pushed Science Library's "deploy" button they collected science, but in doing so it bypasses all of my code and uses the underlying stock behavior. I don't want that to happen, so I set all of the bitmasks to zero and handle that internally. I check for any mods that handle this properly at startup, and if they are present then I re-apply the bitmasks to the standard science experiment definitions, so if this mod ever handles that situation properly I'll add it to the list of mods to check at startup.
  23. Any SCANsat part that is attached to your current, active vessel will allow for background scanning, including the MapTraq. Keep in mind the one caveat that the part needs to be activated. For scanners that means they need to be deployed with the "Start Scan" button. For the MapTraq that means it needs to be activated with the "Open Map" button.
  24. SCANsat will be getting contracts soon enough. Duplicating or coming up with something similar to its background scanning code (even without any actual mapping data shown) would be a rather complex undertaking, as it requires a number of different components to function correctly. I don't know if you saw my post in the other contract thread Arsonide, but setting up some kind of config file loader is very simple and could be used to control some global settings like this. You could easily disable, or add some multiplier to science, rep and funds rewards.
  25. I'll post the same thing about overwriting stock files here as I did in the other thread. This should probably be done with a module manager config file, rather than asking people to overwrite the stock storydefs file.
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