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Everything posted by DMagic

  1. @wasml Thanks, the links should be fixed now. @Daylen Flexible Docking ports are incredibly tricky and restrictive. Any kind of flexing when docked probably isn't possible and would be really complicated to add if it is. I can make the ports allow for more rotation at the end of the port, but it screws up the positioning math and I haven't had time to figure out how to fix it. The basic problem is that Unity really doesn't like this kind of modeling. The only way that I could get the parts to flex and bend properly is by manually animating it, which makes things tricky. @dr_evil That's CKAN doing its thing. I'm not sure why it hasn't been added, the other two new additions have, including Basic Orbit which had a problem with the license field. I'm somewhat surprised that a science transmission mod hasn't been done before, the basic components are all very simple (it took less than a day to figure the basics out). The only really complicated part is getting the Direct antenna to Direct antenna connections, CommNet ignores those so I have to do them myself (sort of, CommNet provides most of what I need for this), but that obviously wouldn't have been a problem pre-KSP 1.2. Edit: Science Relay should be up on CKAN now.
  2. It doesn't do anything with KerbNet. In the future I want to redesign the zoom window to add some of features of KerbNet. I'll add support for using standard waypoints, and I'll use some kind of Orthographic map projection so that the center of the view is always undistorted. But otherwise there isn't much of any reason for the two systems to interact. The KerbNet resource map should already work with SCANsat resource scanning; you can specify a resource scanning threshold for SCANsat resource scanning to trigger the stock resource scan. So it will still show data if you scan most of the planet.
  3. DMagic Orbital Science version 1.3.3 is out; get it on Space Dock. It has been updated for KSP 1.2. It supports and works with the new CommNet system, the SIGINT dishes work as long range, direct transmission antennas. KerbNet modules have been added to several parts. There are also a handful of bug fixes from old versions, the out-of-power data return to recon telescopes has been fixes, asteroid science values properly take the science multiplier into account, some error with initializing recon contract orbits have been fixed, the EC usage for the Universal Storage environmental scanners has been removed, and the SCANsat MM modules use the correct EC resource nodes. I also added a toggle to switch the Asteroid Scanner targeting line on or off. And this supports Science Relay.
  4. I always use onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying to trigger removal of the button. It seems to work well enough.
  5. All the updates are out (that's right, all 8 of them... ); get them on Space Dock. Updates for the modlets and several new modlets are now available. EVA Transfer and EVA Struts have been updated and now work with Kerbal Experience Effects, rather than trait types. The default skill is "RepairSkill", in both mods this is specified in the part config file under the field "useSkill". You can delete the field to not require any skill, or replace the value with any of the skills available in stock KSP; most of these can be found in the GameData/Squad/Experience/Traits.cfg file under the EFFECT nodes. I believe Repair Skill is given to all Kerbals in sandbox and maybe science mode. A bug in EVA Struts that could have prevented struts from detaching or loading correctly when attaching two identical vehicles together has been fixed. And EVA Transfer tubes will disconnect if they are attached when two vessels dock together. Flexible Docking Ports has been updated; it natively supports recognizing the ports for contract objectives (without MM) and the ports are moved to the Coupling editor category. Portrait Stats, Celestial Body Science Editor, KerbNet Controller, and the new addon Science Relay all use the new stock Settings window. These can be found in the DMagic Mods (or DMagic Mods (2)) tab in the Difficulty Settings popup. Most aren't strictly related to difficulty and so allow for saving the values set in-game to a file on disk. This can be accomplished by setting the desired values, then checking the "Use As Default" toggle. After applying the settings these values will be saved to disk and will be used as the defaults for all new games. Portrait Stats can now show a Crew Transfer button when there is space available in the current vessel, selecting it will open the stock Crew Transfer popup. The old tooltips have been removed, but a new option is available to add additional information to the stock tooltips. This includes the Kerbal stats (stupidity, courage, baddassery, veteranness), the name of current part, the current amount of experience and the amount required