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Everything posted by DMagic

  1. I updated the link in the first post with the release version. I haven't tested this much beyond what I did for my mod, but the code is the same, only the name is different (and has changed from older versions). This should be stable, so anyone who wants to use this can include it with their parts. Just put the plugin somewhere in the GameData folder and include it with your download. Let me know about any problems or if anyone has more suggestions.
  2. I will try to put out an update today. The current release of DMagic Orbital is using this module already and seems to be working fine (Don't use the plugin from that pack, it has lots of other things, possible license restrictions, and won't always be the same as what I release here) so I'll just release it as is with a slightly different module name to prevent future issues. The current setup causes experiments using resources to fail if they run out. Both the laser and drill from my pack use 80 electricity during the course of their animation, and if they run out a message will pop up and the science report won't be collected (the animation still finishes though, as I can't think of a good way to make it escape without looking funny). The resource cost is configurable, so users can change it if they want. For now, the first thing I want to get to (assuming everything is stable) is a workable solution for conducting science with asteroids. Running experiments while docked shouldn't be too tough, but I want to also get experiments that work in close proximity. But I'm also thinking of several other aspects including base/station science, though I'm not sure if those will be incorporated into this plugin, or if maybe I'll make a separate one for less traditional experiments.
  3. Anyone know about Firespitter or mods dependent on it? I'd like to add a note about that given how commonly it is used.
  4. The asteroid science collection works in basically the same way that any EVA right-click options work (like toggling the landing legs from outside). They didn't any experimental situations specific to asteroids, something like asteroid near or asteroid grabbed. So the results and the science points available seem to follow the standard rules for science experiments. And looking at the sciencedefs file it looks like new results can be collected for every situation, landed, in orbit high/low, etc..., and maybe for different biomes on the surface (also possibly while flying).
  5. This is a good idea, there are lots of things I don't like about ModuleAnimateGeneric. I've been working on a replacement for ModuleScienceExperiment and ModuleAnimateGeneric for less dumb animation controls, among other things. It's basically what I'm using now in my mod, but I'll release an updated stand-alone version sometime soon. From what I can see it functions similar to your module, which is probably good, as it keeps things fairly consistent.
  6. Yeah, I think Excel uses some kind of color blind color scheme by default, so there is limited variety, I'll see what I can do. I'll also probably split up the results a bit more, it's hard to see more than five or six results on one graph, and while I'm at it I'll try to come up with some more interesting comparisons, not just grouping them together based on CPU family. I tried out 0.23.5, I see very little difference in performance. However, the rocket does not appear to be stable. The second and third ring of SRBs took out engines during both test runs, I was able to complete both runs, but it was a little tricky and required separating some stages before they were out of fuel (that's a little scary). So if anyone wants to run this I would hold off until I can take another look at the rocket, I think maybe replacing the parachutes on the SRBs with sepratrons might be enough to fix it.
  7. Update to V0.7.5 Download on Spaceport Updated for the ARM release. A new texture and model for the RPWS is included; the telescope has a new texture and slightly different model. There are several other small changes, mostly backend things. The magnetometer now has a magnetosphere simulation around Kerbin. I also added science reports for Krag's PlanetFactory planets and several default reports so that you should get results around any modded planets. See the change log for a full list. Check the first post of this thread for a full preview gallery of the update. Change Log: v0.7.5 - Updated for KSP v0.23.5 - New RPWS model and texture - Existing vessels should still work, but the RPWS might end up attached backwards - New telescope texture, some adjustments made to the existing model - Resized parts so that they are all more similar in scale - Added resource usage to drill, laser, anomaly scanner and magnetometer - Can be configured in the part.cfg file - Limited magnetosphere simulation for Kerbin - Values read-out in right-click menu, can be disabled in the part.cfg file - Several changes to plugin code - Exploits for drill fixed - Lab reset for anomaly scanner should work as it does for stock parts - Most parts moved onto universal science module - Several default science