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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Technical question: does a lot of debris contribute to lag or any practical irritations? Trying to select what I actually wanted to select as a target became such a problem I had to put my station at a ridiculously high orbit just to target it for rendezvous. My two favorite parking orbits are getting pretty full. I usually use a few retro firing solids on my last stage to back it off & due orbit it, but these NovaPunch parts are so strong they're actually surviving and scattering debris on land.

  2. ... fire off an impromptu kinetic kill vehicle.

    Or if that's too much trouble, you could just go with a good old-fashioned staging error. (Do these ever happen in real life, or are only Kerbanauts stupid enough to light their fourth stage and decouple their second stage simultaneously?)

    No, in real life they forget to transcribe metric to imperial and thus fire an impromptu kinetic kill vehicle at Mars (guess which one won).

  3. Staging testing for my "Abbot" probe. It and its counterpart "Costello" are going to Jool shortly.16x1C

    A video would convey this better, but still havn't figured out how to. After this stack separated, TWR just happened to be exactly 1, so with a slight nudge it began to gently drift towards the ground picking up lateral speed. Didn't quite loose mass fast enough tho, and slow-motion carnage ensued:


    And believe it or not, THIS was actually a complete success! :confused:


  4. Trying to get this screenshot to work...

    somehow my docking port (CBM package) ended up below the surface of what it mounted on. Trying to dock with it the ship just pushes against it without merging. Which is really weird since that node UNdocked just fine after launch. Anyways, is there any way to fix this without scrapping it and launching a whole new module? Some way to tweak the persistence file perhaps?


  5. The Mün hates me. I can put a fahrting base on Minmus but the MÜn has been kicking my arse since day one. I mean literally, in my first hour with KSP trying the landing scenario, just happened to land near an arch and thought I'd check it out.

    "Hey this Kerbal can fly!"

    "Hey this Kerbal can slide!"

    "Hey this Kerbal's.... not moving...?"

    Four attempts later (one crew plowed into the regolith at three digit mps, one just disappeared, one crew rescued from münar orbit) my rescue mission finally returns the crew of the fourth failed mission.

    Tried again and I still managed to hit the space bar & stage by mistake Immediately after landing. Fortunately the return stage didn't go anywhere so I was able to send Jeb up a hill for a quick photo before everyone got the heck off that cursed rock before anything else went wrong

    First Moho lander/orbiter didn't go so well either. The lander got some wonderful views before it whizzed past the planet with its engine uselessly burning, off into solar orbit. The orbiter got some nice hi res maps just before slamming into the surface at about 4 klicks per second.



    ROFL that is classic!

  6. There's an unfortunate streak of elitism amongst people that rail against the use of mechjeb/mods and/or use only stock components. I suppose it can't be helped, you're going to see that with any game and those types of people and their arrogant mentalities are just poison to the community (and new players) since as as far as they're concerned: "If you don't play like us you only have your inferior skills to blame, because obviously you would if you could."

    Personally, I found mechjeb really useful as a tool for teaching me how to fly better, rather than try to fumble my way through and just end up frustrated. The more practice I had with playing the game, watching what the computer was doing, and performing flights, I started using the automatic functions less to the point now that I've come to use it for the information displays (not to mention flying better by hand and eye better than the computer's ability.)

    I'll second this & throw my own two noob cents in. Likewise, for me mechjeb is a wonderful learning tool. I'm a very visual person, that's what drew me to KSP in the first place from Orbiter. I need to see things to fully understand them. Mechjeb lets me see how things like efficient maneuver nodes should look, rather than me pulling random tags until I just happen to get it right. The delta v estimates are great tools too, sure it's funny as hell when you get ALMOST there then run out of fuel, but now I've just wasted how many hours on a rocket that don't work, and time is a precious commodity for me (I don't have nearly enough, Lord help me if they ever port KSP to the iPad!). Likewise with docking, I CAN dock freehand, done it enough times, but for me it's something that's tedious and not very entertaining. Mechjeb saves me time there that I'd rather spend enjoying something else in the game. But I've already found I prefer to do rendezvous by hand since mechjeb tends to be horribly inefficient there.

    Unfortunately it's really no surprise to find people hating over something so silly. It's human nature. Just watch Survivor, put any group of people together and the very first thing they do is create an "us" and a "them."

