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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. I'm sure I'm missing some multi-dozen-page ..... fest on this so I'd be appreciative if someone can point me to it. 64-bit is now tagged officially "unstable" by Squad, so mod makers are officially not supporting it and disabling their own mode in it, thereby negating the whole point of x64 and its increased memory limits?!?!?!?!?


  2. Not sure if this is the place, but it seems that the author of FAR & NEAR points to Mechjeb for not being able to land with FAR/NEAR.

    Trying to land in an atmosphere with chutes or direct descent puts my landing way off target. Is there something I need to do to get a close landing? ie. base building Anything is the range of 5km? Or should I just give up on NEAR? My landings are more important than my ascents.


    this is a new plugin for landing targeting that works with FAR/NEAR. Inherent in the way MJ calculates the landing target makes it not work with them. This plugin will get you pretty darn close to where u want to be, but you'll have to do some part of the flying manually. With some experimenting & practice you can get it close enough to switch over to MJ for the final decent.

  3. You know Javster, that is very interesting... just don't tease the lunar landing conspiracy lunatics, but I see your point c:

    According to that evolution, we shoulda landed on every moon and planet out there..

    ... And yet we can't even get off the planet without bumming a ride from the very same guys who launched that first satellite....

  4. I could use some input from some more in-touch people than me on picking out a new system. Not looking for a build it vs buy it debate, building just not an option ATM. Someone pointed me to Cyberpower and they've got some good deals right now. This one caught my attention because EIGHT CORES(!), but I kinda like the smaller form factor seen here. Either way I was thinking of a RAM upgrade to 16gb & 500gb SSD (to pair up with a cannabalized one I already have). I have no idea what the "standard" is on video cards anymore, everyone's got a dozen & a half offerings in a mishmosh of numbers.

    KSP is a good 90% of what I use a pc for (I don't even web surf on it anymore) plus my home security camera software that's always running in the background, but I will be throwing GTAV at it whenever it comes out.

    ETA: oh yeah, budget is up to $1200 total.

  5. I'll help demystify computer builds for you. It's as easy as wiring a home theater system. There is this stigma associated with building computers that simply isn't true. It's not complicated. If you can put together furniture from IKEA, you can put together a computer... and no I'm not joking. Everything has it's slot, plug, post and screw hole. The software is super easy and you don't even dink with the bios (if you don't want). I can put assemble a computer in about 20 minutes and have it up and running in 45 minutes...TOTAL.
    On the other hand it's perfectly possible to screw a build up. I know, I've done it before, and fixing computers is my job.

    It's probably easier than building Ikea furniture though!

    its not the act its self, it's the inevitable invocation of Murphy's law tainted by many years of bad tech juju. The very first thing I ever did with a computer, was break it (apparently it's a bad idea to open it up & touch the guts while its on). I come from those distant, dark days when the simplest hardware change meant meant hours of fiddling (anyone remember IRQ's? Show of hands? No one? How bout setting jumpers? No?) and possibly sacrificing the blood of a virgin to Gzxtyos, consort of Othuyeg. Or calling tech support, but that was only a last resort.

    Point is, such projects NEVER work as they should for me and always take way longer than I think (takes me a couple hours just to change the oil on the trucks, but darn it, it stays changed!). So anything mission-critical like this I'd rather just pay someone who's smarter than me to do it properly and punctually. That way I have some one else to yell at if something goes wrong. If you yell at yourself people tend to look at you funny and back away slowly.

  6. Above you paygrade means to expensive, right? But why do you think about an alienware then? You could get the same performance for several hundred bucks less...

    Before you buy a new pc you should try to fix the old one, it should still be fast enough for KSP. If it feels slow you should reinstall windows, most times thats enough...

    no, that means beyond my skill level. I could maybe do it if everything went exactly 100% right. It never does.

    If it is indeed the motherboard it is one of the more tricky things to figure out without actually replacing the whole lot. Do you still have warranty? I guess not - that could get awfully expensive fairly quickly.

    Exactly. If indeed that is what it is I hit the point of diminishing returns very quickly, especially time wise. Time is always my most limited commodity.