reports added, should work on any mod planets that include ScienceParams values - Drill should work on any planet with an atmosphere now - Added reports for Krag's PlanetFactory planets v0.7.1: - Added SCANsat BTDT function to alternate version of the anomaly sensor. - Can now be used for both custom anomaly science scanning and SCANsat scanning. - Part has a different name and must be purchased separately in the R&D center. - Added my own telescope module to the SCANsat version. - Details are the same as for the anomaly sensor. - Both parts are found in the alternate, SCANsat folder. - No changes to the default parts. v0.7: - New anomalous signal scanner. Designed for rovers and spaceplanes. - Used to detect and study anomalies. - Single use only; return to Kerbin for complete study of the science report, or transmit and reset with science lab. - New textures for the magnetometer and laser; they fit in better with the recent parts. - Fixed .cfg file and plugin bugs for the laser and magnetometer - Laser returned to its proper tech node - will require repurchase, but should not affect existing vessels. - A few minor changes in other part.cfg files; dropped the mass of the telescope. - New science reports for the anomaly scanner, fixed many typos in old reports. v0.6: - New biological activity core drill. Designed for rovers and landers. - Features multiple storage containers. - Can be used up to six times before needing to be returned to Kerbin or reset with a science lab. - Two different animation modes, used for rovers or landers. Animation dependent on the drill's orientation relative to its parent part - preview animation in the VAB/SPH - use cubic octagonal struts or other small parts to modify animation behavior. - New science reports for core drill. - Included support for Trueborn's Custom Biomes plugin. * Requires separate download - Reports for custom biomes for the laser, optical telescope and core drill. - Reduced values for some science experiments. v0.5: - New surface scanning laser instrument. Designed for rovers and landers. - Changes in magnetometer and telescope part names to address compatibility issues with other mods (will not be backward compatible without manually changing the names or installing the alternate part folder). Re-purchasing parts in the R&D center is required. - New model for magnetometer, includes added details to the instruments themselves, cleaner animation, and lower RAM usage due to more efficient use of textures. - Custom part modules for all parts to address animation and science collection issues: - Magnetometer and RPWS animations are fully reversible while playing, animation speed for these parts is increased as well. - Deployed previews are available in the VAB/SPH for all parts - Attempts to collect science where not possible will trigger a message with suggestions about where to use the instrument; will not play the deploy animation if the part is in the retracted position. - Transmitting or resetting the instrument will not trigger the retract animation. - Repeatedly pushing the collect data button/action group will not spam multiple results. - The laser has only a single, forward animation. Data is collected midway through the animation. - Edited existing science reports, and added several more. Added full set of surface reports for the laser. v0.4: - New textures for all parts. - Changed non-SCANsat telescope to be the default, for the SCANsat version replace the default scope folder with the alternate folder. - Tweaks to models and animations for the magnetometer and telescope. - Add Langmuir probe to RPWS model (should not break existing crafts). - Added surface reports for the magnetometer, including biome support where available. - Added biome support for non-SCANsat telescope in low orbit. - Rearranged tech tree placement; parts moved to earlier nodes. - Decreased science report values, added and edited science reports. - Added FxModule to part.cfg to force deployment before science reports can be collected. v0.3: Initial upload.
  8. The ARM pack is out, so I think it's time to check on Mod availability. - Note that mods using Blizzy78's toolbar plugin may not function properly unless you update to the latest version - Firespitter dependent mods may also require updating the plugin - Check here for the latest version of ModuleManager - See Ferram's post further down for info about properly using connection node sizes; useful for modders updating or making parts. The ** indicates mods with 0.23.5-specific updates released, *** indicates the update may not be official, or is a test version. Confirmed Working - I'd like to see at least two or three reports for non-parts mods before something is considered working. ** DMagic Orbital Science - That's right, when you start an are-mods-working thread you can put your mod at the top of the list too. ** Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Much of its functionality now in stock KSP ** M22 Parts Pack Adapters ** KSPX ** NovaPunch ** Kerbal Attachment System - KAS ** Kethane RLA Stockalike ** Realchute parachute ** Visual Enhancements FASA Tweakable Everything ** Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System - Kerbin Mini Shuttle ** Kerbal Alarm Clock ** Blizzy78's Toolbar Final Frontier Docking Port Alignment Indicator Universe Replacer Select Root Perfectrons and L.E.S. ** Kerbal Construction Time ** Achievements Hyperedit ** Mission Controller Extended ** PreciseNode Station Science AIES Aerospace KW Rocketry - Some balance issues compared to new ARM parts ** Alternate Resource Panel ** Firespitter ** Texture Replacer ** Active Texture Management ** Green Skull Custom Spacesuit Designs Engine Ignitor Tweakable Gimbal Tweakable Parameters ** VOID - Vessel Orbital Informational Display ** Sum Dum Heavy Industries - Service Module System TiberDyne Aerospace R&D Division ** Scene Jumper ** Editor Extensions *** Kerb Paint - Be sure to check for Tenneko Kazeno's updates ** Automated Vertical Velocity and Altitude Control ** Real Solar System ** Real Fuels ** Lack Luster Labs ** Module Manager - Download the latest update from the post linked here Enhanced Navball ** RasterPropMonitor ** RCS Sounds ** Deadly Reentry Continued ** Part Highlighter ** Realism Overhaul ** Better Than Starting Manned 6S Service Compartment Tubes ** Mechjeb - check here for latest builds ** Kerbal Engineer Redux ** Simple Part Organizer ** Interstellar World Space ** Ferram Aerospace Research Soundtrack Editor ** Wernher Checker Kerbtown Launchpad ** Connected Living Space ** Jebretary ** Near Future Propulsion ** SCANsat Confirmed Working - May Have Bugs/Issues ** Persistent file backup generator Aviation Lights Action Group Manager ** Skillful - Combat Damage & Weapons Mod Ship Manifest Ambient Light Adjustment Crew Manifest Space Shuttle Engines Multiple Saves DA RCS Build Aid ** Goodspeed Automatic Fuel Pump FASA Asteroids Graphotron 2000 - Make sure to download the unofficial 0.23 version B9 Aerospace Pack - See here for 0.23 fixes and updates on 0.23.5 Boat Parts - Maybe some 0.23.5 bugs, might want to wait for R4.5 release Fusebox - Beware of some underlying bugs that may cause memory leaks, check here for updates Planet Factory - High gravity planets/stars might be interfering with asteroids Procedural Fairings - May have some issues with fairing separation - connection node size issues The TAC Plugins: TAC Fuel Balancer - TAC Atomic Clock - TAC Self Destruct - TAC Part Lister TAC Life Support - Doesn't track life support while in the space center or tracking center scenes ** In Game Notes - Won't use Kerbin time ** Chatterer - Download the recompiled update here ** Action Groups Extended Remote Tech 2 - Might be working ok, but won't be updated until 0.24 GHUD ** Extraplanetary Launchpads Internet Relay Chat Bobcat Historical Spacecraft - Some of the soviet parts may be buggy ** Universal Docking Port Set Lazor System - Robotics arm pack doesn't work Tweakable Wheels Custom Biomes Vanguard EVA Parachutes -Check to see if installed correctly with the latest version - Parachutes maybe not deploying for some Orbit Manipulator Series RendezMe-Modified - Engine Thrust Controller - Check Honyfox's signature for download links *** Part Catalog - Check this post for the latest built Hullcam VDS ** Hollow Structures and Hulls ** Athlonic Electronics LCD - Launch CountDown Kerbin City ** Infernal Robotics Confirmed Not Working / Needs Updating asmi's ECLSS - Life Support Mod - Several bug reports, not likely to be updated soon Please reply to this thread with working or not-working mods. Please use full names or links for mods when replying, I don't know all of the acronyms and abbreviations off hand.
  9. Asteroid science doesn't work like that. There is only a single experiment available for them, EVA surface samples (these aren't the same as regular surface samples). It's probably possible to get some kind of asteroid specific science reports generated for other parts, but that will have to come later.
  10. As best as I can see they didn't make any changes to the science system in 23.5. The only addition is ModuleAsteroid which has a KSPEvent that generates science reports for EVA Kerbals. ModuleScienceExperiment appears to be unchanged and there are no additional experimental or vessel situations to account for the presence of an asteroid.
  11. Everything's looking good here. I don't think they changed anything with the science system (asteroids appear to be limited to surface samples collected by right-clicking on the asteroid itself) and all of my parts seem to be working ok. I'll do some more testing and update later today.
  12. If you're worried about poly count try out a few of Justin Kerbice's 100k triangle thing and see if it makes any difference. At some point I'm sure poly count will start to effect performance, but a handful of 20-30k triangle parts probably isn't going to have any noticeable effect.
  13. Thanks, I've added your results. For OSX I found this little utility for recording FPS, it's pretty simple and seems to work ok, it's what I used for my Mac results. I thought I had a link to that on the first page, but apparently I don't, I'll add it. As far as AMD CPUs it should hold up fairly well, of course AMD processors don't do to well with KSP, but at the higher end they're usually good enough, for normal people that is.