  7. Jool, unintentionally. My first ion powered/BKO probe swung around Kerbol and just happened to encounter Jool. Hadn't been aiming for anything in particular, just wanted to get beyond Kerbin. Wandered around the Jool system for a few orbits till I ran out of xenon and a close encounter with Tylo dumped the probe back into Jool. I don't consider that a landing lol. My Duma flyby had so much extra fuel it became my first Duma orbiter. The first flown-as-planned mission was a 3 part Eve mapper/PieProbe lander & Gilly mapper that I landed anyway ala NEAR Shoemaker. Went off without a hitch. And all that time I still couldn't get a bloody lander back from the Mün!

  8. I originally was going to but since I decided to go with the habitat module and 3 person capsule I decided to try vertical as I figured it would be a bit more efficient launching up. But as you can tell I had some issues lol, so I'll be going back to my original horizontal design for my next rover using some of the ideas people have had on here (live and learn I guess).

    and Shrike that is a really cool lander you have there, I like the use of the girders for the wheel base that is a nice idea. I may have to try to do something like that myself, thanks for the ideas.

    You can have it both ways too altho it requires just a bit of extra finesse during landing. Below *should* be some shots of the first module of my Minmus base, one in launch configuration & another two after I ungracefully tried to disassemble the rocket to get a better shot of it. Didn't work so much. Anyways, you can launch and maneuver vertically, then drop the booster & switch to horizontal for the actual landing. It fell off after the rocket collapsed, but there's a MechJeb tin on the "top" of the base module. Once you drop the booster that become the command module and "up" is the right direction. Make sense?




  9. Welcome to the community!

    ...Is it a bad sign that I can recognize both of the TV shows your avatar is referencing?

    Well it's about bloody time! I've been using that avatar on every forum for the last six months and you're the first one to get it!

    Ok, maybe that is a bad sign...

    Aside, why can't I post attachments? Is there a minimum post requirement or some such?

  10. Lol I was going for "incredibly depressed" there. Because his pod is upside down & all. Which he really shouldn't have been that depressed about cuz that's a much better ending than most of his buddies were having around that time (before I discovered escape towers). But I assure you he popped right back up after that!

    (figured out what I'd missed about 30 seconds after I hit post)

  11. I first played Orbiter as well and it was brutal to start out with. KSP is more user friendly but still not easy to learn right away

    True, there's definitely a learning curve either way. But at least in KSP when you get it wrong something amusing happens that leaves you laughing uncontrollably and clapping your hands like a 3yr old with a very large puppy. Or something explodes. Or both. In Orbiter you just drift harmlessly thru the target vessel, bounce:huh: off the planet, or the sim just crashes outright. :rolleyes:

    Welcome aboard! I'm a former Orbiter addict myself. You're going to have a great time. :)

    By the way, the mods that make the clamps explode are Romfarer's (Lazor System components), including the manipulator arm mod that BobCat's Buran uses.

    Ah so. That explains it, I have his camera mod. Is there any workaround for it?

    Welcome to the community CatastrophicFailure :)

    For me, the KSP community is half the experience, and one not to be missed, the people here are great and we'll all try to help you out if you need it, so if you get stuck just ask :D

    Have fun on the forums and in KSP, and fly safe!

    Thanks so much for the welcome all. Yes, the community around here does seem to take its self a little less seriously (it's Kerbals after all). Now if I could just figure out why my sig pic doesn't seem to be working after all the trouble I went thru to make it...

  12. Greetings rocket scientists & space cadets! So I've been putting off throwing up a "hello" thread since, you know, I could be Kerballing, but I must at least give proper props to the developers of such an addicting game! I'd been messing around with Orbiter2010 for a while, and getting it to do what I want was just an exercise in futility, then I discover this little gem! And it's EXACTLY what I've been trying to do all along! And with a much easier to comprehend interface too! And it actually gets regular upgrades and BUG FIXES! (Nothing like the promise of a little profit to motivate lol)

    so I've been pretty much obsessed with it for the last few weeks and spent pretty much all my free time with it. Don't know how much time ill spend around the forum since, you know, I could be Kerballing, but I had to at least pop in & say hi (and things actually WORK on this). Anyways, for my one free n00b question, recently my launch clamps have started exploding when released. Doesn't seem to harm anything, just cosmetically unpleasant. I'm assuming its from some mod or other. Any ideas?

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