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Everything posted by DMagic

  1. @thesandbar SCANsat's MM patch for the CRP resources will need to be updated. It is still pointed at the old MKS Planetary Survey Camera and needs to be set to the stock Narrow-Band Scanner. The MM patch can be found in the GameData/SCANsat/MM_Parts/SCANsat_Resource_Scanner.cfg file.
  2. @wergor Do you have log files? It sounds like Module Manager is not placing the parts in the right tech node. Also, if you are playing with part purchasing on (where you have to buy every part in the tech tree before you can use it) have you made sure the US parts have been purchased? @gsamelon I'm not quite sure what you are asking. What exactly does the contract say? Also, be aware that all DMOS science contracts require you to actually return or transmit the data for credit.
  3. @katateochi Get the docking module on your part, then check if that module's "otherNode" field is null. ModuleDockingNode node = part.FindModuleImplementing<ModuleDockingNode>(); if (node.otherNode != null) { //Do something } Also, otherNode is not null both when docked to another vessel, and when a docking node is tracking another node (ie the magnets are on).
  4. You don't need IModuleInfo, overriding GetInfo with something other than an empty string is enough to get your module added to the list. I guess IModuleInfo just allows for a bit more customization. To add color you can just use "<color=#FFFFFF></color>" tags. And to add the check marks you can use RUIUtils.GetYesNoUIString(bool).
  5. @Uberns Open the Settings window (through the small map, or through the Toolbar menu button) and press the "Reset Window Positions" button, it should put the big map back where it's supposed to be. I see the same thing happen in IVA, I assume it has something to do with the way that the right-click is sticky in IVA, but I'll see what I can do about it. Edit: It seems to have moved the map to a screen position of -10000, -10000, and further random right clicking seems to bring it back on screen, very odd...
  6. @tedingus The part icons are a little bit weird, but currently there is a bug in the way the CW+ canvas is set up that leaves it behind all of the Editor UI elements. When fixed the part images themselves can still appear over the window, but that goes away when clicking anywhere on the window and it won't hide behind any other elements. @smunisto There are two bugs in the stock replacement function right now, so you'll have to avoid it for the time being. There is no need to uninstall to fix it anymore, though. There is a field in a settings file that can be switched to false and it should go back to normal. The file is in: GameData/DMagicUtilities/ContractsWindow/PluginData/Settings.cfg And the field is: replaceStockApp = False About performance with a large number of contracts. There are, apparently, some Unity limitations in scroll views with a lot of elements, this is kind of terrible since that is the purpose of scroll views, and Unity hasn't really done anything about it. There are a few things that can be done to alleviate this, one is simplifying each element in the list, which I will try. There is also an asset in the Unity Store that supposedly fixes this by being smarter about how the scroll view works. If simplifying the elements doesn't help I'll look into that. The problem only really becomes apparent with more than 20 or 30 contracts, but it makes accepting contracts, opening the window, and changing the window display very slow. If you play with lots of contracts there are a few ways to handle the problem right now. Most important is to not use the "All Contracts" list, all contracts are added to that, and they can't be removed. As soon as you accept a contract assign it to a mission, then hide that contract, this will put it in the hidden list, and turn of the parameters (they can be switched back on, but shouldn't be). Any mission list with 10 or fewer contracts should load and behave fine. Active vessels will load with CW+ using the mission list that was last viewed by that vessel, so they should be fine. In the other scenes it will always load the All Contracts list, though. This means the window will be slow to load initially, but at least accepting contracts shouldn't be quite so bad.
  7. @hieywiey Hmm... did you try collecting the science after loading while already near the anomaly? It looks like there is a bug for anomalies when you start out withing loading range (2.5km) of them, the KSC anomaly, for instance. If you back away and approach again it should work. I'll have to fix it so that any nearby anomalies are loaded at startup. This shouldn't affect anomaly scanning after you have completed a recon scan of the planet.
  8. Science Relay version 2.0 is out; get it on Space Dock. It has a new option to limit receiving vessels to only those with relay antennas. The option can be activated in the stock difficulty settings window.
  9. Is this the KSC monolith that everyone is talking about? It doesn't show up as an anomaly because it isn't, it's part of the greater KSC anomaly, which has its center between the VAB and launch pad. You can see it in KerbNet if you zoom in close enough. The BTDT is a SCANsat module that is added to the DMOS anomaly scanner, it doesn't have any effect on its standard function. The anomaly scanner has several indicators for where the nearest anomaly is. When it's activated the dish will pop out and start spinning, when relatively close to an anomaly the little camera will pop up and point in the direction of the anomaly If the scanner is placed parallel to the surface this can be used to track them down When you are close enough to conduct the anomaly scan for science the little green light will start flashing If you try to collect science from further away an on-screen message will give an estimate of the distance and general direction of the anomaly An exact distance and direction will be printed in the debug log The anomaly scanner is also loosely connected to the reconnaissance scanners, the recon telescopes and SIGINT dish. You will be able to home in on the anomalies from further away if a recon scan of any type has been conducted for that planet. And anomaly contracts will be offered after some of the recon contracts for that planet have been completed.
  10. Version 2.4 is out; get it on Space Dock. It has been updated for KSP 1.2, and it has updated the Toolbar wrapper. It ignores the contract weighting mechanism when automatically blocking stock contract offers. The contract limits don't apply to Contract Configurator contracts. This fixes support for Contract Configurator, but changes will only be applied when the contract is actually accepted. And the new values may not be visible until after a scene change. To be clear, there are a few ways the Contract Reward Modifier works. By default it won't affect stock or CC contracts that are already active, and it won't affect stock contracts that have been already offered. It will affect newly offered stock contracts and newly accepted CC contracts. When the "Alter Active Contracts" toggle is switched on it will affect all stock and CC active contracts, all stock offered contracts, and all newly offered stock contracts, and newly accepted CC contracts. The displayed values for contracts may not be affected until after a scene change.
