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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. In my opinion MechJeb is to easy. To me it feels like I don't only delegate the task of landing to a soulless machine, but also the fun of it. Maybe this is because the risk of failure is very low when using MJ.

    I recommend to use kOS instead for this reason. While it is a powerful autopilot, it doesn't do much by itself that the flight computer couldn't do as well. Nevertheless, due to its scripting capabilities it can be programmed to perform very complex manoeuvres, of course including landing. This has the advantage, that, while the landing is performed by the computer, it is doing exactly what the player told it to, so one doesn't delegate the responsibility, and of course the risk of failure (and with it the fun) is still there. To me it is nearly as thrilling to have a probe land by a self written script as it is to land it manually. This thrill never goes away, since every probe is slightly different (at least if you don't use the same subassembly for all of them), and a different TWR or torque can make a script that worked dozens of times suddenly fail miserably.

    Lol, see now we're getting into entirely different concepts of fun. Anything that involves deciphering and scripting code is well off into the "unpleasant" end of the fun scale for me. Right up there with "going to the dentist" or "watching a political speech." The last thing I ever scripted was a BASIC Russian roulette program back in computer class. The teacher was not amused (the fact that I was still able to do so with only an eyeroll & facepalm instead of a full SWAT response should give you some idea how long ago that was).

    In my experience, MechJeb fails far more than "enough" to keep things entertaining :rolleyes: GIGO still applies, Y'know?

  2. I meant to suggest just going by period if you have easy access to display the orbital periods in question (KER, VOID, MechJeb). Since stock doesn't tell you your orbital period directly, but makes you calculate it from the times to periapsis and apoapsis, I went on to suggest how you might calculate a resonant orbit using numbers that are easy to get in stock and only require you to watch one number at a time while doing burns. The whole Kepler thing is "if you need to play without informational displays" advice.

    seems reasonable to me that if he's bothering with com sat constellations with RT2 then he's got one of the above mods (I dunno HOW one can play RT2 without MechJeb, unless you never land on most of the bodies beyond Kerbin:sealed:)

    oh well at least he's got options now lol

  3. You need to set the bus's orbital period to an appropriate ratio to the target orbits' period. For a 2000km target orbit, the best deployment orbit would have apoapsis at 2000km and period 3/4 of a 2000km circular orbit. The best way to do this is with a mod that can display orbital periods, but a quick attempt at running the 3/4 ratio through Kepler's third law says a 2000x1092 orbit on the bus will be pretty close.

    that 3/4 number will vary depending on the number of sats in your constellation. I find it easier to set them up based on orbital period rather than altitude. For example, if you want 3 sats with an orbital period of 6 hours (2868km alt). Set up your bus to an ApA of 2868, then raise your PeA to whatever gives you a two hour period. Once this is done you can actually separate all your sats, they'll float together in a little cluster, then circularize each one as it swings back to ApA.

  4. Would such forces possibly reduce the impact? I've wondered for awhile now if ksp can emulate what helicopter pilots do before they crash. I forget the name of the manouver, but right before impact pilots spin up the helicopter to spread the impact forces outward.

    Autorotation. They "spin up" the rotors, or rather, maintain their spin by dropping very quickly (but under control) then increasing the blade pitch just before reaching the ground. It's a bit like doing a suicide burn with next to no fuel, it has to be timed *just* right. FAR & other mods might simulate it but there's no way it would work in stock Kerbal.

    So to the OP, sorry, you're boned.

  5. I also removed the linking for SSE and Firov removed it for SmartParts. There are new versions (2.1) in the Dropbox for these. These should fix any linking problems. Km_lib is still required but it only provided independent part modules. No linking weirdness.

    ah, ok, didn't see an update on the relevant pages when I looked. I'll update those tonight and see how it goes. Ridiculously useful set of parts by the way, they're finding their way into everything I make now!

    BTW: freaky looking ship. What is it good for?

    im guessing a heavy duty lander for Duna or maybe Laythe.

  6. May I present to you... Big rocket 2


    Over 4000 parts

    Almost 40,000 tons

    And a cost so high, the game displays it with scientific notation.

    Surprisingly, it launched just fine


    Unfortunately, problems arose much later in the flight:


    Because of the lag, it took 3 hours of real time to get the rocket this far, so, you can imagine how pissed I was when this happened...:mad: (In hindsight, I probably should of turned down the texture quality to make the lag slightly more bearable but... oh well...)

