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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. So I schlepped a couple of ion bikes to Gilly to test out in the barely-there gravity. Jeb was thrilled for a moment:



    Until it became apparent that the thing is absolutely uncontrollable. I realized too late that the probe core I used has zero torque output. Then a minor collision with the ground made KSP that Jeb was a piece of debris stuck in the seat. So I figured the solution was, of course, an even bigger collision. So after much finagling (that new ion engine might as well be a Mainsail on Gilly) I manage to slam the bike into the ground at about 60 m/s. This knocks Jeb free but the game still thinks he's a piece of debris and won't let me control him, and he's now on a sub orbital cruise to the other side of the moonlet.


    It finally took a bit of save file editing to convince KSP that Jeb was, in fact, Jeb, and another twenty minutes of him bouncing and sliding around on his face before i could get him back to the ship. He didn't seem all that unhappy oddly enough:


  2. Spaceplanes are too bloody slow. In the time it takes to nudge a single spaceplane into orbit, drop a payload, and nudge it back down, I could launch a small multi module station with rockets, even more so if I don't care about recovering the LV (and it's more fun to watch it burn up of the way back down).

    that plan worked pretty durn well for the Russians after all. They launched HOW many space stations with simple, reliable, proven technology while we were still mired with an expensive, inefficient, and dangerous space plane?

  3. Think I've noticed an odd big here but haven't yet had a chance to chase it... Seems to be with the service module, it's not giving me electric or monoprop capacity in game... Everything looks fine in the VAN but get in game and there's nothing in the sm, although it does list their full capacities in the resources. Electricity won't charge into that "space," haven't tried transferring monoprop yet

  4. I's kawt me a ass-tee-royd. Kinnai keepum huh kinnai kinnai??


    Ok so I'm behind the times! While y'all been out wranglin' asteroids I've been gettin whooped by Moho. Repeatedly.

    (and I have absolutely no idea why I've suddenly lapsed into Redneck either)

  5. Oh ok I see what you're saying. The blue stripe was actually never released, it clashed with the OM really bad and I decided red accents would be a sort of HGR "thing." If you have the engines, then you have the newest version.

    Like I said, later I could throw up some alt stripe color textures if you want but idk when I'll get to it:)

    That would explain why I can't find the thing then. It would be appreciated, if you have the time, I think I'll be using these pods a lot in the next couple KSP versions. At the moment I'm still waiting on another mod to update so I can finish polishing that design so I'm in no hurry.

  6. In honor of the release of the ARM pack, aka 23.5, here is an updated release! This version includes the fix that JeffreyCor helped me find for booster recovery not always working properly (with some help from CatastrophicFailure as well), so thank you both for your assistance. Also included is the removal of time jump as you can now warp in the Space Center and Tracking Station. Warp works properly in both situations in my limited testing. I think those are the only changes. The link is in the OP (if you don't see it yet, give me a minute to actually add it)

    Edit: Annnnnd done! Link is in OP. I'm going to go finish writing my thesis now.

    i can't take any credit here, JefferyCor did the actual (and quite thorough) troubleshooting, all I did was say "me too."

    You're certainly right on top of keeping things updated. I'm STILL waiting on fix from the ProceduralParts guy :P

    If this mod is the kinda thing you cook up in your spare time, your thesis must be truly awe inspiring :cool:

  7. I'm not exactly clear what the difference between s*ip reentry and aerobra*ing is. Can one of you saying that this isn't s*ip reentry illuminate me?

    What they're saying is that true s*ip reentry requires some sort of aerodynamic force to actually change the flight path. Hitting perigee and rising again isn't an aerodynamic change, it's simply physics. The ground is "falling" away faster than you are, the same as a periapse on an airless body. First you descend, then you rise again, relative to the surface.

    What we get in *SP isn't *technically* s*ipping, but it does have most of the same problems & advantages (lower heating & G force, longer battery time needed) so it's close enuf for gummint wer*

  8. Um, when you say verticle blue do you mean the lines on the parachute? As far as an alternative texture goes I wouldn't mind doing it if it's something simple like a stripe but right now there's a lot of other work to be done and I'd rather be working on unfinished stuff than alternate textures. So sure, but I may not get to it for some time.

    Ok so I'm a bit mixed up too. The original SJ (that I'm still using) has a red stripe:


    Then the update (that I still need to update my ship to) has a perfect color blue stripe:


    All I need is one with a matching yellow stripe and I'll have the perfect naming scheme for my three reusable crew transports!


    Take that you delta-V sucking, axial-hole-having, kraken-inducing hose beast!

    And it woulda been 200 tons MORE if I wouldn't have had to dump the entire science section due to bugged docking ports!

    But I still have a lander. Oh yes, you Kerbol-baked, former-superheated-atmosphere-having, cratered destroyer of Kerbals' dreams, I still have a lander. And ima stick it right where the Kerbol never shines!

    Hold on to yer lug nuts it's tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime fer an overhaul!


  10. Updated my Apollo-style mission ship with Deadly Reentry's heat shield, and tweaked the first stage to reduce the number of struts required. Then proceeded to launch, do the Mun landing thing, and return to Kerbin safely. I thought I'd find Deadly Reentry hard, but its actually not really different than what I'd normally do for this mission.


    "Stock" deadly reentry is more like "dangerous as a hot stove reentry," you really have to be careless or deliberate to get any damage. Crank it up a notch or two and it gets much more interesting.

  11. Ok got my log files, need to figure out how to post them when I get home tonight. I watched the bit in question all the way down, it's getting deleted at 22k which is standard for unloaded suborbital debris right?

    and personally I think the rocket over the space center is kinda kewl. If you can figure how how/why it spawns where it does and just make it do so in a suitable building, now that would be even better!

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