  7. Lemme back up here...

    Computer generally runs 24/7. For a while now the Intel RAID controller has been telling me one of the old hard drives was failing. Couple weeks ago, went to bed and all was good, woke up to just a blinking cursor. After several reboots I was able to get it to load into Win7. Figured one of the hard drives was nearly toast. Computer was OK after that for several days. Got two new SSD's, installed on the unused SATA ports, did a fresh install of Windows 8.1 on the SSD's. So completely independent install, windows gives me the option to load 7 or 8 at bootup. Computer seemed to be working just fine after that, including numerous reboots while I messed with all that. Then again a couple days ago, woke up to a blinking cursor. So the new SDD's (also RAID 0) are on completely separate ports, using completely different cables. Tried completely unplugging the old drives troubleshooting the second time, so I've pretty much been thru every combination of cable/port by now.

    Also, took it in to GeekSquad today (who I am assuming are at least remotely more competent than me. I could be wrong.). Fellow there seemed to be of the same mind, likely the motherboard, which (he says) they're not equipped to replace, suggested sending it back to Dell.

  8. Wow what copious and expeditious response. :D

    Was in a bit of a rush when I typed that up. I've done enough troubleshooting to absolutely rule out either the hard drives or Windows (as the old hard drives with the old Windows are currently sitting on my desk). Thought that had fixed it but nope. So that makes the mobo the next likely suspect. It will boot thru POST & the bios screen, can boot from the CD, but with no CD in it just stops at the part where it should start booting off the hard drives. That tells me it's not the graphics cards, memory, or processor... right?

    Yes, scratch building a new system is always the most cost efficient but that's really above my paygrade at this point (I'm not the nerd I once was lol ;.;), and I'd prefer some kind of tech support when something inevitably goes wrong (my "projects" never end up being "quick" or "on budget"). Time is of the essence too, as that computer also ran my home security software which I'll now have to bodge onto my wife's laptop thereby negating the whole "laptop" bit. And KSP is just painful on this thing.

    I was on I think my third Alienware with the dead one. I've always liked them but I'm a bit annoyed with them now too since I just discovered they no longer build to order and it's just off the shelf. So I'm certainly open to other makers. I don't need a cutting edge fire-breathing liquid cooled gaming monster, just something that'll be better than what I've got now & run KSP well (and GTA5 when they get around to releasing it too).

  9. Probably the wrong subforum for this, but KSP IS 80% of what I use my computer for.

    Anyways, I have an older Alienware Aurora. Intel i7 930/2.8ghz, 6 meg RAM, dual Radeon 6870's, SSD's. Always handled everything I threw at it well but it is starting to show its age.

    And the main problem, now it won't boot, just gives me a flashing cursor. Long story short I'm suspecting a bad motherboard. Trying to decide whether to bother trying to fix it or just move on. I'm given to believe that Alienware case/mobo makes a simple replacement unlikely so it'd have to be shipped back & forth to Dell, wasting time & money.

    If my contract BS at work goes thru I can probably justify spending on this.

    So, question is, would that be a decent upgrade over what I've got? Spent a lot more on my current system but that was many years ago too.

  10. My mobile launcher concept is actually showing promise. The "launcher" part works pretty well (or the rocket wouldn't be exploding quite so far away) but two of the masts stubbornly refuse to drop like they're supposed to. And I think I finally added enough wheels to get the "mobile" part to work. Some of them still break on loading but they'll actually stay fixed after. In fact it worked so well it started rolling as soon as Jeb fixed the last wheel... so he had to chase after it, climb the ladder, fall off the ladder, get runned over by all 600 tonnes of it, chase it even faster, climb the ladder again, and get in and set the brake before he falls off & gets runned over again.

    CONTROLLED movement still eludes me at the moment, as with stock key bindings it starts wobbling all over the place as soon as I try to move it intentionally.

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  11. Is there a reason why the manoeuvre planner for interplanetary transfers doesn't have a "bugger the transfer window, I want to go today" option? It would be very useful to me.

    Second this. I realize it can be done using the "intercept target at..." option, but that's very counter intuitive and a lot of random number plunking unless you have some separate source for calculating transfers.

  12. That moment when you send out an interplanetary probe, go do something else for a while, then return to it for what was supposed to be a tiny correction burn, only now thanks to rounding errors, it's half your remaining delta v.

  13. https://www.dropbox.com/s/cx7ot1fo89opkuv/output_log5.txt?dl=0

    Throwing this log up if anyone can find it useful. Got a weird flying-away-from-the-camera bug, then Ship Manifest threw up a debug screen with an error a few moments later, but I clicked clear instead of save, so hopefully there's something still in the log. It's a good 10 megs, was getting alot of "Input is Null" and "Current crew is 6, cannot be more than 0" errors, not sure if that's SP related or not.

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