  14. Yep, works great now. A fix for this, from the other modder's side, is to set both bitmasks to 0, I did this with the anomaly scanner and it works fine. Since the kind of experiments that differ significantly from stock science usually end up changing how they decide when to make a report available this should work most of the time. ScienceAlert will still see the experiment, it will just think that it's never available. And it's not difficult for a modder to setup their own version of an experimental situation and biome check if they need to.
  15. Clearly you people aren't familiar with the concept of playing four instances of KSP at the same time.
  16. Well, it sort of works with my parts. Some of my modules inherit from ModuleScienceExperiment, so it picks up on those, but it's calling the base.DeployExperiment method, that makes it skips any animations of other effects used by my DeployExperiment method. I wonder if there's a way to determine whether or not a part is using only ModuleScienceExperiment or if there is another module inheriting from that, or that might be too much trouble. In my latest build I switched the anomaly scanner over to ModuleScienceExperiment too, but I fixed it so that this mod will ignore it. Using the current release Sciencealert shouldn't see shouldn't see this part though (or the drill). Overall it's very cool though, I didn't notice any problems. There is one issue that might be a problem, though I never saw it, biome maps have fuzzy edges, and the transition from one biome to the next can sometimes cause the wrong biome to show up. For example, the thin strip between the "shores" biome and the "grasslands" biome (drive about 2 or 3 km west of the KSC to see this) will show up as "tundra" because of the way the colors bleed together in the biome map. So I'm thinking that while in orbit you might pass over these little strips and see the button flash for a half a second or so. How often does the mod update? Maybe there's a way to hold off on adding the button if it only shows up for less than a second or so. Something similar happens with rovers because they are always transitioning between landed and flying/in space when the bounce off the ground a little.
  17. New biome maps take up a bit of RAM, but there are only 17 planets, so they aren't going to make the stock install balloon from around 1GB to over 4GB. And a round of optimizing existing textures (there are a lot of totally unnecessary 1k textures) and assets would probably help a lot to reduce the RAM load, but I wouldn't expect that anytime soon.
  18. You can make parts at whatever size you want, there is nothing about the standard sizes that limits the use of other sizes. If you don't want inline parts to look goofy you might need to add some kind of adapter though.
  19. I recently updated my video card from an AMD HD7750 to a GTX 750 ti and I figured I'd see if it made any difference here. As you can see the results are pretty much exactly the same. Everything else in the computer is unchanged, only the video card was upgraded. Even though it doesn't affect such a heavily CPU limited situation like this though, the 750 ti is a huge upgrade over the 7750. I can run KSP with everything at max, no ocean terrain tweak nonsense, and pretty much stay at 60fps all of the time until I get to CPU limited situations. It's a really great card for people who have space constraints in their computer (there is a low-profile version available, which I have) or are limited by their power supply (lots of retail computers have crummy PSUs that can't handle more powerful GPUs) as it doesn't require any extra power cables.
  20. Turn off physics for the part in the cfg file. I can't remember the exact line, but you can check the cubic octagonal strut file and copy it from there.
  21. Well it's not really a vacuum, and there is a temperature, but the whole concept is a little vague when you get to such low densities like you have in interplanetary space. There is the temperature of the background radiation like Necro said, then there is the temperature of the solar wind which can be greatly affected by things like magnetic fields or slamming into a large asteroid. And if you get an asteroid close enough to the sun it's probably likely to have some dust blown off of its surface, giving you another thing to measure.
  22. Yep, a Kerbin solar day is 21650.81276574 seconds, or, about 51 seconds longer than a sidereal day. There are 426 sidereal days per Kerbin year, and therefore, by definition, 425 solar days. Why I know this to such a great degree of accuracy is not important.
