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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. It’s not cheating if the game cheats first.
  2. It’s That F9H1 flu going around... funny how everyone’s getting it on the same day...
  3. Which is why they should simplify it for everyone and simply make it a national holiday.
  4. Tidbits will continue to be dropped about in the coming weeks and months, for those who know where to look. I don't know if I'll ever explain the whole thing... but I might. Crap, I knew I forgot something Er, why no, he hasn't been forgotten at all! The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills, all things serve the Beam, and so on, and so forth... this, we do not speak of! And having just watched Scott Manley's video on the Ultimate Enterprise, I just figured out how I could have done the sails much better, too.
  5. Uh huh, suuure it.... Oh. So it does. Never noticed that before. Wow, 183,000 members. Oh, well, carry on...
  6. I think the more pressing question here, is... why was @Just Jim looking up those names in the first place? ಠ_ಠ
  7. "MMmmmmMMMM! Delicious. What is it?" ”Ah’ve found it best not to ask, lad; just smile, ask fer seconds, and keep a roll of antacids handy.”
  8. Mayhaps. Oh, I’m sure that’s one of a great many meals he’s addressed... some of which likely addressed him back.
  9. STEM class? The It should be required viewing! Same goes for @Ultimate Steve, too. This is gonna be my Super Bowl.
  10. HAve you tried the ScanSat BTDT scanner? It will at least tell you if it’s actually there, once you’re on the surface. Might be able to look underground with some trickery.
  11. *ebil insane laughter intensifies* wait a minnut... Insane... insanity... inSANNitY... ...Sanny...
  12. They can check out any time they like... but they can never leave. :ebil:
  13. Guysguygguysguysguysguysguysguys!!!!!!!!!!! ...subject to change without notice, of course.
  14. Then you didn’t see this guy, apparently a figure of some authority, pretty much apologizing because the flight had failed...
  15. At the time, that did not appear to be the case, especially with the chief up there slinging mea culpas. Part of the problem also, I think, is the industry standard of calling every single off-nominal event an “anomaly” regardless of magnitude or, ahem, gravity. If they’d call a kaboom a kaboom and a loss of signal a loss of signal, instead of trying to spin and sugarcoat everything, the “reality” would be much more distinguishable.
  16. It appears ArianeSpace is having a very bad day, which makes me wonder... would the James Webb scope fit in a Falcon Heavy?
  17. Or maybe just a second one. Or possibly a third, if they have any plans to ever to barge recovery on the side boosters...
  18. FWIW, the target comet of the real mission wasn’t nearly so extreme in its orbit, it goes from inside of Earth’s to just beyond Jupiter’s. Might take less time to get there...
  19. I can’t find the source ATM (since I’m mostly half asleep still), but I recall seeing they won’t run the engines at more than 92% for this flight. Also keep in mind the payload, lacking some still undisclosed mass simulator, this Falcon Heavy will be flying pretty, um, light...
  20. Soooo... y'all can thank @CSE for this little gem (if I actually stay up to finish it, it's way past my bedtime). His comment on another thread got the ol' wheels turning, and now my mind's been chasing this all day. Not real sure if I'd use it in the actual story at this point, so it's canonicalness remains rather dubious, but whether it's less perfect or less real, I suppose, is up to the reader... Use at our own risk.
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