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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. I’m out of likes for the day and time for the moment so I’m flagging this post so I can come back and dissect the design tonight.
  2. You’ve already put quite a bit of planning into something you just said was absolutely not going to happen.
  3. When the man said it gets everywhere, he meant it gets everywhere.
  4. Slight addendum: there was one engine failure in all that, CRS-1 I think, but the main payload still made orbit. Also, relevant:
  5. I saw it was front page on the BBC website. Watched two local broadcasts, not a word, and just one tiny article buried way down on news web pages. Probably cuz nothing exploded enough for them to sensationalize.
  6. Spot on. You could see in some of the shots that the front wheel well is far too empty, save for some obviously added attach structure. I seriously doubt that car was much more than an empty shell, and I honestly find it very surprising so many people think it was, or that it was actually going to Mars. That doesn’t make it any less awesome, it’s a heckuvalot more interesting than a big concrete block, and those views! That’s the kinda thing to inspire a whole new generation of space nerds, a new Earthrise, even. Whether the car was really a car really doesn’t matter.
  7. Isn’t EM-1 without the Centaur going go fly unmanned though? Keep in mind, these fools are VERY low in number in the grand scheme. I’m convinced that somewhere there’s a guy in a shabby room with his head in his hands mumbling, “guys... it was a joke! The whole thing was a joke!” Most people, well... simply don’t care at all. FH got zero news coverage here, and we even have a SpaceX facility in the area.
  8. You may find them unexpectedly amusing, even to yourself. Or cringe-inducing. One of the two...
  9. Shadows of the Kraken: The Lost Chapters Building Highlab II Assembling the Münbase To the Mün, Edgas One Bad Joke to Rule Them All Assembling the Münbase I swear... Assembling the Münbase (Reprise) see what I did there? These have been left unedited and fully derped, as a bit of history into the birth of an Epic. OK, you can stop laughing now. Seriously. I get it. That's enough. Stahp. Fine, laugh it up, fuzzballs, sheesh...
  10. Another plug for KJR, here. It’s what lets me put a 5m stack on top of a .625 node with no struts or flexing, and it’s absolutely transparent. It’s only going within about 69 million miles of Mars, and the cameras are most likely dead already (they estimated 12 hours).
  11. @CatastrophicFailure has no life the day off from work and chores to procrastinate. How about... @qzgy?
  12. I... wait, how'd you guess? Now bugging @JadeOfMaar...
  13. New numbers out, via this article on SpaceFlightNow. The Tesla won't reach the asteroid belt, it'll just exceed the orbit of Mars. It will pass within 69 million miles of the red planet on Jun 8 and reach aphelion of 158 million miles on November 19. Some interesting speculation that between perturbations from Jupiter and unpredictable decomposing of components, on a scale of millions of years it may end up ejected from the solar system or hurled into the sun. Good thing StarMan has shades. Well, shade.
  14. FYI, there were never plans to send people via Red Dragon, it was envisioned as a way to start sending cargo/science! ahead of human arrival. This was a bureaucratic issue, not an engineering one. NASA wouldn’t have accepted it without a ridiculous amount of verification, but the Space Shuttle worked just fine with far more holes in its heat shield (also Gemini tests and the Soviet VA did this). If BFR ends up significantly delayed, I think we may see a return to these very concepts.
  15. The plan was to burn to depletion, so the whole system worked better than anticipated. This is how you test a rocket!
  16. Edited the post, apparently all central Cali could see it.
  17. I saw a tweet saying the Orbit was tracked at 7000x180km, can anyone run the math and figure out the period?
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