  23. I pulled the exact values for space/flying altitude thresholds directly from the game, as well as the science data multipliers for each planet/situation. There are a few updates that can be made here, and several that I can fix on the wiki. It also needs to have additional columns for the difference between multipliers for flying low vs high and in space low vs high. Sun In Space Low Data Value: = 11 Sun In Space High Data Value: = 2 Sun Surface Landed Data Value: = 1 Sun Splashed Data Value: = 1 Sun Recovered Craft Data Value: = 4 Sun Space Threshold Altitude: = 1E+09 Kerbin In Space Low Data Value: = 1 Kerbin In Space High Data Value: = 1.5 Kerbin Surface Landed Data Value: = 0.3 Kerbin Splashed Data Value: = 0.4 Kerbin Recovered Craft Data Value: = 1 Kerbin Flying Low Data Value: = 0.7 Kerbin Flying High Data Value: = 0.9 Kerbin Flying Threshold Altitude: = 18000 Kerbin Space Threshold Altitude: = 250000 Mun In Space Low Data Value: = 3 Mun In Space High Data Value: = 2 Mun Surface Landed Data Value: = 4 Mun Splashed Data Value: = 1 Mun Recovered Craft Data Value: = 2 Mun Space Threshold Altitude: = 60000 Minmus In Space Low Data Value: = 4 Minmus In Space High Data Value: = 2.5 Minmus Surface Landed Data Value: = 5 Minmus Splashed Data Value: = 1 Minmus Recovered Craft Data Value: = 2.5 Minmus Space Threshold Altitude: = 30000 Moho In Space Low Data Value: = 8 Moho In Space High Data Value: = 7 Moho Surface Landed Data Value: = 10 Moho Splashed Data Value: = 1 Moho Recovered Craft Data Value: = 7 Moho Space Threshold Altitude: = 80000 Eve In Space Low Data Value: = 7 Eve In Space High Data Value: = 5 Eve Surface Landed Data Value: = 8 Eve Splashed Data Value: = 8 Eve Recovered Craft Data Value: = 5 Eve Flying Low Data Value: = 6 Eve Flying High Data Value: = 6 Eve Flying Threshold Altitude: = 22000 Eve Space Threshold Altitude: = 400000 Duna In Space Low Data Value: = 7 Duna In Space High Data Value: = 5 Duna Surface Landed Data Value: = 8 Duna Splashed Data Value: = 1 Duna Recovered Craft Data Value: = 5 Duna Flying Low Data Value: = 5 Duna Flying High Data Value: = 5 Duna Flying Threshold Altitude: = 12000 Duna Space Threshold Altitude: = 140000 Ike In Space Low Data Value: = 7 Ike In Space High Data Value: = 5 Ike Surface Landed Data Value: = 8 Ike Splashed Data Value: = 1 Ike Recovered Craft Data Value: = 5 Ike Space Threshold Altitude: = 50000 Jool In Space Low Data Value: = 7 Jool In Space High Data Value: = 6 Jool Surface Landed Data Value: = 30 Jool Splashed Data Value: = 1 Jool Recovered Craft Data Value: = 6 Jool Flying Low Data Value: = 12 Jool Flying High Data Value: = 9 Jool Flying Threshold Altitude: = 120000 Jool Space Threshold Altitude: = 4000000 Laythe In Space Low Data Value: = 9 Laythe In Space High Data Value: = 8 Laythe Surface Landed Data Value: = 14 Laythe Splashed Data Value: = 12 Laythe Recovered Craft Data Value: = 8 Laythe Flying Low Data Value: = 11 Laythe Flying High Data Value: = 10 Laythe Flying Threshold Altitude: = 10000 Laythe Space Threshold Altitude: = 200000 Vall In Space Low Data Value: = 9 Vall In Space High Data Value: = 8 Vall Surface Landed Data Value: = 12 Vall Splashed Data Value: = 1 Vall Recovered Craft Data Value: = 8 Vall Space Threshold Altitude: = 90000 Bop In Space Low Data Value: = 9 Bop In Space High Data Value: = 8 Bop Surface Landed Data Value: = 12 Bop Splashed Data Value: = 1 Bop Recovered Craft Data Value: = 8 Bop Space Threshold Altitude: = 25000 Tylo In Space Low Data Value: = 10 Tylo In Space High Data Value: = 8 Tylo Surface Landed Data Value: = 12 Tylo Splashed Data Value: = 1 Tylo Recovered Craft Data Value: = 8 Tylo Space Threshold Altitude: = 250000 Gilly In Space Low Data Value: = 8 Gilly In Space High Data Value: = 6 Gilly Surface Landed Data Value: = 9 Gilly Splashed Data Value: = 1 Gilly Recovered Craft Data Value: = 6 Gilly Space Threshold Altitude: = 6000 Pol In Space