for the next level, the current flight log, and an itinerary for tourists. KerbNet Controller has been updated since the pre-release with two new features, a toggle to switch the map orientation and a UI Scale slider, both of these are only available in KerbNet windows opened from the toolbar. The Settings window for Celestial Body Science Editor has been replaced with the stock settings window, but it otherwise functions the same as before. The two new modlets are Science Relay and Basic Orbit. Basic Orbit is a kind of simplified version of Engineer; it displays the information that is generally available in stock KSP, or that stock KSP asks for (satellite contract orbit parameters for instance), but might not always be readily available. It puts this information into two HUD panels, one for Orbit info and one for Current Target info. These panels can be customized and moved anywhere around the screen. The Toolbar button opens a settings window that allows for customizing the panels, settings their background transparency, dragging the panels, and setting the UI scale. All of the available readout modules can be toggled. Under the standard settings the readout modules are displayed or hidden based on your current situation and the need for each readout. For instance, orbital parameters don't really mean anything when you are landed, and terrain height or radar altitude are not so important in orbit. The target panel modules are displayed dependent on the type of target, celestial body or vessel. Some of the information is taken directly from the map view markers, and so can only be updated when the map is open. When the map is open the target panel will attempt to show the last known values for these readout modules (the closest approach distance and relative velocity at closest approach). This mod is also meant to serve as an example and tutorial (which is forthcoming) for using the Unity 4.6 UI. It is built entirely with that system and uses none of the old OnGUI. Science Relay is a new addon that allows for the transmission of science data between two vessels. A new button has been added to the stock experiment results window that will open a popup with all vessels in contact with the current vessel (or all vessels if you aren't using CommNet). For experiments with less than 100% data transmission a comm boost value will be calculated for each potential target vessel, this won't necessarily match the value shown in the stock window, which is for transmission to Kerbin. Also, this addon allows for direct communication between two vessels without relay antennas, something that stock KSP does not model to my knowledge. This means that the connections available won't match those shown in the map view; anything in direct contact with the current vessel, or any vessel connected to the current vessel through relays is a potential receiver. The amount of data transmitted will be reduced to the transmission percentage level, so an experiment with 10 Data, such as the Goo experiment shown above, will only transmit 10 * transmission %, so 4.2 Data to the vessels in the list above. Once the data is received its transmission level is set to 100%, so if you want to transmit the data again or send it to the KSC you will get the proper value (52.9 science points for the Goo from Laythe). There are options in the difficulty menu that allow for requiring a science lab (only stock science lab modules count) for transmission (otherwise only a ModuleScienceContainer is required), or just for the transmission boost. You can also turn off the transmission boost, or adjust its value down. Let me know if there are any errors in transmitting or receiving data, or if vessels show up in the connections list when you don't think they should.
  6. SCANsat version 16.9 is out; get it on Space Dock. It has been updated for KSP 1.2. This version can detect new anomaly types, display new vessel types, and has been optimized to reduce some garbage creation in the background scanning mechanism. It also fixes the scanning gaps seen in version 16.8. It has been updated to use the new stock resource handling system - @ShotgunNinja This may effect background EC consumption; SCANsat now uses the Part.resHandler ModuleResourceHandler to control resource consumption. Anyone else adding or modifying SCANsat modules should make sure to use RESOURCE nodes in their modules, rather than the old "power" field. This version also removes the alternate zoom window module, SCANhiDefCamera, that was used as a replacement for the stock narrow band scanner. The standard zoom window works the same as always. MechJeb integration is disabled and Blizzy's toolbar integration may not be working after that updates. Let me know if there are any issues.
  7. I updated ModuleScienceAnimate: I didn't test anything, but it should be working OK, the changes were minimal. You can try it from GitHub. Let me know if there are any problems.