  11. @Waz @Rodger Relay antennas aren't just big dishes, they are supposed to have data storage, forwarding, rerouting capabilities, etc... The SIGINT is a big radio spy satellite, there is no reason why it should have the same capabilities as something meant for an entirely different purpose. It isn't really supposed to replace any other antenna (it is far heavier and more expensive for starters), it is just something that can be used for communication if need be. @tsuvekio The tech node position for US parts is specified in two locations the same as any other part. One file is used for all parts if CTT is installed, the other location is in each part's config file and is used if CTT isn't installed. The only difference is that US parts have to default to being unavailable in case US isn't installed, so their tech tree position is stored at the end of the part config file. I forgot to update the CTT positions for these parts, so that will have to wait until the next version.
  12. Version 7.1 is out; get it on Space Dock. It adds a Pixel Perfect toggle (I knew I should have left that in for the last version ) to the window options menu, where all of the window scale options are. Pixel Perfect aligns all of the non-text elements (text uses the new vector fonts, which aren't affected) to the nearest pixel edge, this makes everything a bit sharper, but can have a performance when a lot of elements are being moved around. It is set to off by default. As for loading 50 contracts... I'm not sure why so many would ever need to be active at the same time (and the contracts themselves will start effecting KSP performance at some point), but if you do want that many I would try taking advantage of all of the sorting and managing options available in CW+. Adding contracts to the list will still cause a little bit of stutter above a certain amount (this can probably be fixed, too, but not so easily), but that can be avoided by not using the "All Contracts" list and instead keeping things organized.
  13. @IronCretin I should be able to add that as an option. It should be easy since it would actually simplify the system to only consider relays.
  14. Contracts Window + version 7.0 is out; get it on Space Dock. It has been updated for KSP 1.2. It requires Contract Parser version 5.0 and Progress Parser version 6.0, both are included. The old OnGUI has been completely replaced by the new Unity UI system. The window should be functionally the same, but there are some improvements to the scaling options, and, because it is using the new vector fonts should be more readable at small sizes. Let me know if anyone spots any significant problems or differences from how it used to behave.
  15. CapCom version 2.5 is out; get it on Space Dock. It has been updated for KSP 1.2. It requires Contract Parser version 5.0 and Progress Parser version 6.0, both are included. It also should be working fine with Contract Configurator 1.20.x.
  16. @metalpoetza What do you mean by the data doesn't increase? It doesn't send science data directly to the lab for processing. It just sends science to the chosen vessel. If there is a lab on that vessel then you should be able to process that data the same as any other; review the data, then click on the lab processing button. It also won't necessarily be transferred to the lab itself, it could end up on any science container on that vessel, this includes all command pods, some probe cores, and the new science container part.
  17. @FirroSeranel Velocity components is something I've gone back and forth over, but I'll probably add it. I also want to add a phase angle when the target is another planet, and add the phase angle and angle to prograde to the maneuver node panel when necessary. As for KER, well, Basic Orbit isn't supposed to be a replacement for KER, it just does the things that I want it to do. @Li0n I left the Portrait Stats crew transfer function as it is mostly because it is much simpler to do it that way. I might get around to skipping the popup at some point. I updated Celestail Body Science Multiplier Editor to version 8; get it on Space Dock. It updated the Toolbar wrapper and fixes some problems with hiding the window.
  18. SCANsat version 16.10 is out; get it on Space Dock. It updates the Toolbar wrapper, fixes some esoteric Unity initialization issues, and fixes some errors with the scanning ground tracks and hiding the UI in the KSC scene.
  19. @Pesterenan It's probably possible, but I have no idea of how to un-bundle an assetbundle. Maybe @TriggerAu can help out.
  20. Basic Orbit version 2.0 is out; get it on Space Dock. It includes a new Maneuver Node info panel. This has readout info for the maneuver node dV, the burn time (which uses Better Burn Time data if available), and target rendezvous information using the maneuver node orbits (this will match what is shown in the map view). It also adds a target name readout to the Target info panel. And it changes the behavior of the target rendezvous info in that panel. Instead of giving the closest approach and relative velocity at closest approach data for the post-maneuver node orbits (which is what is shown by KSP in the map view, and is now shown in the Maneuver Node info panel), it will give that information for your currently active orbit. It also calculates that information outside of map view, so it should always be accurate. The Toolbar window can now only spawn one of the settings windows at a time. And if the window is below the mid-point on the screen those settings windows will spawn above the window, instead of below it.
  21. I think the stock ModuleGPS gives that info, along with lat and long. If you just want the biome info: ScienceUtil.GetExperimentBiome(body, lat, long); with lat and long in degrees, I think. Just make that string point to a [KSPField(guiactive = true)] string and it will show up in the right click menu.
  22. You don't have to be able to override it, you can just put "new" in front of the method and call base.OnDestroy inside of it. As long as the base method is public it should work fine.
  23. Flexible Docking version 4.0 is out; get it on Space Dock. It fixes a problem that caused the docking ports to be misaligned in some cases.
  24. That makes sense. And while poking around I also discovered that the initial rotation of the flexible docking port can throw off the positioning calculations, which was something I though I had tested. I know almost exactly what is going wrong, just not quite. I think this would still work with Snap Rotation, you would just have to add the MM patch to the FlexoTube module as well as the stock ModuleDockingNode.
  25. Hmm, it worked as soon as I loaded it. You said the Max translation was 1.6m in the VAB info panel? It should only be 0.625m, if that's changed it won't work, though that doesn't seem to be the issue here. Edit: Tweakscale could definitely be breaking something.
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