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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. THAT'S the April fools joke??? THAT'S it?? !@#$@*#$(#!^!#%$!!$!@($!@$(!@#%$!^!!! I thought it was [redacted] plastic bags in the [expletive] chute materials!!!

    Either way, seems like there IS actually a bug related to the automatically arm when deploying option. When checked, I still get that weird not-quite-there thing in the screenie I posted, even with a brand new rocket on the pad. Uncheck it, and it seems normal.

  2. Uhg, now I'm getting a very weird & potentially game killer bug here...

    It was doing it a couple days ago, seemed to go away on its own, and now it's back. What's happening is that as soon as I deploy the chute it starts PULLING the vessel down at incredible speeds. Quickloaded back to before reentry several times and it's always the same. Quickloaded, then exited & restarted KSP, pulled up the vessel thru the tracking station, and I got this:


    No, it's not supposed to look like that, about half of it is missing. And on one try so was Kerbin. I can load another orbiting vessel just fine.

    Can I pull the logs while the game is still running (ie, without exiting thru the menus)? Otherwise I have to wait until AFTER my Kerbals have been slammed into the ground at mach whatever (actually, they die of G forces thanks to DRE long before they get anywhere near the ground).

  3. It actually hasn't been asked until now. Looking through the OP of the new MCE I don't see anything that would cause an incompatibility. MCE is essentially like any other mod now so KCT doesn't have any special interactions with it like it did prior to 0.24. If you notice an incompatibility though, let me know.

    Well specifically, MCE has it's own revert button vs KCTs simulation resets, and now that you've added a cost for sims, that may interact with MCEs own cost...

  4. For some reason the AG triggers don't seem to be working for me in .24. Everything looks as it should in the GUIs, but nothing happens when it should. Even trying to trigger thru the GUI in flight on the timer. Is this a known issue or do I need to start posting logs?

    Also, maybe related, the inflatable bits from Special Parts are completely boogered. The righting bags disappear a few seconds after launch and cause the unfocused camera bug, and the heat shields start inflated (in the VAB) and don't seem to do anything other than play the decouple "puff" animation over & over.

  5. You do realize that this game is still under development right?

    That's why you bought the game at its low discounted price.

    -To accept some bugs (good or bad) and to be able to play early.


    go back and actually read what I've said...

    IIRC, saves do not change between the two versions -- you don't need to worry about losing your save between them.

    I start a new save with every new update. If x64 is going to give me this much hassle I'd rather know now before I put too much effort into it if I'm just going to get frustrated and switch back to x32 anyways.

    Speaking of which, is switching over to x32 just a matter of copying over the executable from the x32 zip?

  6. Yep, it's less stable, it'll get better with Unity updates though :)

    Oh and I moved this to development discussion.

    Less I can deal with, but from this (admittedly brief) bit of playing its crashing way more than even my modded-to-the-hilt out-of-memory .23.5 install does. I understand "less," but is this "normal??"

    So you complain when the Devs don't release the 64bit version for the reason its too buggy, and then you complain that they release it because its buggy....

    I'm not complaining, I'm asking. *My* experience thus far is that it's barely even playable. I understand that x64 is even alpha-y-er than x32 KSP, I'm trying to ascertain if crashes every 10 minutes are an expected behavior at this point and I need to go back to x32 before I get too involved in this save.

  7. To all who have MJ not showing up : open your KSP.log and search for :

    Attempting to replace PartModule 'MechJebCore' with 'XXXXXX' (the XXX part change)

    If you get that then you stumbled upon a bug in .24 and I can't do anything for you. You ll have to wait for a KSP patch.

    Wow thats a pretty severe bug. Is it something Squad is aware of and working on, or are we talking .025 ​here?

  8. I think some of the alternate "unofficial" models don't do this. -> http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77674-Small-MechJeb-touchscreen-case <- More than just this case in the comments.

    You can add this to your probe core cfg's to get the functionality without the part, but I don't remember if they stay remote or local.

    name = MechJebCore

    Other than that you'll have to do more code diving than I care to do at the moment.

    er, er, more specifically is there any way to disable vessel control, with MechJeb on board, if there's no signal? Takes most of the challenge away if those signal paths only serve to quell my OCD. For what it's worth, if be fine if even manned vessels were disabled without signal.

  9. Hi, my name is [redacted] and I am most definitely a Kerbaholic. I can occasionally get my wife to Kerbal (which is officially a verb now) or sit thru a particularly amusing video (as long as no Kerbals were harmed in the making of this video). And she just now asked me if I'm Kerballing and referred to the wedding she attended today as "very Kerbal" (it actually was, minus the explosions. Well at least the chemical kind). She also coined the phrase "oops I Kerballed" when we found a random rocket garden in Utah.

    I find it helps the addiction to occasionally put the Kerbals away (or just leave them floating in space) and go out back & shoot and/or weld something to regain some redneck cred. But I'm afraid one day that might lead to an actual rocket. Since it involves propellant & fire.

    God help me if Squad ever makes an iThingâ„¢ version of KSP.

  10. Just got to playing around with this after loving the old versions. Think I'm missing something tho, how does this new iteration work with MechJeb? I've had a couple of unmanned ships with MechJeb boxes that I'm still able to control even with no connection? Iirc, the older versions blocked out MJ along with other controls.

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