  8. Version 0.15 is out; get it on GitHub. It should be working in KSP 1.2, but let me know if there are any problems.
  9. Gee, I guess I should have realized that assuming there would be at least a few command pods in a save file with "several dozen" vessels, and isolated networks, (which would be basically useless without Kerbals somewhere in the mix to control things), would merit note.
  10. Sadly the scenario seems to have no vessels with science containers (either the new probe science container or command pods/MPLs) which is what I need on at least some of the vessels. Though I suppose I could use the scenario as a starting point and just cheat a handful of vessels into orbit.
  11. I'm looking for someone to give me a stock, career, 1.2 save file with an extensive Comms network. I'm looking for something with both lots of vessels, several dozen at least, and separated networks, that is, networks of vessels that are in contact with each other, but not Kerbin. This would be helpful for testing something that I'm developing.
  12. There are a few out there, GCMonitor is a relatively simple example, and Engineer uses it, but only for the window that pops up from the toolbar in flight. When 1.2 comes out I will have a few mods using it. Contracts Window Plus is a very complex example, and it is built entirely with the Unity 4.6 UI. The code and Unity project are available on the UI branch of the GitHub repo. I also have a simpler mod that I plan on using as the basis for a Unity UI tutorial. The code and Unity project are also both available on GitHub. There is also the Popup Dialog system that I made a thread about: It basically replicates the old GUILayout system, but generates a window with the new system instead. It's good for simple windows, but allows for a fair amount of customization, too.
  13. @nightingale Should that be added to the file for that specific Contract Type file or for the Contract Group file, or both? @Nori Both files are found in GameData/SCANsat/Resources/Contracts.
  14. Maybe, but that doesn't seem to be the problem. I don't think I've ever had issues with the central station and its multiple attachment points. It's the individual parts that have problems, and only when they are attached to the ground. Those only have one cable attach point and one normal attach point.
  15. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what Orbit.ObT does, and if and how it relates to Orbit.getObtAtUT and/or Orbit.getPositionAtUT. According to the docs Orbit.Obt is "time on this orbit (since periapsis)." But I'm not really clear on how that relates to the other two functions. SCANsat has a check in its background scanning method for a negative Orbit.Obt: if (o.ObT <= 0) goto dequeue; It basically short-circuits the background scanning for a vessel. In 1.2 SCANsat was having some spotty results when scanning at even moderate timewarp, around 100 - 1000X. I can "fix" the problem by removing this check, vessels were periodically ending the loop this way during part of their orbit, but I'm assuming this check was in there for a reason (I've always been wary of touching the background scanning mechanism as I don't really understand how it works ).
  16. This is in the editor? Maybe the editor part tooltip is assigned when the editor starts. In KSP.UI.Screens.Editor there are a bunch of classes related to the PartListTooltips, one of those might have something accessible with the info field.
  17. I am fairly certain that the GetInfo field is only populated by the part prefab, not any random instance of a part, so you'll have to look at AvailablePart. I would like at PartLoader.LoadedPartsList for all of the parts. AvailablePart.moduleInfos is a list of all the part module GetInfo results. I think updating the relevant AvailablePart.ModuleInfo's info string should do it.
  18. There we go, Sarbian has added a nice example to Module Manager of how to spawn a simple popup dialog to replace the OnGUI system. https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/blob/master/moduleManager.cs#L236-L270 internal void Update() { if (GameSettings.MODIFIER_KEY.GetKey() && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F11) && (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER || HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.MAINMENU) && !inRnDCenter) { PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new MultiOptionDialog("", "ModuleManager", HighLogic.UISkin, new Rect(0.5f, 0.5f, 150f, 60f), new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(), new DialogGUIVerticalLayout( new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(), new DialogGUIButton("Reload Database", delegate { MMPatchLoader.keepPartDB = false; StartCoroutine(DataBaseReloadWithMM()); }, 140.0f, 30.0f, true), new DialogGUIButton("Quick Reload Database", delegate { MMPatchLoader.keepPartDB = true; StartCoroutine(DataBaseReloadWithMM()); }, 140.0f, 30.0f, true), new DialogGUIButton("Dump Database to Files", delegate { StartCoroutine(DataBaseReloadWithMM(true)); }, 140.0f, 30.0f, true), new DialogGUIButton("Close",() => {}, 140.0f, 30.0f, true) )), false, HighLogic.UISkin); } It's just a simple script to spawn the MM Database reload window. The layout elements control the placement of the elements within the window and the buttons are each added with a name and a callback.