Low Data Value: = 9 Pol In Space High Data Value: = 8 Pol Surface Landed Data Value: = 12 Pol Splashed Data Value: = 1 Pol Recovered Craft Data Value: = 8 Pol Space Threshold Altitude: = 22000 Dres In Space Low Data Value: = 7 Dres In Space High Data Value: = 6 Dres Surface Landed Data Value: = 8 Dres Splashed Data Value: = 1 Dres Recovered Craft Data Value: = 6 Dres Space Threshold Altitude: = 25000 Eeloo In Space Low Data Value: = 12 Eeloo In Space High Data Value: = 10 Eeloo Surface Landed Data Value: = 15 Eeloo Splashed Data Value: = 1 Eeloo Recovered Craft Data Value: = 10 Eeloo Space Threshold Altitude: = 60000 Here is the code I used to pull these data out in its entirety. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; using System.IO; namespace ScienceList { [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)] public class scienceList : MonoBehaviour { ConfigNode node = new ConfigNode(); private string path = Path.Combine(new DirectoryInfo(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath).FullName, "GameData/ScienceValues.txt").Replace("\\", "/"); public void scienceValues() { for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) { CelestialBody newBody = FlightGlobals.fetch.bodies[i]; string name = newBody.name; float spaceLowValue = newBody.scienceValues.InSpaceLowDataValue; float spaceHighValue = newBody.scienceValues.InSpaceHighDataValue; float srfValue = newBody.scienceValues.LandedDataValue; float splashedValue = newBody.scienceValues.SplashedDataValue; float spaceThreshold = newBody.scienceValues.spaceAltitudeThreshold; float recoveryValue = newBody.scienceValues.RecoveryValue; saveToFile(spaceLowValue, name + " In Space Low Data Value: "); saveToFile(spaceHighValue, name + " In Space High Data Value: "); saveToFile(srfValue, name + " Surface Landed Data Value: "); saveToFile(splashedValue, name + " Splashed Data Value: "); saveToFile(recoveryValue, name + " Recovered Craft Data Value: "); if (newBody.atmosphere) { float flyingLowValue = newBody.scienceValues.FlyingLowDataValue; float flyingHighValue = newBody.scienceValues.FlyingHighDataValue; float flyingThreshold = newBody.scienceValues.flyingAltitudeThreshold; saveToFile(flyingLowValue, name + " Flying Low Data Value: "); saveToFile(flyingHighValue, name + " Flying High Data Value: "); saveToFile(flyingThreshold, name + " Flying Threshold Altitude: "); } saveToFile(spaceThreshold, name + " Space Threshold Altitude: "); } } public void saveToFile(float entry, string name) { node.AddValue(name, entry.ToString()); if (node.Save(path)) print("values saved"); } public void Start() { scienceValues(); } } }
  24. Once and for all, every value for the science multiplier for every planet and situation, and every altitude threshold (in meters). You can ignore the surface values for the sun and jool and ignore the splashed values for the non-ocean planets, but everything else is pretty straightforward. Now I need to post this somewhere more prominent so there won't be anymore confusion on this issue. Sun In Space Low Data Value: = 11 Sun In Space High Data Value: = 2 Sun Surface Landed Data Value: = 1 Sun Splashed Data Value: = 1 Sun Recovered Craft Data Value: = 4 Sun Space Threshold Altitude: = 1E+09 Kerbin In Space Low Data Value: = 1 Kerbin In Space High Data Value: = 1.5 Kerbin Surface Landed Data Value: = 0.3 Kerbin Splashed Data Value: = 0.4 Kerbin Recovered Craft Data Value: = 1 Kerbin Flying Low Data Value: = 0.7 Kerbin Flying High Data Value: = 0.9 Kerbin Flying Threshold Altitude: = 18000 Kerbin Space Threshold Altitude: = 250000 Mun In Space Low Data Value: = 3 Mun In Space High Data Value: = 2 Mun Surface Landed Data Value: = 4 Mun Splashed Data Value: = 1 Mun Recovered Craft Data Value: = 2 Mun Space Threshold Altitude: = 60000 Minmus In Space Low Data Value: = 4 Minmus In Space High Data Value: = 2.5 Minmus Surface Landed Data Value: = 5 Minmus Splashed Data