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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Today the press was treated to an unexpected show. They came to see a launch, but got a dinner show instead. For some reason best left in the timeless darkness of ignorance, Jeb had a soundtrack ready to play over the facility PA for just such an event...


    Be our guest

    Be our guest

    Put the boosters to the test

    Though the parachutes were early it turned out to be for best.

    Shoot them high

    Watch 'em fly

    See the flames light up the sky

    It's the show you weren't expecting, while the launch profile's rejecting.

    No ship is second best

    But this one failed the test

    So be our guest

    Be our guest

    Be our gueeeeeeeeest!




    oooooooooooh aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

    only a couple of days early actually:cool:

  2. And what I have found in the orbiter forum ksp thread:

    Harvester's post about future and The trio personalities :)

    Later on I'm planning on adding a Nausea Tolerance parameter to their AI, and have them become nauseated under high angular velocities and possibly space sick as well, when under microgravity conditions... They could visually turn green also, if they weren't green already.... hmm, maybe they should turn yellow :-).

    Wait, what??? WHY IS THIS NOT PART OF KSP YET??? Forget contracts, I want hurling Kerbals!

    Wow, taking a look at my imageshack account I've found some really old pictures...


    never seen Kerbin look like that before. So I've gotta ask, how was the geography of the planet created? It looks very believable, but surely someone didn't sit there "hand drawing" the world? And was the resemblance to Africa deliberate? In-joke? Social statement?

  3. I don't think the issue here is pods, since those are relatively simple to calculate I imagine. The big issue is large ships going in for aerobraking or landings. I suppose it's possible to just put a disclaimer that it doesn't work on anything but pods but then that defeats the purpose slightly. I recommend Sarbian just focuses on features that are easier and potentially affect everyone not just FAR users. This is a game where you can quicksave and quickload and any time, the only thing limiting your ability to land or aerobrake properly is time.

    That being the problem, not everyone HAS that kind of time for trial & erroring. Something that could just give an estimate of a projected orbit or landing would be better than nothing, and in doing so would add an element of challenge rather than tedium. NASA doesn't even know EXACTLY in what orbit an aero braking probe would end up.

  4. My two cents, if we can't yet have 100% compatibility, how about just a "ballpark" figure on the landing simulation/AP? Like the landing ellipse estimates for real atmospheric entries? Myself, I could live with just a rough guess about where a pod would return, since they usually go in the drink anyway. Seems if y'all could do this, the issues with FAR & the launch AP are at least manageable with good design and planning (and escape towers).

  5. helldiver, any chance you could add some seperate downloads for different phases? for example; a link to download Phase 1 standalone, phase 2 standalone, phase 3 standalone. I love the mods, just I've crammed my gamedata full of other mods and I can't fit everything.

    I second this, I've got my KSO block 7 very tweaked for my uses which would all be undone ifn I had to reinstall the whole pack to get the Super.

  6. Today I went to Duna.

    Ike is OK.

    Duna sucks.

    I just wanted to have good parachuted landing...

    "Bill/Bob/Jebediah Kermann exeeded G-force tolerance"

    So, my whole Duna mission crew died.

    F...k that planet. You can't aerobrake effective because of thin atmosphere and parachutes just sucks. In semi-deployed status they can't do anything. When fully deployed, they just tear lander apart. Or killing crew, with Deadly Reentry.

    Sorry for grammar/spelling mistakes if I have them. I'm pretty much mad right now.

    With DRE you'll either need to use RealChutes or deploy stock chutes in phases, a couple at a time, to avoid that unpleasant "crew smashed into a greasy green paste" thing.

  7. What, four pages in and I'm the first Ugly American to admit to driving an enormous gas-guzzling SUV, AND LOVING IT?


    This is how I get around. I won't even set foot on a "public" airplane anymore. Had I not had my own transportation today, I never would have discovered this totally awesome "rocket garden" at the ATK plant in northern Utah completely by accident.

    :kiss:Lol but seriously, I live outside of Seattle and have worked in the public transportation industry for over a dozen years. One just cannot make the same transportation parallels between America & Europe (or east Asia) for one simple reason:

    Population density.

    Issues of personal liberty and taxation aside, no matter how much money you throw at it nowhere in America (except MAYBE the very largest cities) will you ever have a public transportation system on par with what one finds in Europe or elsewhere because there simply aren't enough people per square-whatever to support it, especially out here in the wide open west. And the more spread out a city is, the truer that becomes. The Seattle metro area is "relatively" dense with tiny, dense-city roads, going to a store say 10 miles away is a bit of a pain and takes anywhere from 20-30 minutes in light traffic. Down in Phoenix, Arizona where I was staying all the roads are enormous 7-lane-wide "sprawl-roads" on nice, straight one-mile grids and popping down to a store 10 miles away is nothing, and takes 15 minutes (or less, the way people down there drive:sealed:).

    I imagine the dichotomy is even more pronounced in Europe with its layers upon layers of history and roads first laid down a couple of millennia ago.

    Phoenix actually does have a growing "tram" (light rail) system and it's proving quite popular, but for the majority of commuters it will always be more of a curiosity than a tool. Which is not to say it isn't good or nesecssary, just not a "standard."

