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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Here's an example from the next part of my Eeloo mission using very small crafts. These are uncropped screenshots stuck together in PS.


    You can see how map view can be a little cramped, but I was able to rendezvous for docking pretty easily. It takes some getting used to, but I think I like it. I play in a 1050*1680 window on a 1920*1200 monitor, so I can make the window wider. 1200*1680 might give me a little more room on the sides.

    Do you rotate your monitor back & forth as needed (vertical for ksp, horizontal for other things) or is that a dedicated setup? How bout a pic of the whole thing?

  2. Not a Kraken. Kraken young can defend themselves. They'd never be so dimwitted as to be caught inside of a container.

    Nope. I'm pretty sure it's a young Kerbal in larval form. Being scienced at such a young age (not to mention exposed to vacuum, radiation, atmospheric ablation, reentry) is what makes your standard Kerban so resilient. And fearful.

    well it wasn't *technically* a kraken yet. Like Bruce banner wasn't the hulk till he got the same treatment.

    Not that I think the creature is alien, but I don't think they're sending it into space. It looks more like it (inadvertent) became a stowaway.

    I think it was supposed to go inside a specimen container to be exposed, not loose in the housing...

  3. It did have a very krackenish way about it. reminded me of this (which someone else posted a while back)


    Well, that explains a lot. After scientists tried to lock it up in a lab its no wonder it grew up to want revenge!

    They even scolded it! I actually feel sorry for the poor lil glowing guy now.

    While waiting for my 0.22 DL (yay) I watched the new (at least, I'd not seen it before) vid on the store's home page. I'm not entirely sure what to make of it.

    Was that the goo? Except it wasn't green.

    An Alien? It certainly seemed sentient, but we know that there aren't going to be any.

    Or was it the origin story for the Kracken?

    What do you think it was?

    Dont think its meant to be alien, I get the impression it's a Native Kerbal octopus thingy. Why would they be sending an alien specimen BACK into space?

  4. So it took a couple weeks but here's my entry, that turned into its own mini-space-program. Mod-heavy so if not the top score at least it's unique :sticktongue:. Life support & communications modeled too. Based on a munar-orbit rendezvous with backup Emergency Return Vehicle/Shelter ala the Gemini LSSS. The Olympus shelter has enough supplies to support two Kerbals for well over 300 days with redundant RTG power for those long Munar nights. Launched in a single stack with an earlier variant Janus two-crew ERV and Cerea transfer stage on the massive Shenandoah launcher. Primary vehicle is the Janus/Centaur/Columbia stack with a 3-day endurance. Two SRBs are added to make the Columbia Heavy launcher. The Janus can make a cis-munar flight without them but lacks an acceptable reserve. Capable of land or water landings although water landings result in a rather unpleasant floating attitude and are reserved for emergencies. Redundant abort modes separate the entire capsule AND leave the crew the option to eject like Gemini. The single open-cockpit lander is Cardea and was some how terminally bugged. Every docking resulted in the whole thing slowly spinning with the physics locked out. And they randomly explode.:huh:

    If I'm adding this right then...

    Primary mission objective (+20):

    Munar Orbit Rendezvous (+6): Using two launches to low Kerbin orbit, separately send two spacecraft to Munar orbit. Once there, dock them together and complete a landing mission.

    • Landing prestige: One Kerbal on the Mun (+7). Second Kerbal on the Mun (+4).

    • Happy together (+3): Both crew members are never separated by more than 10km
    • We're done with that (+3): Detachable support module (Jettison from command module before Kerbin landing at least three of: RCS* cells, electrical systems*, lighting*, legs, retro package*)
    • Just in case (+3): Launch Escape System present

    • Is that a Titan II? (+2): At least one of the rockets uses a two-engine cluster first stage and a single engine cluster second stage.
    • Wow, A Titan III!(+3): At least one of the rockets earns 'Is that a Titan II?' and has two strap on SRB's on the first stage.
    • That looks like Saturn 1B! (+4): At least one of the rockets uses a first stage cluster with 8 engines
    • Won't Apollo miss that Saturn 5? (+6): At least one rocket uses a 5 engine first stage and a 5 engine second stage.
    • That's no bull (+2): Trans Munar injection booster is a two-engine cluster, like the Centaur kicker stage. x3

    • On your space bike (+4): At least one open cockpit lander
    • Dropping some weight (+3): At least one of the primary or backup Munar surface return vessels leaves behind its Munar descent stage.
    • Making it count (+2): Earn 'Dropping some weight' and have a powered probe core on the discarded descent stage. Must remain powered at least until the crew lands on Kerbin.
    • Since we're there (+2): If used, the backup Munar surface return vehicle earns 'Dropping some weight' and 'Making it count'.

    • Welcome home (+10): Both crew return to Kerbin
    • We can take it (+3): Be able to safely return to Kerbin on water or land without damage.
    • Landing gear down (+5): Perform a parachute assisted landing on deployable wheels or skids

    • We are outta here (+3): The Launch Escape System ejects both crew in their own separate crafts. The Gemini had fighter jet style ejection seats. *Not sure if I can legitimately claim this one or not as it specifies "crafts" and I don't know if a space suit qualifies. But I do have the most accurate Gemini abort so far :cool:
    • We have a reservation (+7): Land a crew on the Mun within 10km of a previously landed empty spacecraft. Must completely perform Munar ascent to Kerbin landing, or dock with a return-capable vessel in Mun orbit.

    So if I'm adding right (and I'm probably not) that gives me a score of 106. Now if I can get these galleries to work... Everything is rather disjointed & random... I had been planning to try making a vid for the main mission but that was an absolute disaster so I had to cobble together screenies from various points.

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  5. [2¢]did one of these in the latter days of .20, didn't start out as a grand tour either. Originally the plan was for a tour of Jool's moons. Then I decided to do the whole shebang long as I'm out there. Had a hybrid ion powered mothership with room for three Kerbals to be COMFORTABLE (not just crammed in a single capsule for a dozen years) that was otherwise fairly small, and dragged a basic lander around with it. I sent it out new docking adapters first, then tankers and mission specific landers as & where needed. Route was Jool-Eeloo-Dres-Duna-Eve-Moho-Kerbin. Even managed to land back at KSC with a Soyuz capsule. Landed on every land able body except Eve, and left a flag everywhere but Moho since my rover picked up a bad case of the random explosions there and I left in a hurry. [/2¢][br]. [/br]Lessee here.....Rnk2yHC.jpg[br]. [/br]ylWIp4K.jpgSide note, WTF aren't line breaks working???

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