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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Just another kudos on an awesome little shuttle. Finally managed to land it in one piece last night (well minus the three control surfaces that burned off, again), 650 km past KSC AND in complete darkness, but I was rather proud of myself :cool:. Dunno if it'll cure my inherent dislike for space planes in general, but if nothing else the mini space station parts are great! Finally I can make a station that doesn't wobble like an overcooked noodle or lag into oblivion. Another vote for a disposable "shuttle c" variant too!

  2. I usually play "NKLB" but for some reason, with 23.5 (I start a new save every update), I've just said "@&$?! it" and have just been goofing around & experimenting rather than doing anything "serous." Think it started when I lost an entire 6 Kerbal crew on an asteroid ship that spontaneously exploded, I've lost well over a dozen so far, and poor Gregvan is "MIA" after putting him in the path of a big ship on a very low orbit (I was hoping for something amusing like him getting batted into orbit like a little green tennis ball, or at least an explosion. Instead he just went *poof*).




  3. File this under "failure to fail:"

    i tried setting up a low orbital fly over on Minmus. Watching from the ground, it was obvious the ship wouldn't quite clear the first hill, but I kept watching anyway thinking at least there'd be an amusing explosion & debris cloud sailing overhead. Saw the ship hit the ground, saw a small explosion, but no debris. But SOMEthing was still there.


    Just sitting there on the side of the hill. Command pod & everything above it was gone, but the rest of the ship was just fine. Gregvan could approach it, jump on it, try fruitlessly to knock it down, it was perfectly fine. If there was a hatch or probe core he probably could have boarded & flown it off.

    Kinda reminds me of the ship from Alien for some reason. Kinda creepy, just sitting there like that. There's no reaction wheels to hold it like that either. :0.0:

  4. Will do. I was trying to make it more readable by going for a compact look, so that a single asteroid group fits in one editor window. I guess it had the exact opposite effect. :(

    Since I'm probably not the best judge of this, where would line breaks make sense (I'm asking everybody, not just CatastrophicFailure)?

    For one not familiar with it, it just looks like a big block of complicated text, it's hard to figure out what refers to what. I'd suggest just breaking it down so it follows the explanation on the github page, one line per entry.

  5. I have recently encountered a pesky bug with MechJeb: I was trying to land at a target with the autopilot, but after I warp or it auto-warps, the ship freezes in a fixed point in space and just remains there; it won't advance along the orbit or turn in any direction. Engines and everything else on the ship works fine. Even RCS, although I can't get the ship to turn with it. I have to go back to the space center, reload everything, but after a new warp, the ship freezes again. It's like some weird force is keeping it in place.

    Warping from the tracking station works just fine.

    I have the latest version of KSP through Steam and the only mods installed are MechJeb and Protractor.

    LE: MechJeb downloaded from the first page

    When you get this error, what does your debug log say? I've been Getting a similar issue when going to warp, KSP seems to get stuck in an error loop when packing something for orbit, the exact error verbiage escapes me at the moment.

  6. Once decided to send a rover to Eve. The decent module was an aeroshell with heat shield that protected the rover during reentry then split apart with the rover descending the last couple kilometers with chutes. Tested the living snot out of it till everything worked perfectly...on Kerbin. Sharp looking rocket; launch, orbit and transfer all went beautifully, even got an ideal come from behind, aerobrake-to-landing on the day side. Descent was going great, aeroshell split, heat shield dropped away, chutes deployed, sent back some science on the way down... And noticed the heat shield was laying on the ground below. Apparently the extra weight lost from ablation plus Eve's thick atmosphere allowed it to survive a two kilometer fall instead of exploding as on Kerbin. The rover descends slowly, lands right on top of the truss sticking up in the middle....and promptly flips over, hopelessly stuck.

  7. So, time for an update. I'm not really sure what to say here because while I've definitely made progress (the stock adapter is docked to the asteroid, the tug is refueled, and the whole assembly is about 10 minutes from Duna transfer burn in my current save) I've also hit a bit for a brick wall. See, for some reason that totally mystifies me, the assembly of asteroid and tug refuses to rotate at all, to the point where the ADA unit's decoupler attachment to the propulsion module is bent at around 15 degrees by RCS whenever I try to turn it, yet the thing still stubbornly refuses to move. I thought it might be the stock adapter's SAS unit, but the problem still occurs whether it's on or off. What's more, and this is the really baffling part, the Kraken seems to have picked this moment to surface on my computer since merely trying to turn a class B asteroid has somehow generated enough force to deorbit it. I don't know what kind of phantom voodoo forces are at work here, but I get the feeling I'm in over my head. The only thing I can think of is ditching the stock adapter at this point.

    Be most cautious. I never went to the Magic Boulder myself but I've heard enough about it. You are meddling with some very VERY powerful juju here. The Boulder could both summon the Kraken at will AND direct it. If it was gone, perhaps it WANTED to be gone. Erecting a graven image in its place may attract attention that is... Unpleasant.

  8. You, sir(s), have clearly out-awesomed the asteroids. My first view upon loading at the pad had me convinced it was about to rain lol. Extremely glad to see texture replacer is no longer required, it was giving me a game-killing bug with V3 and I was NOT looking forward to troubleshooting (just shooting) it!

    Not sure if this is a big, but on both Kerbin and Minmus I get a very crisp, discernible, layer where the upper atmosphere " ends". It's a little visually jarring, is that normal?

    oh, and would it be possible to give Minmus some very very tiny but still detectable pressure?

    (<ebil> or a really soupy thick atmo for all sorts of flying nonsense gehehehehehehehe </ebil>)

  9. Was just thinking about this myself the other day... Followed by the thought that such a person who would seriously contemplate actually doing so probably has a chair lined with broken glass and snorts angry wasps for motivation.

    Like someone already said, Moho is a ****.

    But subbed for the lulz anyway!

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