Value: = 1 Minmus Recovered Craft Data Value: = 2.5 Minmus Space Threshold Altitude: = 30000 Moho In Space Low Data Value: = 8 Moho In Space High Data Value: = 7 Moho Surface Landed Data Value: = 10 Moho Splashed Data Value: = 1 Moho Recovered Craft Data Value: = 7 Moho Space Threshold Altitude: = 80000 Eve In Space Low Data Value: = 7 Eve In Space High Data Value: = 5 Eve Surface Landed Data Value: = 8 Eve Splashed Data Value: = 8 Eve Recovered Craft Data Value: = 5 Eve Flying Low Data Value: = 6 Eve Flying High Data Value: = 6 Eve Flying Threshold Altitude: = 22000 Eve Space Threshold Altitude: = 400000 Duna In Space Low Data Value: = 7 Duna In Space High Data Value: = 5 Duna Surface Landed Data Value: = 8 Duna Splashed Data Value: = 1 Duna Recovered Craft Data Value: = 5 Duna Flying Low Data Value: = 5 Duna Flying High Data Value: = 5 Duna Flying Threshold Altitude: = 12000 Duna Space Threshold Altitude: = 140000 Ike In Space Low Data Value: = 7 Ike In Space High Data Value: = 5 Ike Surface Landed Data Value: = 8 Ike Splashed Data Value: = 1 Ike Recovered Craft Data Value: = 5 Ike Space Threshold Altitude: = 50000 Jool In Space Low Data Value: = 7 Jool In Space High Data Value: = 6 Jool Surface Landed Data Value: = 30 Jool Splashed Data Value: = 1 Jool Recovered Craft Data Value: = 6 Jool Flying Low Data Value: = 12 Jool Flying High Data Value: = 9 Jool Flying Threshold Altitude: = 120000 Jool Space Threshold Altitude: = 4000000 Laythe In Space Low Data Value: = 9 Laythe In Space High Data Value: = 8 Laythe Surface Landed Data Value: = 14 Laythe Splashed Data Value: = 12 Laythe Recovered Craft Data Value: = 8 Laythe Flying Low Data Value: = 11 Laythe Flying High Data Value: = 10 Laythe Flying Threshold Altitude: = 10000 Laythe Space Threshold Altitude: = 200000 Vall In Space Low Data Value: = 9 Vall In Space High Data Value: = 8 Vall Surface Landed Data Value: = 12 Vall Splashed Data Value: = 1 Vall Recovered Craft Data Value: = 8 Vall Space Threshold Altitude: = 90000 Bop In Space Low Data Value: = 9 Bop In Space High Data Value: = 8 Bop Surface Landed Data Value: = 12 Bop Splashed Data Value: = 1 Bop Recovered Craft Data Value: = 8 Bop Space Threshold Altitude: = 25000 Tylo In Space Low Data Value: = 10 Tylo In Space High Data Value: = 8 Tylo Surface Landed Data Value: = 12 Tylo Splashed Data Value: = 1 Tylo Recovered Craft Data Value: = 8 Tylo Space Threshold Altitude: = 250000 Gilly In Space Low Data Value: = 8 Gilly In Space High Data Value: = 6 Gilly Surface Landed Data Value: = 9 Gilly Splashed Data Value: = 1 Gilly Recovered Craft Data Value: = 6 Gilly Space Threshold Altitude: = 6000 Pol In Space Low Data Value: = 9 Pol In Space High Data Value: = 8 Pol Surface Landed Data Value: = 12 Pol Splashed Data Value: = 1 Pol Recovered Craft Data Value: = 8 Pol Space Threshold Altitude: = 22000 Dres In Space Low Data Value: = 7 Dres In Space High Data Value: = 6 Dres Surface Landed Data Value: = 8 Dres Splashed Data Value: = 1 Dres Recovered Craft Data Value: = 6 Dres Space Threshold Altitude: = 25000 Eeloo In Space Low Data Value: = 12 Eeloo In Space High Data Value: = 10 Eeloo Surface Landed Data Value: = 15 Eeloo Splashed Data Value: = 1 Eeloo Recovered Craft Data Value: = 10 Eeloo Space Threshold Altitude: = 60000
  25. I think the way to do it is to set up some kind of timer then run your update code at certain intervals. OnUpdate runs every frame and OnFixedUpdate runs every physics frame, since most plugins don't actually need to be updated that quickly it is sometimes better to run them with your own timer. Something like this from TaranisElsu's plugin examples void Update() { if ((Time.time - lastUpdate) > logInterval) { lastUpdate = Time.time; Debug.Log("TAC Examples-SimplePartlessPlugin [" + this.GetInstanceID().ToString("X") + "][" + Time.time.ToString("0.0000") + "]: Update"); } }
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