  19. @Nori It might be a CC issue. I'm not aware of anything in the SCANsat contract definitions that would be incompatible with planet packs. Nothing is hard-coded for Kerbin for instance, everything checks for CC's definition of the "HomeWorld", and it also checks for a surface, so gas giants shouldn't be offered.
  20. I'm wondering if anyone has looked into the PopupDialog system or made a mod using it. From what I can tell the DialogGUI classes seem to broadly replicate the layout system used by the old OnGUI methods, but have the end result of creating UI elements using the Unity 4.6 system. There are a number of layout related classes: DialogGUIHorizontalLayout, DialogGUIVerticalLayout, DialogGUILayoutEnd, DialogGUIFlexibleSpace, DialogGUIScrollList, etc... that would appear to have the same function as the GUILayout classes. Then there are classes for the common UI elements: DialogGUIBox, DialogGUIImage, DialogGUILabel, DialogGUIButton, DialogGUIToggle, etc... Here you can create elements by adding a name, a callback, an image, etc..., each element type has multiple constructors that allow for different types, for instance buttons with a text label or buttons with an image, or manual size or layout data. The PopupDialog class is used to actually display the window, and has a few static constructor methods that call for a MultiOptionDialog instance. The MultiOptionDialog is created with an array of DialogGUIBase elements (basically the list of all your DialogGUI elements set in the order you want) and a UISkinDef, which is used to apply the UI style elements, like the window background, button sprites, font, etc... So if someone wanted to they could presumably create a UISkinDef with the old Unity GUI skin, or you can just use the default KSP skin. I haven't really dug into how it works, I just noticed PopupDialogs coming up a lot when looking at things with Debug Stuff, but it seems like these could provide a good alternative to the sometimes tedious and complex Unity UI development, and would be much better than using the old, slow, OnGUI. If someone could fill in more information that would be great.
  21. @eddiew Hmm. Well you should be able to reset it. There's probably a bug in the module reset code, there have been a few of those in the past for other parts.
  22. The M700 will scan for all supported resources (which is all CRP resources and a few others). For the high resolution resource scan it will depend on whether a Module Manager patch for it is added somewhere, which I believe is the case for Kerbal Planetary Base Systems.
  23. It just requires a recompile, they switched a field to a property, but it has the same name, so it freaks out a bit. I'll wait to see if there are any releases today before updating though.
  24. @Gilph With stock scanning disabled both the M700 and Narrow Band work like regular SCANsat scanners, they scan the terrain they pass over, and there is no pre-requisite for any scan type, you can use the Narrow Band before or in place of the M700. The Narrow Band scanner has an additional, optional setting that requires there to be one in orbit (and the orbital inclination must allow the scanner to actually cover the region in question) around the planet to get fully accurate data (data will be rounded to the nearest whole number percentage without it), but this can be disabled with the "Require Narrow Band" toggle in the resource settings menu. The Surface scanner works at any point in a biome and only needs to be run once per biome. It doesn't need to run in biomes you are not interested in. This requirement can also be disabled, using the "Resource Biome Lock" toggle. The SAR and Radar give terrain and slope data (low resolution for the Radar, which makes it not very useful for slope data), the Multi gives biome and anomaly data. You can turn off the anomaly markers on the map with the X mark toggle. See the SCANsat wiki for more info on resource scanning and other functions. Also, I'll upload some 8K biome maps for all of the planets once 1.2 comes out so that people will have some decent references if they don't want to use SCANsat.
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