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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. But sadly, the video does not seem to be working.
  2. Let’s hope that’s not the beginning of a trend this week...
  3. Finally! There’s the solar panels! I have an irrational amount of excitement at finally seeing them.
  4. I have a “gaming” desktop and it’s crawling with only a few hundred parts. Maybe it really is time for a new rig... [Exterior, wind-blown mountain range] Protagonist, voice-over: So, I bet you’re wondering how I wound up in this mess...
  5. I think that’s so they don’t burn the fins off with the SuperDracos in a low-altitude abort... which would be a really, really bad time to have your fins burnt off. They’re integrating flight hardware. I think January seems quite reasonable, the bureaucracy is the big unknown at this point.
  6. It took me a moment to fully appreciate what “stock” meant here. Your poor framerate... How are you even making a robot arm work with stock bits??
  7. Yup, like @0111narwhalz said, click your username in the upper right>account settings>signature, over on the left.
  8. *furiouly chews on tongue to avoid making political statement*
  9. Well, some people are just like Slinkies... not very useful but you can’t help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs. Note to self: write in stairs,
  10. I think a movie started like this... and everybody laughed and then there was 40 days and 40 nights of meteor showers and no one was laughing anymore. But I could be mistaken. But they’re planning to build this in Florida: Does look a bit similar...
  11. Looking at those times... we have a very real possibility of SpaceX and BO flying at the same time. This would surely create some kind of awesomeness singularity and invert the fabric of space-time, exterminating all life as we know it, so probably won’t actually happen. Man someone has got to get you a WiFi hotspot.
  12. Numbers about words always interest me. I’ve already got about 2000 new words, mostly brutalizing Burdous for cheap laughs, now on to the interesting part!
  13. Year 13, day 84... Crashing ahead, here, with reckless abandon Proceeding carefully after a thorough analysis of all factors, we are now building station modules at a frenetic pace! I'm sure no one will do anything foolish, like, say, drill a hole in the wrong place and then cover it up, but we're ready to move ahead with the first launch! With most of the modules massing north of 50 tonnes, we've had to re-think our launch options as well. The Core is going up on an experimental "stage and a half" lifter using the booster from our powerful Otho V, minus the center engine, and a newly designed upper stage/tug that will also serve as our initial power and propulsion platform.We've got a pretty good bead on exactly the orbit the return module from Gratian will fall into once it reaches Gael space, which just happens to coincide with our standard interplanetary parking orbit. This is where we'll be building the new station. Now, we have to fix the thing before we can do anything else with it. Rollout Bob, it's time for rocket surgery!
  14. You see, Ivan, when... ask no questions, get in pod. Wait a sec... what mod is getting you that wonderfully tentaclly explosion?
  15. They’re probably just going for historical accuracy. The Soviet Voskhod capsules were really just Vostoks with extra crew couches crammed inside. They never bothered to reorient the controls, so the cosmonauts literally had to “fly” the capsule sideways like this. ETA: found a pic. This is Voskhod 3. Note the gauge panel near the top. The crew would have been sitting across the frame, so that this panel was at the cosmonaut’s elbow. In Vostok, he would have been looking ahead/down at it, with the Vzor window kinda at his feet.
  16. Dang, there was a lot of sparking on that S2 burn. Is the bell ablatively cooled or something? Couple times there it looked like the flameout animation from the game.
  17. It’s not that it’s heavy, it’s less than 4000kgs, but they’re going to partially circularize the orbit with the upper stage, and that needs a lot more fuel. Falcon Heavy (still) is not yet certified for gov’t launches and won’t be until at least the STP-2 flight later next year.
  18. There was one more that had a high-altitude abort, the number escapes me but IIRC the core stage didn’t separate properly and put the upper stage/spacecraft into a spin. Crew aborted using the Soyuz engine and had a pretty rough descent but were ok.
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