    (and actually, it's a diesel so it doesn't use a drop of gas, gets really good fuel economy for its size, and sees both sport AND utility. I have a motorcycle as well, but rest assured THAT's huge too :cool:)

  8. Thank you.

    I believe there was a misunderstanding. I'm not making Energia from Buran. To make the Energia boosters and design, would take too long for the amount of time I have available for this project. This project is already taking way too long as it is. Energia type boosters are also 4x more complicated to balance than the KSO Lifter 2 LRB+EFT design.

    The design of the Super 25 lifter's boosters are inspired by Energia in looks only, but not in function.

    I prefer not to split the lifter up into sub-components for the following reasons:

    -If you want a lifter that comes in parts (cones, bottom end, mid section), download any number of awesome mods that provide that. Adding yet another EFT, SRB, LRB parts kit is a waste of my time.

    -It makes it difficult for Nazari to balance properly since you end up with fuel in various sections all being used up in different ways complicating things significantly.

    -We have enough complaints in this thread from people not even able to fly the stock KSO that comes in the download... the thread would fill with complaints about a multi-part LRB/EFT solution that doesn't function well for them.

    -This project isn't designed to cater to advanced KSP users. I'm trying to target folks that want a shuttle that's easy to use and is an addition to gameplay content that doesn't become a chore on its own.

    Hope that clarifies things.

    perhaps a nice middle ground would be to simply leave a properly sized node/flat spot on the bottom of the not-Energia and leave it up to the player to make it work beyond that, if they so choose? As you said, there's plenty of engines & tools out there to make it work for not-you who wants to invest the time.

    Myself, I'm still pouting for a shuttle-C variant XD

  9. 3) Now this one is not essential at all but it wold be cool to consider, is soft landing engines, I know that its probably an overhaul of the main capsule but its just an idea and it would be cool, I don't know how bobcat did it but he got the engines on fire on their own.

    Oooh I second this one! Built in soft landing engines would bring a wonderful bit of completeness to the pod. If you do a search for the Landertron mod, it did something similar but looked awful with separatrons hanging off the side (plus they tend to burn up). So it's quite doable and the code is out there somewhere. And then you could watch everyone here fall all over each other trying to be the first to post a Gravity-style rendezvous (most Kerbal scifi scene ever)!

  10. Seem to have an issue here... I'm trying to replace a processor, only the new processor doesn't give me the option to attach? The experiments work just fine like any other KAS-compatible part, but I don't get the context menu on the high tech processor. I can only drop or activate it. Don't get the attach option after dropping either. I've got the MM config from the post referenced off the OP, is there something else I'm missing here?

  11. NASA specifically stated that the failure of Columbia was due to managerial style and structure. They are a government agency, that alone screams gross incompetence, and on top of it they are in charge of humans' lives. They blamed their culture on the need to secure funding at all costs; which makes no sense because the surest way to lose funding is systematic preventable failures resulting in the loss of life. Regardless, the entire design of the space shuttle is ludicrous. Everyone knew it, but the cool factor won out and they decided to risk the hell out of people's lives with no abort options during the first two minutes of launch. It's just a really unpractical space vehicle that could have only come into existence via a government program.

    Beat me to my point. Apollo had fatal flaws, but the overall design was sound (that's why we're returning to it). The shuttles overall design was doomed from the beginning. Challenger & Columbia were not anomalies, they were inevitabilities.


    Perhaps we really should take this discussion to another thread instead of clogging up helldiver's thread with more off topic banter.

  12. Uhm, where would you put the LES anyway's? There isn't really a launch escape system on the real shuttle, only various aborts involving either attempting to recover the orbiter or having the crew bailout. Space Shuttle abort modes

    LES on my KSO Heavy attempt, added a decoupler to the pod CFG. The Heavy was more trouble than it was worth, but the LES works flawlessly, and completely automated thanks to SmartParts.







    I've read those shuttle abort modes before. The idea of rotating the entire stack (minus SRB's) 180* and trying to fly back is just ridiculous beyond Kerbalism.

    Just because the real life space shuttle had no such system is no reason That we have to constrain ourselves. (interestingly enough, the crew compartment of the Challenger survived the explosion of its EFT intact. Given the nature of its construction, it's not outside the bounds of possibility to have given the entire crew compartment a means of separating from the rest of the shuttle to act as an escape pod withs its own parachutes and braking rockets)

    NASA (very) briefly considered that idea after Challenger but dismissed it as too heavy and expensive. The dirty little secret of the Challenger incident is not only did the crew cabin remain intact through the breakup, the crew survived (switches on the control panel had been moved), and may even have been conscious when the impact with the water killed them.

    Irony: None of the contingency procedures implemented after Challenger could actually have helped the Challenger.

  13. Fair enough! Anyway, I realise could create a mod-manager .cfg to allow it. Just adds RCS capacity to the nose gear.
    The cockpit, cargo bay, and rear fuselage are all one piece.


    So it should be easier (read: less tail-first) for reentry without having to dump all your fuel since it shouldn't be tail-heavy like an empty KSO with fuel in the rear fuselage.

    Hmm, one piece body. No more LES I guess :(

  14. bill: quick question. How does one remove puke from inside of a space suit?

    MC: :sealed:

    Y'know what? That's a DARN good question! Does anyone have a serious answer? I'm truly curious now. I'm sure it's cone up before (no pun intended).

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