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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. The current crop of recovered boosters aren't quite up to that test. The next generation (block 5 and maybe block 4) will be able to make around 10 flights with zero refurb (supposedly), hundreds with refurb.
  2. Half Life 3 Re-used booster confirmed for this upcoming Dragon flight on the 8th. Thats in addition to the re-used Dragon capsule itself.
  3. What’s the difference between a global moderator and a more moderate... moderator?
  4. Thanks to some shenanigans over on the WDYDIKSPT? thread... @harrisjosh2711 go watch this movie right now. It’s from a dark age when people got their entertainment over the airwaves, and there were only like 50 channels, most of which were just snow. I think everyone is still alive. Tho the years have been kinder to some than others.
  5. Aaaaaand not a single word put down today. Flarping flagons of flagellates, I hate Wednesdays! No, not really, I just wanted to use "flarping flagons of flagellates" in a sentence. It's tired and I'm late.
  6. Better than getting surprised by creepily large gas. Speaking of which, pity about Titan. Was looking forward to seeing it.
  7. This. The same old jokes get tossed around, but we’re down to the scale of weeks now, not months. The hardware is built, been tested as much as it can, the launch pad is free, and there are few mods left to make to it. Once we see it out the door I think things will move very quickly, SpaceX needs them to, especially if their confidence is as lacking as Musk has implied. Personally, I don’t think it is. I think the first launch will be a spectacular success, but there’s a nonzero chance that it won’t be, so they’re aiming for low expectations. As long as there are no issues elsewhere (cough “fairing issue” cough) and the static fire goes off as planned this month, I think the launch will follow next. Like he’s said, there’s only so much you can test on the ground and they know a lot about how the Falcon series behaves at this point, especially with all of those nice intact data points they’ve recovered.
  8. Making the rocket small is kinda their whole modus operandi. Their aim is cheap, dumb, mass-produced boosters that can launch like daily carrying small payloads.
  9. Its made with real sugar and comes with a nostalgic label.
  10. It stinks on mobile, tho. Getting iOS to highlight what you want is... an adventure. I’ve accidentally quoted entire threads before.
  11. Blatant theft imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
  12. Well, if the later version of the F9 really can do hundreds of launches with refurb, no sense scrapping them even once BFR is operational, maybe we’ll finally see the birth of the used rocket market. “C’mon down to CRAZY ERNIE’S Used Rocket Emporim! We’re turning back the clock but never the odometers! For a limited time you can get this fully loaded, gently used SpaceX special, only $9,999,999! plus tax, title, license, and range fees In fact, if you don’t come on down right this minute, I’ma club this here here baby seal! That’s right, I’ma club a seal to give you a better deal! Because I’m CRAZY!”
  13. Other than straight out fixes, most of the changes I’ve added have been few and subtle. I’d be real surprised if someone could pick them out after all this time. Yarnt. Every time I think I’ve got all those pruned, another pops up. The perils of two similar names. Since that’s right about where I am with re-editing, hopefully I just haven’t gotten to it yet, but if you do come across it again please do let me know. I would say, read carefully. One, or possibly both, of us is not remembering accurately. (I thought I’d had that bit properly tidied, but given the circumstance, Edgas’s own memory might not have been the best at that point, either.) The third installment is well underway.
  14. But wait, there’s more! but wait, there’s more! I am the @tater of this thread.
  15. WHAT THE WHAT?!? (Cue SlowPoke meme...) I just discovered GPP stickers can be changed in game! (Sometime next year: @Galileo will be all like, "UPDATE: Version 2.3, now supporting neuron-interfaced VR, feel the heat of Thalia below your feet!" and I'll still be derping about "discovering" things in KSP 1.2.2. )
  16. Well, judging by some of Musk’s remarks lately, it may be akin to exactly that.
  17. Right. So I would surmise that’s part of the reason for the delay from the 4th.
  18. If it ever even existed. Theres also This. Next CRS has apparently been pushed back to the 8th, Irridium from Vandy on the 22nd still on track despite, ahem, “fairing issues” elsewhere. And we may just see Falcon Heavy rise any day now... or not.
  19. Might want to make a mental note of that. Temperature might just be an important recurring theme. Speaking of which, next chapter is still plugging along. Progress has been slow but at least steady. Aiming for something toward this weekend.
  20. Clicked the link, guess I... ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed.
  21. *cue Jeb running that way with his surfboard*
  22. So, I was just messing about in my own game, playing with eldritch things that ought not be meddled with by mortal hands, and had to do a quickload. Everything, gone. The universe stripped bare to its natural state, no trace left of what I'd done, except... For a single red magic boulder staring back at me as the game loaded. Coincidence? I think not! Fortunately I have many more saves and all is well. So far.
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