    Is there an actual payload in all that MoarBoosters?

  7. Exactly that: Tweak Scale, Destroyer of Worlds. On the plus side the newest version of TweakScale includes a bug fix for this problem. I didn't get much time to play with it but a quick test seems to indicate the problem has been fixed.

    Just tried that myself with the new TweakScale and it does seem to work, I was finally able to save a ship on a suborbital path I couldn't even load before... But the log was spamming errors in kmlib.dll. Tried emailing myself the logs + screenshot before I left home to post but doesn't look like they went thru.

  8. Not really. Even the pre-ARM stock rocket engines were quite capable of it. Jet-boosted rockets, staged on not, are perhaps more challenging though, with the unusual ascent profiles required for lowest fuel use.

    Er, yes that's what I was referring to.

  9. Y'know, I've tried and tried to like space planes, but I just don't. Stock or modded, I can build them and make them work, but they just bloody take forEVer! In the time it takes to launch and recover a single space plane I can launch a simple multimodule space station with conventional rockets. And they're just so darned... refined. There's just a certain visceral satisfaction to seeing a Brazilian tons of highly volatile rocket fuel transform its self into energy and FIRE! as quickly and dangerously as possible. And when things go wrong with rockets there's such a delightful finality to it... no sense wasting effort trying to recover the unrecoverable... just GTFO... using moar rockets!

    And where's the love for reusable and SSTO rockets? I'd dare say an SSTO (vertical) rocket is even more of a challenge than a spaceplane, and with the advent of funds (and parts with KCT) recovery with .24 spaceplanes no longer have much advantage over multistage fully recoverable rockets, ala the SpaceX Falcon.

  10. So, I got a contract to test one of the big Kerbodyne engines. Unfortunately, I'm not really building any big rockets right now, so I couldn't just strap it on the bottom of something that was going up. Or maybe I could?

    Introducing the Kerbodyne D7 Heavy Lifter:


    Although the D7's cargo bay is typically filled with fuel tanks or space station segments, it occurred to me that something else might fit in there:


    So it's off to the runway...


    ...and away we go.


    Now, I know that I could just activate it without any fuel and complete the contract that way. But that wouldn't be very Kerbal, would it?



    Lol how many G's was that sucker pulling??

  11. the bug where rocket parts disappear is it only when u launchor is it anytime u switch from teh vessel to another after launch was trying to repeat it but no luck so far

    Wait, what? Sounds like a bug I'm getting that I thought (was hoping) was not RT related. Can you point me to the relevant post?

  12. Yeah, that should work. Sorry about having you do that, it's just very hard to figure anything out from the KSP.log.

    Its all good, even if I could comprehend what you modders do, stuff like tracking bugs would drive me batty, so I'm happy to do the easy part. :D

    On a completely different note, would it be at all possible to get the system to recognize complete recovered vessels, beyond just a pile of parts for recycling?

  13. Just replied to you by email. Summed up: I need the output_log.txt file if you can get it since the KSP.log file doesn't provide details about errors, just that there are some. And I'd also try updating TweakScale.

    noted, ok. Might take me a couple days, I can just copy the whole KSP folder and clone it so I don't risk my "real" game trying to induce this bug again, right?

  14. I'm guessing the answer is no since I've yet to see anything about it, but is it at all possible to have larger mission flags on vessels? The ones we have are a nice touch and easy enough to make custom, but I'm thinking like nose art that takes up most of the side of a pod - WITHOUT some custom retexture (cuz that's way beyond my meager skills).

  15. I'm getting a weird bug I *think* I've traced back to this mod. What happens is the ship & bits of the "world" aren't getting displayed when switching to a vessel. There should be a LOT more to the ship in the pic. When this happens I can still switch to other vessels with the map or tracking station, they may be fine or they may have the same problem. Removing DangIt immediately fixed the problem on the one try I've tried so far, but then I can't select ANYTHING in the tracking station. I have to load something thru the VAB then switch via the map view. Haven't tested beyond that as I was short on time this morning. Someone PM me an email and I'll try & get you some logs.


  16. Isn't MechJeb subjected to signal delay as well? Has this changed since I last looked?

    No, at least it wasn't in 23.5's RT2. It's treated as a Kerbal, but you DO have to have a signal and plan your approach accordingly. That being said, you can pull off some pretty complicated things with KM's altitude triggers & timers from SmartParts, but only with an atmosphere.

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